Running Bear said:
Mushrooms grow all around the world and are the perfect psychedelic . If nature or God gave something to help man it would be mushrooms over ayahuasca. Why are people spending thousands of dollars to try ayahuasca when the food of the Gods is growing in their backyard? People are getting raped and murdered in South America because people are over exaggerating their ayahuasca experiences. I think if people understood that psilocin was basically dmt they wouldn't go to these shamans. Wouldn't it be better if people got together as a community and took mushrooms as a spiritual medicine? Can you see mushroom ceremonies being popular in the future? I felt like talking about this in chat but it's down right now :lol: ..
So many misinformed assumptions...
Pitubo- Nobody needs to spend thousands of dollars to try ayahuasca, they can brew it in their own kitchen. No need for vines from the jungle even, just get some rue seeds. One can even use the psilocin in magic mushrooms as an alternative for a dmt-containing plant.
- Most of the mushrooms growing in people's backyards are inedible or even toxic.
(Running Bear-From what i understand you can get in trouble for having mimosa hostilis, acacia, and other dmt containing plants shipped to your house. Mushroom spores are completely legal.
Pitubo- Not everybody is getting raped or murdered in South America, those are exceptions.
(Running Bear- No but rape and murder is definitely happening. You don't know what their putting in their brews or your dosage.)
Pitubo- DMT is not ayahuasca and ayahuasca is not dmt. It just makes no sense to compare dmt with psilocin and infer conclusions about ayahuasca. Logic is never optional.
(Running Bear- That's a stupid thing to say. obviously by ayahuasca i mean a dmt containing plant with a maoi. You can definitely compare dmt with psilocin. Both are psychedelics and similar in chemical structure. You literally just said you can use mushrooms as a alternative to dmt .)
Pitubo- People have been using magic mushrooms for ages, in fact going to a shroom shaman of sorts was not at all uncommon before ayahuasca got so popular and almost commodified. They still do and there are even psilohuasca ceremonies being held, just search for it.
(Running Bear- I'm sure there's underground shroom shamans out there but its rare in my country and no one talks about them, to risky. People go to these aya shamans because it's more exotic and they hear that mother aya is here to save the planet lol.
Pitubo- Nobody needs to "get together as a community", everybody is free to make his or her own choices and experience these substances in the way best suited to personal preferences. Why does it have to be popular?
(Running Bear- Most people have friends and want to get together as a community. I never said anything had to be popular. I just think it's stupid how people are going to these shamans and throwing up when they don't have to

Pitubo-I skipped the issues surrounding "perfect psychedlic" and "God", as I consider both figments of the imagination.
(Running Bear- You're free to believe anything you want, that's fine.).