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Is safrole psychedelic?

Migrated topic.
I dropped it into a capsule and drank it down. I dosed at about 7pm, with the rest at around 8 I guess, (also in a capsule) and went to sleep maybe 2:30am or a little after. The effects seemed to have lasted that entire time for me with a slow gradual decline in strength I'd say. I enjoyed a night out with my friends at a hookah bar etc. and felt very sociable at that dosage. Feels very promising. I'll be trying 10 drops or so Monday, probably with my friend who also bought a bottle.

I bought it from the link Dorge posted. 😉
PsilocybeChild, judging by your experience, SWIM's and a few others on the net, it seems like 7-10 drops is a good starter dose. It's just enough to get a feel for it.

SWIM didn't find 10 drop that much more potent than 7. So there doesn’t seem to be a dosage curve like there is with some psychedelics (such as 5-MeO-DMT).

SWIM’s found that taking it orally mixed with honey instead of in a capsule definitely worked better for SWIM. He got two distinct peaks by using that method, so it seems like it gets absorbed sublingually (accounting for the first peak).

So far SWIM rates 10 drops of Elemi oil orally with honey as a 4 star experience. Maybe as the dosage increases some unpleasant effects might start to kick in. It’s best to increase the doses slowly. There’s not much information about Elemi essential oil oral dosage out there, especially when used as a psychedelic.
So you didn't drink coffee before the honey/elemi oil mix? I read that coffee is a mild maoi? So I thought maybe that, rather than the caffeine, is why you had not felt it the one time you didn't drink coffee beforehand. But I didn't drink coffee beforehand, although I had guayusa(caffeine). I'm going to assume nothing is needed before dosing for the effects to work. But I will try mixing with honey next time rather than using capsules.
Earlier today SWIM had no coffee several hours before taking it, and didn't eat or drink anything a few hours before either. He mixed 10 drops of Elemi essential oil (measured in a pipette as 0.28 ml) thoroughly into 5 ml of honey. He put the honey directly in his mouth and swished it around a little and slowly swallowed it. It didn't taste half bad actually. He didn't eat or drink anything after that for at least an hour.

It seems like it's all about digestion and has nothing to do with eating anything else to "activate" it.

Capsules sometimes just don't dissolve properly. I think that's the reason it didn't work well previously. By mixing it in honey and eating it directly, you ensure it gets digested fast. The body likes the sweetness of the honey on the taste buds and that alone greatly stimulates digestion.

I'm also sure a lot was absorbed right in the mouth. Two very distinct peaks were experienced, one at 1:45 hours and another at 4:00 hours. No other time was there two peaks felt. So I'm sure the first peak was from sublingual absorption. Also, after eating the honey, a tingling sensation was felt in the mouth, which also indicates sublingual absorption occurred.

The honey greatly improved the flavor of it. It masked the flower-like taste very well.

So, yeah, I think nothing is needed to "activate" it other than digesting it fast enough so that you don't develop tolerance to it while you are digesting it.

SWIM is thinking of making a jar of psychedelic honey by mixing Elemi essential oil with honey and storing it that way rather than using it drop by drop from the Euro-dropper or pipette. The flavor isn't bad at all. I think the convenience of pouring out a spoonful of honey rather than dealing with drop counts is the way to go. You could adjust the potency so that 1 tsp of honey is say 10 drops which is 1 decent mild dose. That would make it very easy to measure out doses. I wonder if it will last that way, or if it might spoil?

Anyone care for some toast spread with psychedelic honey?
I can't sleep. I'm searching the web to find more pertinent information on the effects elemicin and Elemi oil. I'm running out of pages to search for. It seems like I've hit a wall of information and there's just nothing else out there. It's hard to believe that there are such few posts about it's use as a psychedelic. Elemicin is nearly identical to mescaline in chemical structure. Elemi oil is proving to be quite an interesting experience too. How is it this is so obscure?

I can't find any human tests on elemicin. I can't find a single quote from any book that talks about it's psychoactive effects in man. I can find statements that it's "hallucinogenic", "anti-depressant", and that's it. Where are the studies that concluded it's "hallucinogenic". Who tested it and what exactly did they experience? There's not a single report stating it's qualities that I can find. This is just plain unbelievable to me. It's not like it's a crappy psychedelic either. In the doses SWIM has used, it's fantastic. Worthy of more research than the existing few paragraphs worth of data I can find. My God. How does such a compound go without any notice? This is just amazing to me.

