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I have lost my purspose in life because of DMT


Esteemed member
Dear DMT users,
I am writing here to clear my thoughts. I have read a lot about DMT, mainly other people's experiences but also scientific articles. My problem is that I have lost my purpose in life because of DMT. Since my student years, I have believed in the afterlife, astral projection, higher self, karma, in God... But it turns out that what I thought was parapsychology could just be a "trip" caused by the natural occurrence of DMT in the brain. Most DMT experiences closely resemble astral projection, near-death experiences, communication with angelic beings, etc. So everything that I believed in and gave me strength and hope is suddenly gone. I am writing here because I do not have any real experience with DMT. I am curious to hear the opinion of an experienced DMT user - what do you think about it?
Before you had heard of DMT's naturally occurring nature, did you think that an astral projection or divine experience would be accompanied by completely normal brain activity? Featuring completely normal neurochemistry? Of course not. When we recalibrate or upgrade a telescope, our view of the heavens changes. But that doesn't mean our new view of the heavens are illusory just because the instrument or lens has been altered. The fact that the brains chemistry and activity change during these types of experiences says very little about their overall nature and meaning.

Having some ontological shock where your beliefs get shaken to the core can be a good thing. Just work with it and see what you think, then question that too.

People have been working with psychedelics for millenia. Despite knowing that those self described "divine experiences" were partially mediated by plants, they still didn't regard them as just a delusion or illusory circus, though that can be a part of it sometimes for sure. They saw that humans are seamlessly embedded in the natural world and employed certain techniques and plant medicines to tune their lens of perception.
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No one really knows what is going on. Even the normal life without any paranormal stuff is a mystery if you truly think about it. One can say there was a big bang and life just emerged but we do not truly know anything about conditions prior to it. Nobody knows if the hallucinations are actually real or not. You can certainly measure the brain and figure out that there's unusual activity at the same time, does that make it real? What about the fact that a human brain can make structures up to 11 dimensions, same amount of dimensions predicted to be in the universe? We can comprehend 3, maybe some individuals could do 4. "Just a trip" does not really explain anything. It's like saying water is wet.

Fun thought experiment: If there is sentient life elsewhere, we are the aliens for them. We are actually technologically advanced ape like creatures on a self sustainable sphere floating in space. How do you even begin to explain that? "It's just humans on a rock"... :)
I wouldn't go that far, sure it's in small amounts normally, but what about during highly stressful events in which the body naturally/normally spurts out say some Adrenaline or Endorphins or something? DMT is a trace amine, and like hormones for example, is likely only to be released given a certain context, so my line of thinking on that is that DMT wouldn't be released by the body in a larger amount unless something stimulates it's production, like a highly stressful event like death or near death or perhaps hardcore terror or something, idk. But i don't believe it doesn't serve a purpose, it's clearly there for a reason imo.

Also it's worth keeping in mind that quite a few things are involved in endogenous DMT production, like SAM-E for example which is required for methylation by INMT (supposedly) to convert Tryptamine into N-Methyltryptamine and then into DMT, however SAM-E is produced by the body from Folate and B12, and based on what i've figured out lately, Folic Acid sucks and is likely poison (and people should use Methylfolate instead, imo/ime) and people are likely really deficient in Folate and B12, and if they're low in those things and thus low in SAM-E one can also be low in DMT, so if one were wanting more endogenous DMT production for example, one would need to give the body the precursors to make it. Also Tryptamine isn't orally active, unless MAO-A is inhibited, so if you consume Tryptophan normally only a little bit would turn into Tryptamine in the gut, but if you take Harmalas to inhibit gut MAO-A and then an hour later consume Tryptophan, with the aid of P5P B6 via the AADC enzyme Tryptophan turns into Tryptamine and is orally active, from there, how it gets turned into NMT and DMT, idk, but is speculated to be via INMT using SAM-E as a co-factor, which again, no Folate/B12, no SAM-E. I hope they figure out more in the time to come on endo-DMT though, because it's more than possible imo to raise the levels and have it more accessible.
I will consistently be given DMT like dreams if I take tryptophan, every single time. Also I have read that there is probable biosynthesis route of tryptophan to DMT. I do believe that excess tryptophan is always converted to DMT in the body and it will manifest as very intense dreams. Not sure if normal dreams are just low dose of the same.

Also DMT has been found in rabbit lung and that could explain how some breathing exercises will result in similar experiences.
Regarding the OP

If one does or does not believe in spirits, an afterlife and other such claims, very little actually changes. The needs of people of faith and those without it are remarkably similar.

When we are busy doing things we love, we don't even bother with beliefs. Nobody eats their breakfast and worries about God, they just bite, chew and swallow.

Belief is meant to serve you, some have corrupted belief so they try to get people to serve the belief, this is a form of mental slavery.

The most potent of all claims is a shrug.
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