I'm just saying be careful. It is dangerous stuff. Naphtha is also dangerous. It's very flammable. Lots of people use naphtha instead of DCM which SWIM finds puzzling. SWIM uses DCM because it’s not flammable, and it’s far better at extracting DMT than naphtha. But DCM is a potential cancer risk so some people avoid it because of that. I think mainly most people just don’t know where to get DCM and so they grab the worst possible solvent, naphtha. Naphtha is really on the low end and considered to be a vastly inferior solvent for extractions. That’s why in all the professional literature on plant extractions they use ether, chloroform, or DCM. You pretty much never see naphtha being used.
Pretty much all of this stuff is dangerous in one way or another.
Even the basic solvent we all use called water can kill you if you drink too much of it! Or drown you if you fall into it!
If you’re using dangerous chemicals, please where gloves and take all the other steps to ensure you don’t breathe it in or get it on your skin, eyes, etc.
SWIM always prefers to use the least dangerous chemicals possible.
SWIM has been working on a simple DMT extraction tech that uses only water, salt, and dilute HCl to precipitate DMT HCl. It works, the yield is small, but the tech in not perfected yet. Others I know are working on extracting DMT using only acetone and fumaric acid and they seem to be getting good results.
Eventually an extraction tech will be found for DMT that is safe and simple, requiring no non-polar solvents at all, no dangerous bases, and no dangerous acids. At that point we can stop using gloves, gas masks, fume hoods, and all those dangerous chemicals. Such extraction techs are in the works right now. They’ve already been perfected for harmine, harmaline, and bufotenine. It’s only a matter of time for these techs to be adapted to DMT, and 5-MeO-DMT.