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Mushroom Ceremonies?

Migrated topic.

Running Bear

Rising Star
Mushrooms grow all around the world and are the perfect psychedelic . If nature or God gave something to help man it would be mushrooms over ayahuasca. Why are people spending thousands of dollars to try ayahuasca when the food of the Gods is growing in their backyard? People are getting raped and murdered in South America because people are over exaggerating their ayahuasca experiences. I think if people understood that psilocin was basically dmt they wouldn't go to these shamans. Wouldn't it be better if people got together as a community and took mushrooms as a spiritual medicine? Can you see mushroom ceremonies being popular in the future? I felt like talking about this in chat but it's down right now :lol: ..


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Running Bear said:
Mushrooms grow all around the world and are the perfect psychedelic . If nature or God gave something to help man it would be mushrooms over ayahuasca. Why are people spending thousands of dollars to try ayahuasca when the food of the Gods is growing in their backyard? People are getting raped and murdered in South America because people are over exaggerating their ayahuasca experiences. I think if people understood that psilocin was basically dmt they wouldn't go to these shamans. Wouldn't it be better if people got together as a community and took mushrooms as a spiritual medicine? Can you see mushroom ceremonies being popular in the future? I felt like talking about this in chat but it's down right now :lol: ..

Mushrooms tea + harmalas FTW. It seems at least in my situation to be the most cost effective, least ecologically damaging, & most inconspicuous route to an experience similar enough to aya in effect it can be used the same.

Id bet something like that becomes more popular in the event all the hippies in california cause deforestation due to the massive consumption & commercialization of caapi vine & p. Virdis.

Then you have MHRB & acacia. Both which i can see eventually being lost to destructive harvesting techniques if not planted & kept around intentionally (kinda like peyote?).

If i found it cost effective i would grow mimosa but im in the northeastern U.S. & it would require me to invest a significant amount of space & money into a few trees that may produce a gram a year if that.
Yeah I was thinking about growing mimosa then I realized I have something much more precious mushrooms lol. I live in the same area and it would probably cost 100s of dollars to grow mimosa every year. Mushrooms need no maoi and no preparation. In my opinion ayahuasca is extremely over rated. If I was to explain ayahuasca to a friend I would say mushrooms with more anxiety and throwing up :lol: ...
I dont feel like aya is a fair comparison to mushrooms. I started using dmt with brewed ayahuasca but at this point it feels crude & outdated to drink the tea vs dosing more refined extracts.

Pharmahuasca seems a much better comparison to mushrooms IMO. I do wish i could get the same clarity i get from dmt with mushrooms but then i have only had cubensis & i hear other species of psyilocybe produce cleaner & less clouded trips.

Id like to try some of the more potent psilocybe species at some point but i've far from mastered monotubs & agar work.
If you want clarity try panaeolus cyanescens. Look up Willy Myco on YouTube if you want to grow them....
Each medicine is different. You can't substitute one for another.

If you want to view it as "Nature / God gave something to help man", it was all of them, and perhaps Ayahuasca was meant to come to mankind's consciousness later - after the discovery of the Americas, the exploration of the Amazon etc.

I haven't worked much with mushrooms as they're not as easily available as Ayahuasca.

In the Amazon they have mushrooms too and yet they prefer Ayahuasca.
Jagube said:
Each medicine is different. You can't substitute one for another.

If you want to view it as "Nature / God gave something to help man", it was all of them, and perhaps Ayahuasca was meant to come to mankind's consciousness later - after the discovery of the Americas, the exploration of the Amazon etc.

I haven't worked much with mushrooms as they're not as easily available as Ayahuasca.

In the Amazon they have mushrooms too and yet they prefer Ayahuasca.

Actually you can substitute one for another lol. They prefer ayahuasca because of that cash money . All im saying is that mushrooms don't get the respect they deserve :) ...
Jagube said:
If you want to view it as "Nature / God gave something to help man", it was all of them, and perhaps Ayahuasca was meant to come to mankind's consciousness later - after the discovery of the Americas, the exploration of the Amazon etc.

