First off, I know this thread is a year old... but I have experienced these parasites... these Archons, as I've come to learn they are. (supposedly they prefer that term because it means "lord" or "ruler," which is just what they want you to see them as to us. So let's just stick with interdimensional parasites, because that's what they are. They feed off of lower vibrations and like others have said, that's all they do... is feed off of us. That's all they're really able to do. However we have more power over them than we think... because they are separated from the source, the light.... if we connect to the light and higher vibrations... these buggers can't mess with us. (sounds like gullible new-agey bullcrap but read into what the Gnostics had to say of these guys)
Now bear with me.. as I know this stuff seems ridiculous to many people, and they claim these parasites are just parts of our own ego, our subconscious, that have power over us and we are too gullible and foolish to realize that. Well, I think not. I KNOW they are very real... as I've had experiences with them and afterwards (recently) stumbled upon a facebook post by a friend that mentioned Sophia (gaia consciousness) and the archons (parasites), and it shedded some much needed light on the subject for me.
Let me go over some experiences I had in the past, when I had no knowledge of these "astral parasites," that would cause me to "hallucinate" this stuff. However let me also say real quick that for a while I believed aliens created us and are our gods. (upon reading about these Archons, that's just the thing they want us to believe- that they are our creators).
So several months ago I took pharmausca, about 3.5 grams of syrian rue tea, with only like 50mg spice, if that. A low dose. Only time I've taken it though. Anyway, this really tame, calm trip came to a point where, shortly after smoking pot, a white light, a "portal" looking thing, appeared above me on my ceiling. Out of this light came a reptilian/insectoid looking being. I'm pretty good at picking up "vibes" of good intentions and bad intentions. I was paralyzed with fear. And closed my eyes and had this thought that it felt like some kind of parasite or something inside me. It felt like a mind probe. It was a "personal alien invasion." Then I had a panic attack which I've never had before... for the next hour or so I thought I was dieing. It was scary as hell. Literally.
So, that experience was over and I just thought maybe that dimensional alien/insectiod being I saw was perhaps good but I just wasn't ready for it and my perception of it made it seem bad. And I continued on with my life thinking I'd be more prepared if such a thing happened again, and that I'd be able to have a good experience with said beings. Well I was wrong...
About a month ago I took 4 hits of good acid alone in my room at night. Once again things were going good then I smoked a bit of pot. (I know believe pot opens you up to more subtle energies and that's why these guys seem kind of connected with pot, and I've smoked daily for the past couple years, now on a break). Anyway back on topic... I remember starting to not feel like myself... like I was possessed by an interdimensional alien. As the trip progressed this thing really started messing with my energy and reality.
I got the impression it fed off of my energy and that it was demonic with bad intentions. Looking in the mirror I could see it in my face... it wasn't just my face. (i noticed at a psy festival on acid and mxe that several people there had this "look" to them too and at the time, which was before this experience I'm describing, and I felt this connection to these people, like they were some space brothers or something.. like we were all interdimensional aliens.)
Back on topic... so this thing made me feel very cold and very very drained spiritually for hours (some of you may have remembered when I came on chat several hours in the trip which I've done like twice ever.... and some of you could relate to some things I was describing which brought me relief). So it was messing with my energy and I felt very abused by this thing.
I had images of "grey" looking aliens altering humanity, and it made me feel sad... also I got a text from my girl saying she woke up from a night terror, which she gets all too often. Well, I texted her back "I fucking found out!!" explaining some interdimensional demon was fucking with me all night and now it's messing with her too. She obviously was a bit worried but oddly didn't really text me back that night other than once and I was freaking out thinking they went and possessed her and that's why she wasn't responding. (after recently learning about archons I learned that they don't like the love between couples, or any love for that matter, and will try desperately to destroy that connection and feed off of it.)
I could go into more details but some of it is hazy and hard to remember... it was all so real though. Oh, my dog was terrified of me when I approached him. When I exited my bedroom and opened the door it felt like evil was spilling out into the rest of my house and coming with me... very real stuff that I would have never believed if I heard this shit years ago. My dog looked frozen in fear, and I could see that "look" I've seen in myself while possessed, in his face. (later in the morning me and him went on a nice grounding walk in nature and all was good with us and our energy. I felt much more grounded. Smoking a couple joints walking in the woods with my dog never felt so good)
I burned sage at several points in the night to try to ward this thing away and everytime as soon as the sage lit, I could hear demons bantering as if they were being attacked and dispelled, but the would soon come back and continue messing with me. I started to pray for protection and tried not to think of what was happening to me because I had the intuition that if I did these things that they would be less able to feed off of me. Eventually the guys in chat helped calm me down several hours into my trip, and that's when I took the nice grounding, morning nature walk.
This post has gotten long enough and I probably come across as psychotic to most of you guys :lol: , but for those who've had similar experiences, it is all too real and we know this isn't psychotic. I'm honestly a sane person, believe it or not lol. Here's a couple links to some info on these buggers, think of it what you wil:
Upon reading you will learn that they are deceivers who trick us into thinking they're our creators, just as they had me thinking. Also, it becomes apparent that they specifically target people who are in the awakening process, becoming more conscious and of higher vibration. I feel that this is part of the reason they have been targetting me, because that's what I feel my call is in this life.. to help people awaken and realize their true potential, so we can save ourselves and mother earth. This all goes back to that story a friend posted on fb, about Sophia (gaia consciousness) being attacked and targetted by these parasitic bastards.
Think of it what you will. I'm not crazy:grin: ( I wish Eliyahu was still around :lol: ) He seems like he'd be able to connect with what I'm saying