Earth Child
Hello everyone from nexus, its me maxzar100.
I am a frequent cannabis smoker, and avid musician, I especially enjoy Tool, and Riverside.
Have tried growing some marujanna plants, but the law has not favored me much... rip GDP plant aka "lebraun"
I am a frequent LSA user, I make LSA 1 or 2 times a week. I enjoy experimenting with legal drugs, as well as illegal ones.
It annoys me when people come to the conclusion, that if a plant is not illegal, it will not work. I have had success with many commen herbs, such as lavender, HBWR, lions tail, wormwood, salvia, and blue lotus.
I am an advocate of vaporizing, as I have developed mild asthma. I recently bought my first vaporizer, a whip style, bag styles are just a waste.
Now for the actually related stuff.
I first cunducted my first DMT experiment about 5 months ago. I decided to go with the Ayuhausca method, because of its prolonged effects. I created the Ayuhausca myself, using mimosa hostilis, and syrian rue seeds. I used simple materials such as lime juice and water, as I was trying to replicate shamanic methods. After this first trial, I was hooked.
I have become some what of a nut on DMT. My friends have little apreciation for it and have nicknamed it "satans soup". I hope to learn new methods, and make friends on this forum who actually apreciate the wonders of the spirit molecule.
I am friendly, and hope to get along with everyone. I will not fight with you so dont even try to provoke me it is useless, most of the times I will be sedated and or stoned.
Thanks for reading,
P.S. For those of you who have not tried lavender, you should give it a chance. It is a nice legal smoke that aids in sleep, and gives a euphoric feeling. If you want to vaporize it, I recommend 216 as the temperature, but it depends on your device.
I am a frequent cannabis smoker, and avid musician, I especially enjoy Tool, and Riverside.
Have tried growing some marujanna plants, but the law has not favored me much... rip GDP plant aka "lebraun"
I am a frequent LSA user, I make LSA 1 or 2 times a week. I enjoy experimenting with legal drugs, as well as illegal ones.
It annoys me when people come to the conclusion, that if a plant is not illegal, it will not work. I have had success with many commen herbs, such as lavender, HBWR, lions tail, wormwood, salvia, and blue lotus.
I am an advocate of vaporizing, as I have developed mild asthma. I recently bought my first vaporizer, a whip style, bag styles are just a waste.
Now for the actually related stuff.
I first cunducted my first DMT experiment about 5 months ago. I decided to go with the Ayuhausca method, because of its prolonged effects. I created the Ayuhausca myself, using mimosa hostilis, and syrian rue seeds. I used simple materials such as lime juice and water, as I was trying to replicate shamanic methods. After this first trial, I was hooked.
I have become some what of a nut on DMT. My friends have little apreciation for it and have nicknamed it "satans soup". I hope to learn new methods, and make friends on this forum who actually apreciate the wonders of the spirit molecule.
I am friendly, and hope to get along with everyone. I will not fight with you so dont even try to provoke me it is useless, most of the times I will be sedated and or stoned.
Thanks for reading,
P.S. For those of you who have not tried lavender, you should give it a chance. It is a nice legal smoke that aids in sleep, and gives a euphoric feeling. If you want to vaporize it, I recommend 216 as the temperature, but it depends on your device.