This is the next day and... no lingering nausea at all. It would seem that the problem of delayed onset and lingering nausea has been solved by re-dissolving the residue in a liquid rather than consuming them in caps. (I should add that my girlfriend had zero nausea with the gel cap method either during or after the trip, so you may not have this problem. Delayed onset seems a lot more common, however.)
Thanks Sicho. Some questions about your process:
What is your ratio of MHRB to alcohol?
How are you evaporating?
Can you share some pictures of the final product (what you're putting in Gel Caps/Cola)?
And what MAOI did you do this last time?
-Ratio of MHRB to alcohol: I have been erring on the side of too much with 50-100ml per single dose of MHRB (= 4 – 6g; 6g has revealed itself as a sweet spot, for now. This is bark-dependent, of course).
I believe it is more convenient to do a separate soak for each single dose rather than having to weigh and divide the residue of a large amount. If you add the lime precipitation step, though, this would probably not be convenient.
-Evaporation: Alcohol evaporates very easily, I just let it sit in a Pyrex dish for 2-3 days until it’s fully dry. Obviously, this could be sped up with a fan but it is not strictly necessary. Also, more surface = faster evaporation. However, scraping up the residue is a bit tedious when spread over a too large surface.
-Pictures: I will take some pics when I evaporate my next batch. For now, I can give you a description: The residue of a 96% grain alcohol soak consists of dark, crystal-like and very fluttery particles. It sort of looks like yeast flakes but much darker and somewhat translucent. It looks very different from the residue of an IPA soak, which is a bit lighter in color but consists of heavier, sand-like particles.
The residue of a grain alcohol soak of 4g MHRB weighed 0,87g, whereas the residue of an IPA soak weighed 0,92 gram. Very close, but the volume of the grain alcohol residue is 4x that of IPA residue. The former requires two average gel caps, the latter fills half of an average gel cap.
The IPA residue looks very similar (if not identical) to the residue of a MHRB water brew and it leads to a very similar experience in terms of nausea, body load and potency. Both IME are clearly inferior to 96% grain alcohol extractions, all other things being equal. I have only tried the IPA extraction once, however. (With water extractions I have had disappointing results several times).
-MAOI: I consume 170 – 200mg of harmala hcl in a gel cap with some holes poked into it, 15-20 minutes before consuming the MHRB extract. For me, 170mg is certainly enough for MAOI-effects, but experience-wise I think I like it a little higher (not quite sure yet).