I don't have any words to add to the lexicon, but I think the whole things is a nice idea.
As far as the "naming" of the words, a few possible ways occurred to me. It seems like many words come by way of their meaning and combination in other languages. For example, "millipede" means 'thousand' and 'foot' in Latin and Indo-European, respectively (just looked it up 8) ). Or "geometry" was 'measurement of land' in Greek. Also, it seems like some words are slight alterations of others, like maybe "stink" and "stank." :lol: "Jimjam" might be like this; the descriptive 'jam' with the rhyming and a little sily 'jim.' Plus there's always onomonopias, which actually sound like the phenomenon they describe, like "clap" probably. Metaphors are another obvious source.
I also find the idea (alluded to in a few previous posts), that having a word for something effects how we experience it, to be entertaining. I've read some who would go so far as to say that the word IS the idea, the feeling, the experience, and without it there is almost nothing. Personally I'd take a more moderate position, if forced, in that I'm certain words effect our perceptions, but I hope language isn't a prerequisite for consciousness and thought. Along this line, I'd originally wanted to produce my first trip report before reading other people's so I could transcribe it fresh and uninfluenced.
The whole idea of "newspeak" in Orwell's 1984 is about this. The government actually works to eliminate words for expressing discontent and freedom and personal creativity from the language. The idea is that without those words, the people are incapable of such thoughts. They would be zombies serving at the pleasure of the elite. Just a chance to tie into one of the best components of one of my favorite books, so I couldn't resist. :idea:
Maybe I'll have some actual terms to suggest eventually.