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max, the drug pioneer

Migrated topic.


Earth Child
Hello everyone from nexus, its me maxzar100.
I am a frequent cannabis smoker, and avid musician, I especially enjoy Tool, and Riverside.

Have tried growing some marujanna plants, but the law has not favored me much... rip GDP plant aka "lebraun"

I am a frequent LSA user, I make LSA 1 or 2 times a week. I enjoy experimenting with legal drugs, as well as illegal ones.

It annoys me when people come to the conclusion, that if a plant is not illegal, it will not work. I have had success with many commen herbs, such as lavender, HBWR, lions tail, wormwood, salvia, and blue lotus.

I am an advocate of vaporizing, as I have developed mild asthma. I recently bought my first vaporizer, a whip style, bag styles are just a waste.

Now for the actually related stuff.

I first cunducted my first DMT experiment about 5 months ago. I decided to go with the Ayuhausca method, because of its prolonged effects. I created the Ayuhausca myself, using mimosa hostilis, and syrian rue seeds. I used simple materials such as lime juice and water, as I was trying to replicate shamanic methods. After this first trial, I was hooked.

I have become some what of a nut on DMT. My friends have little apreciation for it and have nicknamed it "satans soup". I hope to learn new methods, and make friends on this forum who actually apreciate the wonders of the spirit molecule.

I am friendly, and hope to get along with everyone. I will not fight with you so dont even try to provoke me it is useless, most of the times I will be sedated and or stoned.

Thanks for reading,

P.S. For those of you who have not tried lavender, you should give it a chance. It is a nice legal smoke that aids in sleep, and gives a euphoric feeling. If you want to vaporize it, I recommend 216 as the temperature, but it depends on your device.
welcome!!Im new here too.. I have just started making my own mixtures of legal smoke. And find great enjoyment in gathering the wild or cultivated herbs. Mixing a smoke that is 100% free snd non-addictive is super cool.Gives me peace of mind that I don't have to get it from the commercial world or get addicted to the unknown carcinogens.
Cool preschooler, what kind of blends do you use? Have you tried chill somking mix? I like wormwood, indian warrior, lions tail, It gives me a cool shroomy/calm high, but i find that the wormwood also gives me energy. It is good to smoke a bowl of wormwood or two a few hours after some tiring cannabis, because it will restore your energy to some degree
The last one was passion flower(several flowers dried and ground) mint leaves. And a pinch of mj. Very smooth not 100%legal but 95.5%:). Nice head change and euphoria for 5-10 min. My next one is morning glory flowers, passion flowers, i was going to look for some lavender like you had mentioned
I live in California, so it is very easy for me to find some fresh lavender buds, as they grow wild and in 1 out of 15 peoples front yards haha
It should be said that anyone who does take it upon themselves to try lavender should be careful and take every precaution because it is a very potent allergen and for certain people could create a very unpleasant situation indeed.
Sounds like you have a lot of respect for the spirit molecule. That's awesome. I like that you are going with the traditional route of administration too. That's very cool.
Thank you very much for the compliment opiyum. I do have a lot of respect for it, It is the most mystical substance that I have ever used. I have never tried smoking freebase DMT, but so far Ayuhausca is an amazing expierience, and its not as hard on my body as acid or mescaline.
Thanks for informing me about the lavender, is there a good way to tell if people are allergic to it before smoking it? I heard that with dream herb, you put it under your tounge for a few minuets.
I only know of the standard ways of seeing if your allergic to something before ingesting it. It's the same procedure I would use in the wild with herbs or plants or berries I wasn't sure of 100%.
You could start by rubbing it on your skin and waiting to see if a rash develops then on your lips then try chewing some waiting 30 minutes to an hour after each test and finally just ingesting a small amount.
In reality though I don't think an allergic reaction to Lavender could kill you so it may be going a little overboard to do all this.
I would probably just eat some and if nothing happens then start by smoking a very small amount and pay attention to whether you feel any adverse side effects.

I'd be interested to see what you think of DMT freebase if and when you try it. I'm curious as to what the differences are.
I imagine that orally it is less intense and obviously much longer lasting than smoking but I wonder how much less intense it is. I wonder if with a high enough oral dose if you can get the full range of effects, possibly even breaking through.
That would seem to have a greater therapeutic effect than quick all out affront on the senses that you get when you smoke it.
The dose I used was 6g of rue and 16g of jurema. I only drank 2 cups of the jurema brew though, out of about 4, I boiled a lot of water. I heard that you can re boil jurema and still extract more dmt from it.

When I boiled the jurema, I did it for 4 hours, and added lime juice to help with the extraction. I have found that lime juice is very effective in extractions for a variety of brews that i make, including one of my favorites, Psycho Chai.
You can easily reach the same intensity and peak orally. The main difference is the dramatic and jolting launch from baseline to peak in seconds by smoking. This doesn't seem to be so jolting when already off of baseline with mescaline or shrooms, the peak is much higher for a given amount smoked though. Smoking can be convenient because you are back to baseline within a half hour and usually more like 10 minutes or so. Both methods have their own benifits and drawbacks.
maxzar100 said:
The dose I used was 6g of rue and 16g of jurema. I only drank 2 cups of the jurema brew though, out of about 4, I boiled a lot of water. I heard that you can re boil jurema and still extract more dmt from it.

When I boiled the jurema, I did it for 4 hours, and added lime juice to help with the extraction. I have found that lime juice is very effective in extractions for a variety of brews that i make, including one of my favorites, Psycho Chai.

each one has their own dose but 6g rue seems too much, and 16g of jurema also (even 8 jurema can be a lot for some people).. By your words I imagine you only did one boil for each, so maybe thats why you are needing such high doses. Try instead to make shorter (like 20 mins) boils (on low fire!), and make 3x instead of just once, each time filtering, storing the liquid and putting back the solids for next boil.. After 3rd boil throw solids away, put the 3x liquids together and you can reduce them on low fire (better simmer than boil), to a manageable amount (like, say, 100ml per dose). You can do this both for the rue and for jurema

Try 3g rue and 5-10g jurema. If its too weak, rather increase the jurema than the rue.. I never heard of anybody that needed more than, say, 4-5g rue for MAO inhibition. Most need around 3g....
maxzar100 said:
I first cunducted my first DMT experiment about 5 months ago. I decided to go with the Ayuhausca method, because of its prolonged effects. I created the Ayuhausca myself, using mimosa hostilis, and syrian rue seeds. I used simple materials such as lime juice and water, as I was trying to replicate shamanic methods. After this first trial, I was hooked.

Not to nitpick here but what you tried was Mimosa and Rue, not Ayahuasca.

Ayahuasca is Caapi and P. Viridis or Diplopterys cabrerana. In traditional brews no lemon or lime is used. A giant pot of water is put onto a fire and shredded Caapi (or sometimes whole pieces of Caapi) are layered with the leaves of the above mentioned plants. It is a very different experience than Mimosa and Rue, due to different alkaloid profiles of each of the plants involved, and many believe that Caapi is a Master Teacher Plant that has been working with mankind for at least 1000 years.

This is not to undermine or belittle your experience, Mimosa and Rue can give a very powerful experience, but it is not traditional Ayahuasca.

Regardless of my little rant there, Welcome to the forum! I hope that you get to experience what a vaporized DMT experience is like. It is quite different than Ayahuasca and it's analogs.
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