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I'm sure some of us can empathize with this guy :)

Migrated topic.
Sorry Morphane this is not an attack on you..I just love this plant and it makes me sad the way that our society acts towards these things..

I see more people abusing it and getting nothing out of it than using it in a constructive way and growing from the experience..
I think that this whole thing is basically going into the area of free speach...I think that we should be free to talk about ANYTHING we wish to talk about, and that includes whatever we wish to talk about on youtube..I personally dont want to live in a dictatorship(or any more of one) where we loose our freedom of speech(the little we still have)..

But winning this thing isnt as one dimensional as that...we need to use forsight and be able to read the actions of the oppressors...I wouldnt tell people what they can or cant put up for others to see..if you want to film yourself in the middle of a salvia trance for all to see..so be it. I cannot stop you..but I would inform you on how easily the authorities can get ahold of that video and use it as evidence in court against salvia..all they see is drug use..they dont discriminate.

I would also inform one about the dangers of uninformed youth seeing one video and running out and getting ahold of the stuff and hurting themsleves..and the entire salvia culture in the process..

Why people choose to actaully take salvia on youtube is the thing I just dont understand..there is just NO need for it. I think it's fine to make videos describing your experiences and such..but noone needs to see you take it, zone out, drool on yourself, roll around, laugh like noone else and basically give the impression to right wing extremists that salvia makes you act "insane".

Why cant people just smoke it, come back..and then start filming and explaining? That would be more respectable..to others that enjoy this plant legally and to the plant itself..

People cant see what you are seeing anyway, so there is no point in filming the actaul trip.

I hope one day we as a society are mature enough to be able to handle having these things so mainstream without enlisting for the next witchhunt..but we aren't there yet..

You think all the pagans inthe middle ages were just outing themselves openly for everyone to see..no, they kept it the downlow, with good reason because otherwise they church would kill them..
fractalPeople cant see what you are seeing anyway said:
HAHAHAHA!!! Exactly!!!

I just do not get that either, it's like making a video of yourself sleeping & posting that on youtube...because dreams are sometimes crazy too ya know.
How interesting that would be....:roll:

PS cellux not giving you a hard time Brother your post has done no harm and has generated a intelligent debate. Since I enjoy intelligent debates that do no harm thank you for your postSmile

Oh thank you, I needed that.
Fantastic video- thanks for sharing cellux.

It gave me much pause for thought. A very good effort. I may just dig out the Salvia that I have had stashed away for six months!

Consensus reality can be beautiful. Especially when seen approaching from a distance as we re-enter. That is when I truly appreciate everything that consensus reality has to offer. The guy in the video appears to have one foot on each side- fascinating!

Youtube . . . the prohibition of foreign travel is a mark of dictatorship. Any who perform the most basic internet search can find the escape tunnels. Perhaps best not to present them so blatantly to the authorities though. We know that those in power will see, unfortunately, "dangerous devil drugs causing instant madness in youth" and legislate accordingly. Authorities never engender change. Their very nature is the status quo. While there is this authoritative power over our private lives then videos like this will be used to do harm against us through more prohibition. Entheogens are far too important to leave in the hands of the authorities. Whilst not elitist myself, I do think that youtube is not the place for this.
In a fantasy experiment, I tried to imagine how that being on the other side may feel about this guy who posted the video.

The being is just rolling reality as usual, when suddenly this guy climbs out from it who seems quite confused and starts asking questions. What to do with this? If this guy goes back to his world and starts to tell everyone about this, then that would "loosen up" his reality and this may jeopardize God's plan with it. Reason: if the world becomes too loose, it won't provide enough resistance for the truth to blossom. Those who come to a realization that it is an illusion won't be able to be immersed in it deeply enough to keep the game going. If they cannot believe it, the forces of polarity will be lessened, therefore there won't be enough power generated (pos/neg -> current) to do the work. Therefore the being tries to tell the human to keep silent about the whole thing. But the guy is very excited, he thinks he got into heaven or what and when he comes back, he cannot help but "yell it from the rooftops" so to speak. We may think he's like Prometheus, who brought (stole) back something for us humans from the world of the Gods, but in reality this may be a bad thing. Perhaps even he would remain silent if he understood the bigger picture.
cellux said:
In a fantasy experiment, I tried to imagine how that being on the other side may feel about this guy who posted the video.

The being is just rolling reality as usual, when suddenly this guy climbs out from it who seems quite confused and starts asking questions. What to do with this? If this guy goes back to his world and starts to tell everyone about this, then that would "loosen up" his reality and this may jeopardize God's plan with it. Reason: if the world becomes too loose, it won't provide enough resistance for the truth to blossom. Those who come to a realization that it is an illusion won't be able to be immersed in it deeply enough to keep the game going. If they cannot believe it, the forces of polarity will be lessened, therefore there won't be enough power generated (pos/neg -> current) to do the work. Therefore the being tries to tell the human to keep silent about the whole thing. But the guy is very excited, he thinks he got into heaven or what and when he comes back, he cannot help but "yell it from the rooftops" so to speak. We may think he's like Prometheus, who brought (stole) back something for us humans from the world of the Gods, but in reality this may be a bad thing. Perhaps even he would remain silent if he understood the bigger picture.

