Hello I am an 18 year old currently in college and still living with my parents. I am now I guess a frequent cannabis smoker who has become interested in psychedelics ever since coming across the spirit molecule documentary. I've had some spiritual experiences while really stoned and I am really interested in expanding my consciousness and learning more about myself and the world with the help of psychedelics. For the past few months I have been contemplating whether or not I should try psychedelics, so I've asked my parents about mental disorders in the family and I've considered whether or not I have an addictive personality and if I'll be responsible with my use. I have decided that not only will I be responsible for my use, but also I am ready to have a somewhat new view of reality.
I have always been a skeptic and I think that that is a good thing. Now all I need is to find the opportunity to try it, which may take months or a year depending on how many and what friends I make in college. Currently none of my friends are interested, nor do I have a place where I can make the preparations for DMT. I am now trying to decide whether or not to try DMT first or other psychedelics since other psychedelics are harder to get a hold of.
But I'm glad now that I don't feel bad about my interest in psychedelics and I'm not that afraid now. I hope to be a part of this community for a while
I have always been a skeptic and I think that that is a good thing. Now all I need is to find the opportunity to try it, which may take months or a year depending on how many and what friends I make in college. Currently none of my friends are interested, nor do I have a place where I can make the preparations for DMT. I am now trying to decide whether or not to try DMT first or other psychedelics since other psychedelics are harder to get a hold of.
But I'm glad now that I don't feel bad about my interest in psychedelics and I'm not that afraid now. I hope to be a part of this community for a while