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INCEDIGRIS Introduction

Migrated topic.
Here is one of my images called "DNA DINER"!

Thanks for the art! Post more?

I'm no artist but am attempting to learn a graphics program, gimp 2.8 to try to get some dmt inspired images out. Any advice?
I just had a look at gimp 2.8 - but Im not familiar with the software. I'll have to download it and give it a try.

What is your favorite way to create art if you're not using a digital tool? I ask because I usually start images with hand drawn pencil/paper sketches and then use digital tools to make things crisp and clean.
Love the artwork! Your sketches in particular remind me of Daniel Christiansen (a.k.a. alienpumaspacetrain). Which now that I search for it on here I don't find anything, might have to make a post about his stuff :)

Keep up the good work!
Synchronicity is really funny. I found your art work about a month ago, and instantly knew you had been "there." Very calturing in regards to specific kinds of experiences. I'm glad to see you on the Nexus friend. :)
One love
I just had a look at gimp 2.8 - but Im not familiar with the software. I'll have to download it and give it a try.

What is your favorite way to create art if you're not using a digital tool? I ask because I usually start images with hand drawn pencil/paper sketches and then use digital tools to make things crisp and clean.


Really happy to have found this forum. I really love your art and it is truly inspiring and the closest images of experiences I had.
I would love to try to create images after experiences.
Can I ask you what digitizing software do you use, and about the technical aspects of your creation?
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