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I'm sure some of us can empathize with this guy :)

Migrated topic.
Can't empathize with people posting videos of their Sage use. This is what got Sage banned in many countries. Flagged him.

P.S. Apart from that... yeah.
He explains it further in one of his comments:

Think of it like this: Your mind is actually the 'outside' and this reality is the 'inside'. I call it the MIND FLIP. Everyone is looking INTO reality from the OUTSIDE. So when you die, you merely step away from a physical illusion that is contained within a greater reality. Thus, it seems as if people live in each others minds.

(I don't think videos of this kind are the reason for the ban on Salvia. Actually, I find this one quite harmless compared to the rest.)
But his words are what gets his message across. The video is just marketing for his proposal, which will draw unecassary attention.

To people not in the know, that guy is temporarily insane, talking to beings that aren't there. Folk aren't all so understanding you know?
gigaschatten said:
Can't empathize with people posting videos of their Sage use. This is what got Sage banned in many countries. Flagged him.

P.S. Apart from that... yeah.

Wrong, I can't see anything in this video, or in any similar video, that represents the appearance of any public hazard, and so in no way it's attracting attention in any public forum regarding any needed regulation.
Thank you for posting this video cellux. Its nice to know others have had experiences of seeing the truth of reality as well.

Its just a game.:)
gigaschatten said:
Can't empathize with people posting videos of their Sage use. This is what got Sage banned in many countries. Flagged him.

P.S. Apart from that... yeah.

I hope the video isn't removed because of your actions.
Morphane said:
gigaschatten said:
Can't empathize with people posting videos of their Sage use. This is what got Sage banned in many countries. Flagged him.

P.S. Apart from that... yeah.

I hope the video isn't removed because of your actions.

Actually that's the purpose of flagging. As much as I liked to watch it, it's fuel on the flames for the prohibition monkeys, just like all the other live experience videos. If that guy was a bit more considerate, he would have made a play out of it for example. If DMT was still legal, would you risk public attention?
gigaschatten said:
Morphane said:
gigaschatten said:
Can't empathize with people posting videos of their Sage use. This is what got Sage banned in many countries. Flagged him.

P.S. Apart from that... yeah.

I hope the video isn't removed because of your actions.

Actually that's the purpose of flagging. As much as I liked to watch it, it's fuel on the flames for the prohibition monkeys, just like all the other live experience videos. If that guy was a bit more considerate, he would have made a play out of it for example. If DMT was still legal, would you risk public attention?

I couldn't disagree with you more.

Before YouTube, Salvia was made illegal where I live. Videos like the one in this thread is all I've got. The only access I have to the mystical experiences produced by entheogens.

If you're worried about prohibition, make measures to procure plants to ensure your own supply, and please leave whatever crumbs there are on YouTube for people like me.

I can't express how much I appreciated the live, actual experience of that person. The way he behaved was so genuine and adorable, such a fascinating insight into what the psychedelic experience must be like - it enriched me immensely.

By the way, a written account could in no way have come close to what that video expressed. Only a few people have the art of writing down their experiences anyway.
Morphane said:
gigaschatten said:
Morphane said:
gigaschatten said:
Can't empathize with people posting videos of their Sage use. This is what got Sage banned in many countries. Flagged him.

P.S. Apart from that... yeah.

I hope the video isn't removed because of your actions.

Actually that's the purpose of flagging. As much as I liked to watch it, it's fuel on the flames for the prohibition monkeys, just like all the other live experience videos. If that guy was a bit more considerate, he would have made a play out of it for example. If DMT was still legal, would you risk public attention?

I couldn't disagree with you more.

Before YouTube, Salvia was made illegal where I live. Videos like the one in this thread is all I've got. The only access I have to the mystical experiences produced by entheogens.

If you're worried about prohibition, make measures to procure plants to ensure your own supply, and please leave whatever crumbs there are on YouTube for people like me.

I can't express how much I appreciated the live, actual experience of that person. The way he behaved was so genuine and adorable, such a fascinating insight into what the psychedelic experience must be like - it enriched me immensely.

By the way, a written account could in no way have come close to what that video expressed. Only a few people have the art of writing down their experiences anyway.

You know, I can't help it, but that sounds a bit selfish to me. Where I live, Sage has already been illegalized, so I don't give a piss about prohibition monkeys pestering me anymore. There are people though that can still profit from the insights of Sage... without prosecution. I'd like to keep it that way.
Personally I don't like videos like that on the web. Theres a hell of a lot of kids that browse videos on utube, kids that aren't in search of anything spiritual or healing, but come accross a video like that and will think it looks like a cool idea and very likely have bad experience which is bad in itself, but worse having our sacred herbs made illegal.

I also think the guy on that video is a bit of a silly individual for beleiving everything he hears or perceives from those experiences.
I think it's silly to even WANT to put oyur experiences on youtube..like, WTF would you want THAT on YOUTUBE??

Youtube for the most part is a joke..sure there are good things on there..and I use it all the time to watch documentaries etc..but for the most part youtube is a place where alot of stupid people end up to post and watch stupid videos mocking other people..

Thanks, but no thanks..I wouldn't be caught dead in the middle of my salvia trance on youtube.

It also hurts the salvia community..youtube videos are a huge scapegoat used against salvia staying legal..
"Before YouTube, Salvia was made illegal where I live. Videos like the one in this thread is all I've got. The only access I have to the mystical experiences produced by entheogens."

..well I can assure you ingesting salvinorin A is in no way similar to watching people do it on youtube!..go to another state and buy it.. better yet get some clones etc, noone will know or care either way, illegal or not..you could get pulled over with a plant a smal cutting in the car and I doubt evena cop would say anything..youtube wont help you..
edit..NV I see you live in australia..my bad..but for others in the US, you can still go use salvia in other states if you want to try it.

Sucks for people in Oz I guess..but i am positive people over there are growing it..at least you guys have the salvia crusaders
I am sure if oyu are patient you will come across someone in the entheo community over there that could give you a clone.

I do think this video was a bit of an exception when compared to others out there..whoever this guy is he definatily got it, and I can respect those who can see it for what it is..I just dont think youtube is the place for it..we need to think ahead a bit about these things..it is sad, but in this society youtube is just to mainstream for something so controversial that we might loose it..

Not that this stuff doesn't need to get out there, or that others dont deserve to know about it..but youtube isnt cutting it anyway..too many stupid people just trying to get high.
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