Interesting. That's why I love the video, and think it far superior to a written report. I found it pure comedy watching the guy interacting with the being, and when he is told not to say anything, his reaction is priceless.

This isn't some guy rambling insanity, it is a dialogue, and the funniest damn thing I've seen in ages.
Morphane said:
I found it pure comedy watching the guy interacting with the being,

This isn't some guy rambling insanity, it is a dialogue, and the funniest damn thing I've seen in ages.

I'm sure that is why he posted it...
And exactly why those videos are so very stupid.

there's nothing shown within the video that represents in the least any aspect of anything that could be construed as being within the PUBLIC interest, regarding anything that should be regulated. A guy sitting on His own couch, in private, smoking and talking crazy is not within the PUBLIC realm. Therefore, it's not something to throw the alarm switch about. Flagging the video and getting up in arms about it, is a symptom of a variation of the same mental illness that the regulators of these things, things that primarily remain within the private realm, and by all common sense defer to individual discretion, are concerned with.
^ I agree with that..

But still it makes sense for people to think ahead about these things..as much as you may not think that it can't be used against salvia in the end...salvia videos on youtube in general are already used against salvia and the law makes and DEA are VERY biased and dont discriminate..

I would never want a law passed against freedom to post videos like this..but I wouldnt personally post them becasue I care about the futre of salvia and I know how the law thinks and media reacts to these things..it's about using judgement and foresight. It's not quite as black and white as people here seem to think.

I just want salvia to stay legal..to me that means drawing as little unwanted attention as possible. I dont think that it's wrong to post the video..I liked the video..but I can see how many other people will only see DRUGS..

I would just rather see salvia videos somewhere where they wont be seen by all the wrong people and picked apart..

This really is an interesting debate becasue it touches on alot of touchy subjects like freedom of speach and action, but also the level of cultural and moral taboos/ideals our society holds these days, and peoples fears(mostly justifiable) of media frenzy..

I dont think that hiding is really the answer, blackballing all controvercial things..and I hope that people see that thats not what is trying to be accomplished here..I dont personally flag youtube videos but I also wouldnt post similar ones myself for the reasons I stated.

This thread is becomming one of those back and forth back and forth things that doesnt seem to come to any conclusion anyway..we can agree to disagree..
Morphane said:
That's funny, because I see your stance as highly selfish. Wanting to keep entheogens a secret, that only an elite, esoteric group is aware of. If nobody knows about it, how do they benefit from it? You and your inner circle are the ones who benefit.

Wow, you really had to bend it far to come to that conclusion. Hope that knot in your brain you suffered at that can still be fixed. Nowhere have I said that I want to keep it a secret. It's fine to be mentioned where people being serious about it can inform themselves, but it is definitely misplaced on a site like Youtube where it mostly meets an audience that has no understanding about entheogens and therefore is wildly and widely misinterpreted. We already know the results. Not only that it called the prohibition monkeys into action and served their propaganda, it also led stoner monkeys to try something they were not prepared for. I've seen quite a number of videos on Youtube involving Sage that were highly abusive. So called "friends" giving Sage to an unexperienced person laughing loudly at the victim's helpless situation. Search on Youtube for "Salvia" and "hell" and at the time you'll find 156 videos showing stupid monkeys do something stupid. Why? Monkey see, monkey do.
fractal enchantment said:
I think that this whole thing is basically going into the area of free speach...I think that we should be free to talk about ANYTHING we wish to talk about, and that includes whatever we wish to talk about on youtube..I personally dont want to live in a dictatorship(or any more of one) where we loose our freedom of speech(the little we still have)..

You're right, free speech is fine, but that does not release you from responsibility.
cellux said:
The being is just rolling reality as usual, when suddenly this guy climbs out from it who seems quite confused and starts asking questions. What to do with this? If this guy goes back to his world and starts to tell everyone about this, then that would "loosen up" his reality and this may jeopardize God's plan with it.

I think being able to look behind the curtain is part of the scheme or there would be no entheogens, astral travel or even dreaming.
There are better places to voice your opinion on the xperince they went thru, these dudes probably send links of the video to all there buddy's. The fools are just using youtube to show off to their freinds. These moments should be something sacred, personal. Not something to show the whole world.
Actually it seems like taking a dump is generally considered more sacred. I guess there are more people posting entheogen experiences on Youtube than videos showing them taking a dump. Just guessing. I'm not gonna look it up.
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