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lye airborne question

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Good evening Nexians,

Apologies as this may be a discussion for a different thread section.

Please looking for someone with advanced chemistry knowledge. SWIM has a specific question regarding the "cake method" extraction.

This tek calls for mhrb / basic alcohol solution (ph12+) to "soak" in sub boiling heat for a few hours. Then strain the liquid and heat again to form a freebase cake. Thus making it easier to work with than a large volume of bark liquid as in STB.

SWIM knows this is not a beginners tek and for safety concerns, was not completed.

SWIMS specific question is if mhrb was allowed to soak in a 91% isopropyl alcohol solution (base ph12+) for 24 hours but NEVER applied heat. Would the alcohol fumes from this solution contain lye particles if accidentally inhaled? Or just alcohol?

Mod said:
Edited by moderator: Cake method removed.
Moonshine said:
Even though you are adding an extra "ingredient", things will usually add up cheaper, especially with really large extractions..
Moonshine said:
.. One could extract 20+ pds. of bark ..
Moonshine said:
.. Better still, it is now much easier for a person to buy up and work up large amounts of bark..
Moonshine said:
.. Lets say you want to do an acid base extraction and you have 10 pounds of bark..
Moonshine said:
..Imagine snowing 15-50 or more grams of DMT in a single freeze precipitation, in one jar..

Since you've been around since 2009, you ought to know the rules here:
2.10 No commercial-scaled extractions and reckless “spreading”
. In fact, you were corrected on exactly the same issue before, in 2012.

Apart from the large scale issue, the tek also advises to evaporate large amounts of highly flammable or even toxic alcohols without proper warnings and precautions. Do I need to also remind you of 2.8 No unsafe extraction settings and procedures?
As I was looking around where you got your tek from, I found this report of a large sized extraction that involved bulk evaporation of solvents, gone horribly wrong. I hereby quote it as an addendum, as a further reminder to all of the acute sensibility of this site's policies.

From https://mycotopia.net/topic/21341-kaboom-warning/

KABOOM / warning

Posted 24 September 2007 - 07:01 AM

Hey there guys!

I recently extracted a large amount of dmt (10kg bark with 1.2% alkaloids). I had done a cleaning procedure with IPA and activated charcoal on it and after evapping the charcoal I am left with a white powder. So usually this is followed by a quick recrystallization which is done by dissolving in petroleum ether and evapping the solvent.

I first heated the solvent in a hot gravel bath. The gravel was heated with an electrical hot plate. This was done right next to an open window with a large fan blowing the fumes outside. I took the solvent out of the bath and added the DMT. So now I had about 50g DMT dissolved in 1.5liters Coleman Fuel, all inside of a beaker. For evaporation I poured the solvent into a flat dish when suddenly...

WHOOSH, all the dishes that had solvent in them caught fire. I dropped the beaker and another fire was lit on the floor, the carpet started to burn. I grabbed the solvent containing dishes and threw them out of the window, hereby burning my hands pretty badly. I then switched off the fan which was blowing fresh air (and therefore oxygen) into the flames. Since it didn't stop blowing right away I decided to throw the (burning!) fan out the window as well, smashing the glass of the window.

I then considered it to be the right time to get some water to pour over the flames, but had to realize my shoulder and hair had caught fire as well. I threw myself to the ground (like I had seen it done in movies before) without much luck. So the sheet was pulled of my bed and used to wrap around my torso and head, success, the fire was out.

I went on and got some water, put a seat of fire out, ran otu of water, called my dad for help. He came with water and put a few fires out himself. When he went back downstairs to get more water I put the last seats of fire out with the sheet I had previously used. The only thing burning now was the wall which was emitting thick smoke without flames being visible. All we could do now was to wait for the guys from the fire department to arrive which was, along with an ambulance, long alarmed by the neighbours.

