Rising Star
In this topic I would like to gather different approaches on how to live a content life, that can be perceived as fulfilled by the individual, and therefor keeps your mind healthy.
The question isn’t on how to be happy all the time, but what ways have each of you found to make your life feel well lived
This question especially arises to me as soon as the main necessities for surviving are fulfilled.
Lots of people today have regular feelings of depression and meaninglessness in their life. While neurochemical imbalances can as well be the cause, I would like to think a lot of it comes down to what you do with your life, and more so, how you perceive it.
The mainstream pathways that have been set by the capitalistic culture also seem to provide only temporary satisfaction and many people who try to get up the food chain through those ways cause mental and physical damage to them selves, mostly through excessive exposure to stress.
The possibilities to design your life are endless and almost everything seems possible. How ever there is no parameter to say, what is worth doing, and from a certain perspective everything can seem pretty much meaningless.
So how do you choose to spend your days and what goals do you aim for in life, to make it feel right for you at the end of the day?
Do you strive to work for a greater cause (nature preservation, system overthrow,…), that might live on?
Get a connection to nature as deep as possible?
Bath in endorphins as often as you can?
Some kind of spiritual development?
Take care of the survival of your genes?
Just some examples, that provide a frame to where I am aiming at, but invite to be overthrown…
The question isn’t on how to be happy all the time, but what ways have each of you found to make your life feel well lived
This question especially arises to me as soon as the main necessities for surviving are fulfilled.
Lots of people today have regular feelings of depression and meaninglessness in their life. While neurochemical imbalances can as well be the cause, I would like to think a lot of it comes down to what you do with your life, and more so, how you perceive it.
The mainstream pathways that have been set by the capitalistic culture also seem to provide only temporary satisfaction and many people who try to get up the food chain through those ways cause mental and physical damage to them selves, mostly through excessive exposure to stress.
The possibilities to design your life are endless and almost everything seems possible. How ever there is no parameter to say, what is worth doing, and from a certain perspective everything can seem pretty much meaningless.
So how do you choose to spend your days and what goals do you aim for in life, to make it feel right for you at the end of the day?
Do you strive to work for a greater cause (nature preservation, system overthrow,…), that might live on?
Get a connection to nature as deep as possible?
Bath in endorphins as often as you can?
Some kind of spiritual development?
Take care of the survival of your genes?
Just some examples, that provide a frame to where I am aiming at, but invite to be overthrown…