Surely Ayahuasca was already in the consciousness of the people that lived there before the Americas were "discovered".
Even in South America right into regions currently known for trichocereus use, there is a lot of evidence for an ancient mushroom cult that spanned the americas from mexico on to the south.

After a number of years of drinking ayahuasca and similar brews I settled on rue and mushrooms. I would even prefer mushrooms alone to aya most occasions, but with the rue you can make really, really potent brews that will serve the needs of anyone in desire of deep tryptamine hyperspace, or a fully beta carboline saturated brew with a hint of color.

I don't mind adding other tryptamine plants, or vine, when they are around or my garden seems in that giving mode. If psilocybin is not the focus, a connection for me personally is often absent.
Jagube said:
In the Amazon they have mushrooms too and yet they prefer Ayahuasca.

I really doubt most of the real old grown virgin amazonia has much abundance of species like cubensis. That seems to be a trend following the clearing of rainforest for agriculture, and therefore somewhat less relevent. I think you would be hard pressed to find these apparent people who have(known species of) psilocybin mushrooms in the regions we are referring to. There very well may be old knowledge of psilocybes still retained, but that is entirely speculative.

Really we should understand that the use of "they" here is a gross over simplification of cultural amazonia. Noone here knows who this "they" really is unless you actually spent time with these people who sat down and explained they're knowledge of both and preferences etc.
Running Bear said:
Mushrooms grow all around the world and are the perfect psychedelic . If nature or God gave something to help man it would be mushrooms over ayahuasca. Why are people spending thousands of dollars to try ayahuasca when the food of the Gods is growing in their backyard? People are getting raped and murdered in South America because people are over exaggerating their ayahuasca experiences. I think if people understood that psilocin was basically dmt they wouldn't go to these shamans. Wouldn't it be better if people got together as a community and took mushrooms as a spiritual medicine? Can you see mushroom ceremonies being popular in the future? I felt like talking about this in chat but it's down right now :lol: ..
So many misinformed assumptions...

- Nobody needs to spend thousands of dollars to try ayahuasca, they can brew it in their own kitchen. No need for vines from the jungle even, just get some rue seeds. One can even use the psilocin in magic mushrooms as an alternative for a dmt-containing plant.

- Most of the mushrooms growing in people's backyards are inedible or even toxic.

- Not everybody is getting raped or murdered in South America, those are exceptions.

- DMT is not ayahuasca and ayahuasca is not dmt. It just makes no sense to compare dmt with psilocin and infer conclusions about ayahuasca. Logic is never optional.

- People have been using magic mushrooms for ages, in fact going to a shroom shaman of sorts was not at all uncommon before ayahuasca got so popular and almost commodified. They still do and there are even psilohuasca ceremonies being held, just search for it.

- Nobody needs to "get together as a community", everybody is free to make his or her own choices and experience these substances in the way best suited to personal preferences. Why does it have to be popular?

I skipped the issues surrounding "perfect psychedlic" and "God", as I consider both figments of the imagination.
pitubo said:
Running Bear said:
Mushrooms grow all around the world and are the perfect psychedelic . If nature or God gave something to help man it would be mushrooms over ayahuasca. Why are people spending thousands of dollars to try ayahuasca when the food of the Gods is growing in their backyard? People are getting raped and murdered in South America because people are over exaggerating their ayahuasca experiences. I think if people understood that psilocin was basically dmt they wouldn't go to these shamans. Wouldn't it be better if people got together as a community and took mushrooms as a spiritual medicine? Can you see mushroom ceremonies being popular in the future? I felt like talking about this in chat but it's down right now :lol: ..
So many misinformed assumptions...

Pitubo- Nobody needs to spend thousands of dollars to try ayahuasca, they can brew it in their own kitchen. No need for vines from the jungle even, just get some rue seeds. One can even use the psilocin in magic mushrooms as an alternative for a dmt-containing plant.
- Most of the mushrooms growing in people's backyards are inedible or even toxic.

(Running Bear-From what i understand you can get in trouble for having mimosa hostilis, acacia, and other dmt containing plants shipped to your house. Mushroom spores are completely legal.

