Evening Glory said:
… But if elemicin were to be a true hallucinogen (cannabis is not, even though it's a psychedelic), it would be the second non-alkaloid substance ever found to be a hallucinogen. It would also be the first such serotonergic hallucinogen. Actually, perhaps the first non-alkaloid that binds to serotonin receptors with a somewhat high affinity at all?
I am amazed someone like Shulgin hasn’t already tested elemicin on humans. If elemicin is a true hallucinogen at larger doses with effects like mescaline, it is an amazing find, especially if it’s active on it’s own as is. Maybe Shulgin DID test it and he is just keeping quiet about it!
That’s why I keep thinking there must be a catch. Either it never becomes truly hallucinogenic, and just stays marginally hallucinogenic even at high doses, or it probably becomes unpleasant at truly hallucinogenic doses. It’s hard to believe otherwise, but who knows. Salvinorin A was also hard to believe until people started studying it. Elemicin may have just been overshadowed by the uninteresting myristicin for so long that no one really seriously looked into it.
Evening Glory said:
There's at least 10 different natural products that are only a molecule of ammonia away from being one of the 10 essential amphetamines. With this in mind, I find it somewhat strange that one of the natural products should yield effects comparable to one of the psychedelic amphetamines, when the rest yields no to little effect.
But again, I do really hope I am wrong here! I just don't want us to get ahead of ourselves and automatically assume that light psychedelic effects in low doses equals intense hallucinogenic effects in larger doses.
I’m not assuming anything. It SEEMS like it will become fully hallucinogenic and remain pleasant based on the tests SWIM has done so far. I have no idea if it really will. Until a large dose is taken, it’s all just theory. Maybe it makes you immensely sick if you take 20 drop or more. No one knows.
Evening Glory said:
fractal enchantment said:
How do we know its not being converted into an alkaloid in the body?
Well, we actually don't. If Shulgin's proposed metabolic action really is happening with elemicin, we should have TMA. TMA has a duration of 6-8 hours, which suites well to what we see with elemicin. The dosage for TMA is said to be from 100 to 250 mg. Ron have, based on his research, suggested 60-70mg as a hallucinogenic dose of elemicin.
Even though each elemecin molecule would have to be paired with an ammonia molecule for the proposed reaction to take place, the additional weight of the ammonia does not account for the large difference in dosages. (225.284 g/mol per TMA and 17.031 g/mol per ammonia = 7.56 % lower dose -> 92 to 231mg elemicin equals 100 to 250mg TMA.)
It might be that there's something wrong in the adviced dosages for either elemicin or TMA (it's an extremely uncommon substance). But if it isn't, then the proposed conversion does not take place. It's always possible that elemicin might be converted to something totally else, but that's a shot in the dark.
Of course this is all theory. No one knows. No human tests ever confirmed how it works. Also Shulgin’s dosage ranges for drugs in his books are sometimes way off. He’s a little sloppy about that. The dosage he gives for TMA could be totally off. I wouldn’t be too surprised.
The effects of TMA do not sound similar to the effects of elemicin from what I’ve read. It seems pretty unpleasant, dark, and anti-social, which is the opposite of elemicin. The duration is about the same as elemicin, but the dosage quoted for TMA (again this could be wrong) makes it weaker than elemicin and so it just doesn’t make sense that elemicin would become TMA in the body and be more potent than TMA is. That just doesn’t add up. How can elemicin form TMA in the body that’s more potent than TMA? If anything, I would expect it to be less potent than TMA. Not the other way around. But again, the quoted TMA dosages might be completely off.
It’s possible it’s becoming something other than TMA. No one knows how it works.
As of this moment, I don’t even know if it’s a true hallucinogen. At 10 drops of Elemi oil (containing about 9 mg of elemicin), the effects are nearly identical to a low dose of mescaline or LSD. You have mental clarity, euphoria, stimulation, mild visual effects, tingling sensations, and some other effects that are hard to describe, all of which are similar to all the well known psychedelics at low doses. At least two other users experienced CEVs at the 7-10 drop dosage. SWIM has not though. But visuals are obviously there.
If SWIM didn’t know better, he’d have thought 10 drops was 60 mg of mescaline, or possibly some extra nice acid at 50 micrograms. These are the two closest things to it SWIM knows of. The social ease you get from it is more like mescaline than acid. And the body feel is more like mescaline, but also a little like acid.
Does it become a full blown psychedelic at larger doses? That’s the million dollar question.