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is this obtusifolia?

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Rising Star
i think this might be it, looked the same as all the pics ive seen. [img:de2675f451]http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/3028/98235107hj9.th.jpg[/img:de2675f451] [img:de2675f451]http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/153/60473596tl9.th.jpg[/img:de2675f451] [img:de2675f451]http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/7168/48047904xk8.th.jpg[/img:de2675f451] [img:de2675f451]http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/7453/10569234hd8.th.jpg[/img:de2675f451] [img:de2675f451]http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/1582/25219492ju2.th.jpg[/img:de2675f451] the red tipped and bright green leaves stood out alot which is what made me investigate. also the leaves are more obtuse at the end. i couldnt get a pic of the tree, i didnt have my cam with me. but it looked very similar to this, but with more red tipped leaves. http://zariat.com/fotos/sacred_plants/acac...ifolia%2011.jpg the older phylllodes were dark green and younger ones very bright green and some red tipped. the colours contrasted and it stood out alot. very beautiful, the older phyllodes were also very leathery compared to maidenii or long
[quote:d24ee22a66]http://zariat.com/fotos/sacred_plants/acacia/A obtusifolia 11.jpg[/quote:d24ee22a66] hehe awwww they're cute looking fellas hey it's hard to tell by your pics mardy i'm no acacia expert so as far as i'm aware it could be anything, but if you say it looks like the pic in the link then chances are looking good only thing i'm sus about is your phyllode edges seem real smooth, they might almost feel laminated, but obtus are pretty rough. if you've got a magnifying glass have a real close look, it should look like the bottom right image here: [img:d24ee22a66]http://www.viridans.com/plpics/68avdn.jpg[/img:d24ee22a66] dodgy pic but hopefully you get the idea what's the chances it could be a maidenii? check out these pages, familiarise yourself with them, print them and take them on your hunts: Acacia obtusifolia - WATTLE Acacia longifolia - WATTLE Acacia maidenii - WATTLE like i said i'm no expert, but from looking at your pics i'd suspect either of those three
yeah i got no idea if its obtus, but im pretty sure its not long or maid for these reasons not longifolia cause 1 it has a defined trunk, most longs have loads of branches round the bottom of the trunk. 2 the young phyllodes are very bright green with red tips, and older phyllodes very dark green and leathery, basically all long phyllodes are the same green, and not as hard and leathery. and 3 because the leaves are not separated in that nice equal fashion like longifolia is. the young leaves were smooth and laminated like, but the older dark green ones were very leathery and rough. it could be maidenii, but my only guesses as too why it wudnt be are 1 the bark was smooth, whereas most maidenii's are fissured, the phyllodes were not straight, and had red tips, both things maidenii's dont have, and again the phyllodes were leathery unike maidennii. oh, and the majority of the phyllodes have obtuse ends, whereas long and maid have pointy ones. im probly being a wishful thinker cause i want it to be obtus. if i knew more about obtus i could probably bring up a few reasons why its not obtus. ive read those ages loads of times, but seeing a real-life tree is what helps me the most. i dont wanna get my hopes up incase i fail. but i took a branch and got as much bark as i could from it (800g fresh) and did an extraction on it. it looks promising, but ill know in a few days. keep your fingers crossed
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