Think about how amazing this is. Elemicin is nearly identical in structure to mescaline. It's just a few atoms different on it's tail, that's it. It's many times more powerful than mescaline. 10 drops of Elemi oil (240 mg, or 0.28 ml) are enough for light visual effects. The amount of elemicin present in 10 drops is about 9 mg (it's about 4% elemicin). That's very strong. That's much stronger than mescaline. SWIM has mescaline, and 10 drops are roughly equivalent to 65 mg of mescaline. Not only is it more potent, but it's super cheap. A 10 ml bottle of oil is less that $10 and contains 35 doses of 10 drops each. That's less than $0.28 per dose. Amazing.

There must be a catch. Maybe at 20 drops it starts becoming unpleasant? LSH is fantastic until you take a decent dose and then all the side effects kick in. Maybe elemicin is like that too. That might explain why it's so obscure. I don't know. If that's the case, and it becomes unpleasant as the dose is increased, it would still serve as a fantastic low dose psychedelic, and probably a great additive to other psychedelics. I can see it mixing really well with shrooms, LSA/LSH, etc.
Yeah, it really does boggle the mind Ron. Got my 10ml elemi oil bottle yesterday, will be testing tomorrow (did some hawaiians yesterday, not sure if there's cross tolerance as w/ mescaline or not but given the similarities...)
It is possible that most people have been told that ingesting Essential oils is not good for you probably scared people off. This Oil has been around for a really long time too, it is a surprise that its not being worked with by others.
SWIM is really curious about a larger dose. 15, 20 drops...
You can buy this Oil all over the place too... it so easily available and requires no processing! Cheap, active in small amounts... SWIM is wondering what the catch is too...
Maybe the reason we haven't heard aboout is for protective reasons.
Easy to obtain, cheap and psychedelic.
Who would want that to get attention and picked of the shelves?

...or maybe we'll get hairy extra limbs growing out our foreheads, we'll see.
Lol... we should keep it secret too... Serioulsy! RON DELETE ALL YOUR POSTS! LOL
Ok now here is an interesting question....

How does this mix WITH mescaline?! What would happen, would they increase each others effects? synergize with each other?
You know in ayahuasca and sanpedro ceremonies they have the perfumero tradition, they will make perfumes from plants in the jungle and they suplada them, or puchay them, meaning they put the perfume in their mouths and blow them onto people. Not only would this be effective as a perfume used in these ceremonies but taken with sanpedor it may increase the effects or alter them... placing the perfume in your moouth, seeing how it is combined with alcohol it would rapidly absorb into your body, and if it is active sublingually this would be very good!
If you look up the aroma therapy of this oil to its interesting...
Swim practices this tradition... so swim makes lots of perfumes, this is swims favorite site for oils period...

Emotional and Energetic Qualities
It can be used in cases of nervous exhaustion and stress related conditions; it gives a feeling of peace.
Helps to reduce fear and motivate change
Can be used for protection from negative energy
Helps to release blocked energy
Can be used for fatigue, low energy, depression and weakness
Agitation, grief

One site says this stuff about it...

"As mentioned before, this essential oil was used in meditation practices in earlier times. The ancients knew of its ability to calm and center the psyche and allow for deeper internal awareness. It calms the nervous system and eases stress and tension, thus encouraging inner peace and tranquility. Its psycho-spiritual effects are balancing as well as strengthening, bringing a sense of inner joy and self-actualization. In meditation elemi offers us a glimpse into the darker world of the psyche, shining a light into the recesses of our soul. Like venturing down the winding hallways in an ancient pyramid, elemi brings us to the core of our awakening spirit, and touches upon our ancestral heritage and lineage. It unfolds our inner mysteries to our consciousness in an unexpectedly jubilant way, taking us on a path away from fear and anxiety into hope and trust. Truly it is an oil to bring our higher knowing to a reachable tangible place. As the gods above, so we are all gods here below."

another site had this ironically to say...
"Properties - Rites of passage, transcendence, journey to the Otherworld, important ingredient in ancient Egyptian embalming lotions."

" Like any Mercury herb, it is also great for helping to sharpen one's magical skills."

thats just great... i love it...
Dorge said:
Ok now here is an interesting question....

How does this mix WITH mescaline?! What would happen, would they increase each others effects? synergize with each other?

This is one SWIM will test out in the near future. I’m betting they will go really well together.

“Its psycho-spiritual effects are balancing as well as strengthening”

“In meditation elemi offers us a glimpse into the darker world of the psyche, shining a light into the recesses of our soul.”