It was by this time that I realized why all the time I could hardly see anything at all. I had obviously inhaled quite a large amount of dmt vapors (20-30mg) and was tripping pretty hard. I sorta started panicking and ran up and down the stairs for a minute or so, not knowing what to do. I ended up in the bathroom, realizing my pupils were dilated to infinity and skin was hanging off my face, hands, arms, shoulders. There were blisters up to the size of a human fist, filled with liquid all over the burn sites.

Then the pain started to kick in and I hid underneath the shower, turning the water to cold.

It took 15 minutes for the ambulance to finally arrive, they injected me with some ketamine and I passed out. I woke up the next day on an ICU in a hospital that specializes on victims of burning accidents.

In the protocol I found out that I had cooled my body down to 31°C (88°F) and at a later point stopped breathing. When I woke up my life was not acutely threatened anymore, but I had a fever of 39.8°C for another three days which I spent on the ICU. 8% of my body surface was burnt, ranging from second to thrid degree. It felt what I consider as extremely painful.

Anyway, I spent a few more weeks in the hospital after I was released from the ICU after 5 days and pondered what could've caused the accident. I came to the conclusion that the fan or the hot plate must have emitted a spark on the inside. The room was very well ventilated, but somehow the fumes must have reached a critical concentration in the air for them to be able to be lit by a spark like that. I'm still not certain, but this is about the only thing I could think of.

So anyway, I'd like to hear your ideas on the origin of the fire and what YOU are doing to prevent such a situation.

Good afternoon Pitubo,

Thank you for your input,

SWIM does understand the forum rules/attitudes.. Thank you..

SWIM's post clearly stated that the extraction was NOT completed (for safety concerns).

All warnings regarding sodium hydroxide for people who work with it , such as soap makers etc. state that burns can occur on skin and eyes, and to wear the proper protection such as goggles and latex gloves.

SWIM understands that problems can occur when mishandling such a delicate substance such as mixing too much lye with water because of the exothermic reaction that may occur which can cause fire, toxic fumes, damage to property etc..

Thats an unfortunate story that you mentioned by the way..

SWIM really just has a basic chemistry question that wasn't able to be found through own research..

When lye is PROPERLY mixed with alcohol..or any liquid for that matter, such as acidic water etc...
And left to sit at room temperature, does sodium hydroxide migrate into the air?

SAFETY FIRST!:thumb_up:
Moonshine said:
You must get tired with all that swimming. Breast stroke? butterfly?

Using "SWIM" grants you absolutely no protection or extra protection of "plausible deniability" and we don't swim here as a result.

"Someone Who Is totally Me even though i'm pretending it isn't"
Moonshine said:
SWIM does understand the forum rules/attitudes.. Thank you..
In that case...

.. you are breaking the forum guidelines and rules with full intent! And even more damning, you are also a repeat offender.

Moonshine said:
SWIM's post clearly stated that the extraction was NOT completed (for safety concerns).
Commercial scale extractions and dangerous procedures are not to be discussed. Period. Who do you think you are kidding here?
pitubo said:
Moonshine said:
SWIM does understand the forum rules/attitudes.. Thank you..
In that case...

.. you are breaking the forum guidelines and rules with full intent! And even more damning, you are also a repeat offender.

Moonshine said:
SWIM's post clearly stated that the extraction was NOT completed (for safety concerns).
Commercial scale extractions and dangerous procedures are not to be discussed. Period. Who do you think you are kidding here?


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The Traveler said:
The cake method is not supported on the DMT-Nexus due to the large scale of it.

Please check the Attitude page:

Attitude said:
No commercial-scaled extractions and reckless “spreading”

The Nexus is not a place for commercial operations and we do not want to support drug dealers; we believe in using these substances for personal use.
I hope you understand this policy.

Kind regards,

The Traveler

Small/personal scale extractions are both more efficient and less devastating in the event of accidents.

Regarding your question. Avoid heat around all flammable solvents, be sure to use adequate ventilation (away from other persons and pets) when working with solvents, and no lye particulates will not be suspended in the fumes of evaporating alcohol.
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