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I'm sure some of us can empathize with this guy :)

Migrated topic.
gigaschatten said:
fractal enchantment said:
I think that this whole thing is basically going into the area of free speach...I think that we should be free to talk about ANYTHING we wish to talk about, and that includes whatever we wish to talk about on youtube..I personally dont want to live in a dictatorship(or any more of one) where we loose our freedom of speech(the little we still have)..

You're right, free speech is fine, but that does not release you from responsibility.

Well, yeah i agree thats what the rest of my post said..

..."But winning this thing isnt as one dimensional as that...we need to use forsight and be able to read the actions of the oppressors...I wouldnt tell people what they can or cant put up for others to see..if you want to film yourself in the middle of a salvia trance for all to see..so be it. I cannot stop you..but I would inform you on how easily the authorities can get ahold of that video and use it as evidence in court against salvia..all they see is drug use..they dont discriminate.

I would also inform one about the dangers of uninformed youth seeing one video and running out and getting ahold of the stuff and hurting themsleves..and the entire salvia culture in the process..

Why people choose to actaully take salvia on youtube is the thing I just dont understand..there is just NO need for it. I think it's fine to make videos describing your experiences and such..but noone needs to see you take it, zone out, drool on yourself, roll around, laugh like noone else and basically give the impression to right wing extremists that salvia makes you act "insane".

Why cant people just smoke it, come back..and then start filming and explaining? That would be more respectable..to others that enjoy this plant legally and to the plant itself..

People cant see what you are seeing anyway, so there is no point in filming the actaul trip.

I hope one day we as a society are mature enough to be able to handle having these things so mainstream without enlisting for the next witchhunt..but we aren't there yet..

You think all the pagans inthe middle ages were just outing themselves openly for everyone to see..no, they kept it the downlow, with good reason because otherwise they church would kill them"..
Hi There

This sure as shit beats the usual youtube Salvia videos of sadistic kids encouraging their compatriots to "clear" the 40x toke. The typical youtube Salvia video is like this - just try it, it's like pot, clear it, hold it, etc. Then the giggling homies use their cell-phones to take photos as their "friend" stumbles around completely lost and comes back saying something like, "What the FUCK happened?!?"

Peace & Love,
I'm having difficulty figuring out if thats real or fake. Is it even possible to talk that clearly to something? let alone while that effected? I thought salvia hits you quickly and you disconnect. why does he instantly commune with the 'being'? Is it because hes already taken and been under the influence for a bit? My mind is reeling. I want this to be true but i've no clue!:x

Post or pm me your thoughts.
Yes, communication of that kind is possible. It's actually pretty easy using plain leaves. It's also possible on high doses, but requires concentration and experience. It helps to declare your intent before taking the journey.
I hope NO ONE can empathize with THIS guy...

This is the video reply I try to tag onto Salvia/Hell videos.

I address it to lawmakers and say "Look how THIS guy acts on a legal substance. Anything can be abused. I try to say to the ones making the video that they should experiment, but be safe and realize that this IS indeed fodder for the prohibitionists. Keep it on the down low.

As far as finding info on plant allies, the net is FULL of resources that don't scream "LOOK AT WHAT THIS UNSAFE DRUG IS DOING TO KIDS!!!"

The seeking is part of our path. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Most will find her an uncomfortable fit and leave her alone. She doesn't have time to waste on those to whom her lessons mean nothing.

We ALL know where this is leading. It IS inevitable. Buy your plants now. Love and nurture and respect them. Those of us that do have the foresight to see what is coming and prepare will reap the benefits. Those making these videos will no longer have access. Problem solved.


Holy shit that is the funniest thing I have ever seen on youtube!!!!!

Good grief!!
I love how he is there to buy more beer!!
And towards the end you can see, that it is still day light outside!!!

This guy is king of the unemployed...but somewhat well dressed...losers of the galaxy!!

Thanks for that one!!

Jorkest said:
I drink beer during the day!! and im not a loser :'(

To that extent though?

Drinking beer during the day is fine.
...but being stumbling-stupid-falling-down-grabbing-at-the-air-shitfaced-drunk-while-at-the-store-buying-more-beer
does seem a bit loooooooser-ish to me.

Even with classical music in the background.😉

Haha, that video is hilarious! You can see the whole clip here, it is 11 minutes long. I love how it is 11 am, and especially how he is there to buy beer. But I do think he is just acting, take notice of how easy he goes out from the store at the end... Still funny though.

As for the video this thread is about, I really feel sorry for him! People should not believe everything they are told. It is sad to see that people take an encounter with an entity as an encounter with truth, most people do not have the means necessary to distinguish between a light and a dark entity. There are both good and evil spirits you can encounter, please keep that in mind! Do not believe anything that does not resonate deep within your own heart.
soulfood said:
I kind of think it's weird that no one kicks him out.
Yeah, me too. I also find it strange that no one calls an ambulance, I would have done that immideately. Someone in the shape as that dude can easily kill himself, he needs loving care. It makes me sad to see the lack of empathy from the other people in the store.
I know it shouldn't've been on Youtube because of the kiddies, but wow I'm glad I saw that.
The dreamer should try to ask entities questions also, he never really does that and now he thinks he could be missing out!
Nice message from that entity, and it's nice to see how tolerant the entity was of rudeness! :lol:
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