Rising Star
My introduction essay
I am excited to be so fortunate as to become one of the new members. I have tried to join the DMT-Nexus several times but was unable to, until i saw a thread on joining. I saw that new members can join on saturdays and sundays. I decided to try again a few minutes after midnight on november 4th and was excited to have finaly become a member.
The reason I wanted to become a member is simple , I wanted to be able to read the threads and learn.
The more I read about experiencing DMT the more I feel that it will happen when and if I am ready. I may never try DMT.
I don't often need to ask questions since i enjoy researching subjects. I know that I will become a full member when the universe decides that I am ready.I will introduce my self by talking about my past mostly and perhaps my feelings.
I dropped my first acid over 40 years ago, two hits of blotter. I did not know what to expect and i liked it as I found it gave me insight into myself and therefore others. I was given a hit of orange barrell two months later but I did not have the experience i wanted as 1 hit is for recreation and I wanted to do some intellectual exploration.
I waited 2 years before I tried acid again and that time I took 2 hits of blue star blotter, I loved it. I had such great understanding of myself, others and it seemed all things. I was one with the universe. The next day I set out to buy as much as i could while it was available, I settled for 30 hits at full price. I used that to trip and turned on my friends for free. Over the next 5 years I would buy 100 hits at a time so I could trip alone or with friends when I felt like it. I thought of LSD as well sacred and believed it was proper to give it away, I had no problem paying for it as it costs the brave chemist money to produce. I am grateful for the risks they took and see them as hereos.
I felt that acid was such a special thing, I recognized that it could be useful to gain understanding so much so that I suggested to my parents that we should all take a few hits to gain understanding to enhance our family bonds. They said no, I felt that they missed out on a special experience, now I know they were not ready and never meant to do LSD, to never get the incredible insight & understanding that LSD gives one as a gift from the universe. They passed on more than 10 years ago and I was always scared of that happening, psychedelics helped me come to terms with that event, giving understanding and acceptance of this difficult thing we must all go through.
I have tripped on mushrooms and prefer P. Mexicana sub-strains and or P Cyanescens. I have used cannabis for over 40 years and fell in love with it from the day we met.I credit cannabis with getting me through some difficult times in my life. I enjoy both sativaa and my favorite sativas are the original haze and the old colombians around in the '70's. I like many indicas and will leave it at that.
I enjoy comedy and got a great laugh reading about the April fools day joke that was posted on the Nexus - the Elite Big Dawg Chill area & Trading forum.
I like plants of all kinds and enjoy gardening whether food or flowers and especially enjoy growing plants that have been used by Shamans from cactus to salvia
I like to learn and have enjoyed studing here. My interest in chemistry goes back to when I was 8 years old. I am impressed with what I have read here on the subject and dream of the ways to use chromatography to my benifit, being practical I think of Paper, TLC and Column chromatography. I am interested in science of several displines including biology & genetics.
I like to read and listen to music mostly the old rock.
I don't know that I will ever need to post outside of the welcome area as I don't know what I could ever write that would be a contribution, it seems most things are all ready covered. The policy restricting new members posts to the welcome area actualy is comforting as I feel no pressure to babble.
Thank you for taking your time to read my introduction. I may write more about me later, you all know that guys like to talk about themselves.
I will continue to study here and elsewhere, finnish the questionnaire & learn to navigate this sight so I can add an avatar/image and such trival things.
I am excited to be so fortunate as to become one of the new members. I have tried to join the DMT-Nexus several times but was unable to, until i saw a thread on joining. I saw that new members can join on saturdays and sundays. I decided to try again a few minutes after midnight on november 4th and was excited to have finaly become a member.
The reason I wanted to become a member is simple , I wanted to be able to read the threads and learn.
The more I read about experiencing DMT the more I feel that it will happen when and if I am ready. I may never try DMT.
I don't often need to ask questions since i enjoy researching subjects. I know that I will become a full member when the universe decides that I am ready.I will introduce my self by talking about my past mostly and perhaps my feelings.
I dropped my first acid over 40 years ago, two hits of blotter. I did not know what to expect and i liked it as I found it gave me insight into myself and therefore others. I was given a hit of orange barrell two months later but I did not have the experience i wanted as 1 hit is for recreation and I wanted to do some intellectual exploration.
I waited 2 years before I tried acid again and that time I took 2 hits of blue star blotter, I loved it. I had such great understanding of myself, others and it seemed all things. I was one with the universe. The next day I set out to buy as much as i could while it was available, I settled for 30 hits at full price. I used that to trip and turned on my friends for free. Over the next 5 years I would buy 100 hits at a time so I could trip alone or with friends when I felt like it. I thought of LSD as well sacred and believed it was proper to give it away, I had no problem paying for it as it costs the brave chemist money to produce. I am grateful for the risks they took and see them as hereos.
I felt that acid was such a special thing, I recognized that it could be useful to gain understanding so much so that I suggested to my parents that we should all take a few hits to gain understanding to enhance our family bonds. They said no, I felt that they missed out on a special experience, now I know they were not ready and never meant to do LSD, to never get the incredible insight & understanding that LSD gives one as a gift from the universe. They passed on more than 10 years ago and I was always scared of that happening, psychedelics helped me come to terms with that event, giving understanding and acceptance of this difficult thing we must all go through.
I have tripped on mushrooms and prefer P. Mexicana sub-strains and or P Cyanescens. I have used cannabis for over 40 years and fell in love with it from the day we met.I credit cannabis with getting me through some difficult times in my life. I enjoy both sativaa and my favorite sativas are the original haze and the old colombians around in the '70's. I like many indicas and will leave it at that.
I enjoy comedy and got a great laugh reading about the April fools day joke that was posted on the Nexus - the Elite Big Dawg Chill area & Trading forum.
I like plants of all kinds and enjoy gardening whether food or flowers and especially enjoy growing plants that have been used by Shamans from cactus to salvia
I like to learn and have enjoyed studing here. My interest in chemistry goes back to when I was 8 years old. I am impressed with what I have read here on the subject and dream of the ways to use chromatography to my benifit, being practical I think of Paper, TLC and Column chromatography. I am interested in science of several displines including biology & genetics.
I like to read and listen to music mostly the old rock.
I don't know that I will ever need to post outside of the welcome area as I don't know what I could ever write that would be a contribution, it seems most things are all ready covered. The policy restricting new members posts to the welcome area actualy is comforting as I feel no pressure to babble.
Thank you for taking your time to read my introduction. I may write more about me later, you all know that guys like to talk about themselves.
I will continue to study here and elsewhere, finnish the questionnaire & learn to navigate this sight so I can add an avatar/image and such trival things.