"Properties - Rites of passage, transcendence, journey to the Otherworld, important ingredient in ancient Egyptian embalming lotions."

“Like any Mercury herb, it is also great for helping to sharpen one's magical skills."

Man, it sounds like they’re talking about LSD in a roundabout way doesn’t it! I think some people out there selling Elemi oil actually DO KNOW about Elemi oil’s psychedelic effects but they are being sort of HUSH HUSH about it.

I’m almost feeling like maybe I should not say anything about it. Maybe we should delete this thread? It seems to be a well guarded secret that Elemi oil is psychedelic. You know pure elemicin is completely legal in most countries, if not all countries. It’s used as a flavoring and scent, and as a precursor for other scents and flavorings. Some companies that sell it actually state it’s hallucinogenic in their ad.

Maybe what’s keeping it legal and obscure is nutmeg’s horrible reputation? Look at any forum’s nutmeg threads and you see things like, “it sucks. Don’t ever try it”, “it gave me horrible stomach pain, and lasted 3 whole days, I hated it”. Most elemicin articles I’ve seen are actually articles about nutmeg and myristicin with elemicin mentioned only briefly. So maybe we can thank nutmeg for overshadowing Elemi oil and making people afraid to give it a try.
Here's an ad from one seller who sells 90% pure elemicin (translated from Chinese I think)

First, Pharmaceutical application Elemicine, as a new biochemical products, is compounded by the active ingredients of natural materials. It is mainly used as antioxidant in anti-tumor effect. And it can permeate the blood-brain barrier to affect the cardiovascular. Meanwhile, it can be used to manufacture antibacterial synergist. It can stanch and as a kind of drug on nerve, it can cause a sense of slight hallucinations. So it is useful in the nerve synapses research.

Notice it says “cause a sense of slight hallucination”. So they KNOW it’s a hallucinogen and are openly selling it as such.
I have strong doubts that elemi oil will prove to be an efficient entheogen. I think there's reason to believe that the hallucinogenic effects is weak even at high dosages. However, I really hope I am wrong, a non-alkaloid serotonergic entheogen would be incredible!

Nonetheless, small dosages should potentiate other entheogens. Thanks for your work ron, you might very well be onto something wonderful here!
"Shulgin reports that liver cells can convert safrole to MDA in small amounts, although it may well be psychoactive in it's own right. ..."
Evening Glory said:
I have strong doubts that elemi oil will prove to be an efficient entheogen.

Why would you say that? Nutmeg can produce complete immersive hallucinations for some people (along with horrible side effects) with large enough doses. Whether or not elemicin or myristicin is responsible for that remains to be seen. The most SWIM has ingested of Elemi oil is 0.28 ml (240 mg, or 10 drops), which contains about 9 mg of elemicin. Doses of nutmeg that are said to be fully hallucinogenic contain about 60 mg or so of elemicin and 400 mg of myristicin (as well as a bunch of other toxic crap not found in Elemi oil).

I can imagine, based on SWIM’s experience with Elemi oil at around 9 mg of elemicin, that 60 mg of elemicin would be fully hallucinogenic. Of course that’s just a prediction based on SWIM’s use of about 9 mg max. I know of no report of anyone using more than that. The reports of 400 mg of pure myristicin were not that great. At 400 mg of pure myristicin, test subjects experienced “euphoria, anxiety, and trouble concentrating”, but NO hallucinations, so it looks to me like elemicin is responsible for the hallucinogenic effects of nutmeg and myristicin is responsible for all the mind fuck it causes.

So I’m willing to bet, at 60 mg, elemicin will be fully hallucinogenic, comparable to mescaline at 500 mg. We’ll see if I’m right or not. SWIM will keep upping the dose slowly as long as it remains pleasant. It’s possible unpleasant side effects will kick in before it becomes fully hallucinogenic. So far there were no side effects at all. As soon as hints of unpleasant effects kick in, if they do, SWIM will not up the dose any further and consider that the maximum dose.
I think it sounds pretty sweet as it is. It sounds to me like no ones taken over 10 drops, so I'd like to hear about higher doses.
Also, I think someone should test alternative routes of digestion.
Try putting a few drops on some herbs and smoking? Or take it anally.

And ron, instead of making psychedelic honey, you could always mix it in with water if you don't want to deal with honey if you just want to reduce the potency so you don't have to measure drops.
Well I can certainly see that a few of us will be testing this at a whole variety of doses so time will certainly tell on this one, probably much sooner than later.

Nexus drug trials... like it :)
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