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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello there,

Just finished the questionnaire and thought it would be a good time to introduce myself.

Coming from a small country and being in touch with the nature since my early age made me ask questions we all asked at some point - Who are we? What are we doing here? What is the purpose of our being?

First time I learned about DMT was thanks to movie 'Enter the Void' while probably not as impressive story as most of you have, the movie certainly made me interested into researching this molecule further. First time I came across this place was around 3 years ago, however I never had the need to register or join the discussion. Although, it has been a great place to look up information during my research on various substances.

Now, this might sound crazy and I am interested to know if something similar occurred to any of you - few weeks ago I woke up and had an unexplainable urge to research Ayahuasca. Last time I looked into this topic was probably half year before that, so I cannot really explain why so suddenly. Maybe I had a dream that I cannot remember? Maybe it is my time?

I have known the basics about this tradition for years now, looked up many retreats before and was hoping that one day I will be able to participate in the ritual. However, I never felt the necessity to look up the preparation process. Since then I became obsessed with the idea of preparing my own brew, dedicating hours each day learning more and more about the whole tradition and process itself.

Truth to be told, I have gone through major changes in my life during the past years and some of them I cannot explain why. I would like to understand myself better and was thinking a lot what changed my attitude towards certain aspects of my life. However, these questions remain unanswered and keep me awake every night.

As you can guess by now this led me to the decision to brew Ayahuasca myself hoping to understand myself better and make better decisions in my future.

Luckily, I managed to find all my answers thanks to this forum and now I feel like it's my time to give back to this wonderful community. My experiences with DMT are non-existent, as I live in Asia and possession is just too big of a risk for me (luckily caapi and leaves are legal). Despite my lack of experience I would like to join the discussion and learning of this community, sharing my baby-steps for travellers who find themselves in a similar situation as I am right now.

Who knows where will the journey end anyway?
Welcome to the Nexus!

The excitement that Ayahuasca and DMT brings me is unique. It is very reaffirming to hear about such passions from others. It's like it grabs you. Singles out your attentions.

I hope you can experience all the things you want to experience. I hope it all finds it way to you as soon as possible. Rushing your way right now!

The best is yet to come! Keep us informed if you ever have a chance to experience Ayahuasca or DMT.

Maybe you can plan a trip out of your country?

The journey is just beginning...
Hello there fellow Nexian,

Nice introduction there mate,:thumb_up:

The only constant thing in this world and level of existence is change. All of us goes through minor and major changes,ups and downs and all this happens to evolve and learn. I wish you a pleasant transformation until you reach your final form, if there is such thing anyway.

Se you around in the endless tunnel of time and space.

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