Pitubo- Not everybody is getting raped or murdered in South America, those are exceptions.

(Running Bear- No but rape and murder is definitely happening. You don't know what their putting in their brews or your dosage.)

Pitubo- DMT is not ayahuasca and ayahuasca is not dmt. It just makes no sense to compare dmt with psilocin and infer conclusions about ayahuasca. Logic is never optional.

(Running Bear- That's a stupid thing to say. obviously by ayahuasca i mean a dmt containing plant with a maoi. You can definitely compare dmt with psilocin. Both are psychedelics and similar in chemical structure. You literally just said you can use mushrooms as a alternative to dmt .)

Pitubo- People have been using magic mushrooms for ages, in fact going to a shroom shaman of sorts was not at all uncommon before ayahuasca got so popular and almost commodified. They still do and there are even psilohuasca ceremonies being held, just search for it.

(Running Bear- I'm sure there's underground shroom shamans out there but its rare in my country and no one talks about them, to risky. People go to these aya shamans because it's more exotic and they hear that mother aya is here to save the planet lol.

Pitubo- Nobody needs to "get together as a community", everybody is free to make his or her own choices and experience these substances in the way best suited to personal preferences. Why does it have to be popular?

(Running Bear- Most people have friends and want to get together as a community. I never said anything had to be popular. I just think it's stupid how people are going to these shamans and throwing up when they don't have to 😂.

Pitubo-I skipped the issues surrounding "perfect psychedlic" and "God", as I consider both figments of the imagination.

(Running Bear- You're free to believe anything you want, that's fine.).
Because people are idiots, that's why. :lol:

Jokes aside, the high cost of ayahuasca is essentialy marketing. They make it seem like it's something like nothing else on this world with that mambo jambo they do. This stuff doesn't actually match what was actually going on in the amazonian jungles thousend of years ago.

The traditional brews were actually mainly based on the vine, they would ocassionally throw in little DMT containing plants (keyword little!) along with other medicinal plants which might or might have not been psychoactive by itself. The stuff they do today is practically the opossite, a lot of DMT and just enough MAOIs, otherwise the experience wouldn't be this spectacular crazy trip that it's marketed to be. It would be uninteresting to most, but what if it never was meant to be anyways? The tribes used a lot of plants as remedies a long time ago because that's the only medicine they had back then and the caapi vine was one of them.

Yes, shrooms are the most practical psychedelic found in nature, some would argue overall but that's a debate for another topic. You don't come by so often to it by your next door local drug dealer because of its bulky size compared to other common street drugs, but anyone I know that's legitamitely done his/her research and is interested in it grows their own boomers. It's definetly around, and if you use this forum you or anyone reading this topic has came across it at some point of their lives.

I don't really have much to add anymore besides that I apreciate that someone points out the huge logic gap that exists in this ayahuasca tourism. Me having done both shrooms and ayahuasca, it has always batteled me that people pay that amount of cash only to be able to say that they've done it. You could brew your own brews and grow your own boomers for waaaaaay cheaper, and it wouldn't be any less authentic.
Interesting thread, good points raised. I've wondered why there aren't mushroom ceremonies advertised all over Facebook like there is all the other stuff. It's funny, the only reason I have an account there is to see that kind of stuff. It makes me wonder though, because Jeff Sessions.

RB, I've been thinking along very similar lines. I have never done aya, so I can't compare the two. Probably the closest would be smoalked rue and fb dmt. I do have decent experience with dmt alone,and what I've found since being initiated into that space,that psilocybin can get me there too. I have not had a high enough dose since, but have gotten into the 'antechamber' of hyperspace on mushrooms alone. My uneducated opinion is that it is very similar to aya, and if RIMAs are added, perhaps practically identical.

I'm beginning to experiment more intimately and extensively with the mushroom, and combining them with the readily available rue is on the short list. Where I live, growing mimosa outside a greenhouse would be impossible, but cold weather shrooms are abundant. Well, kind of, sometimes. The fall season was total bust here for me in the city, they are far more prolific at the coast and on the north side of the mighty Columbia. With our weird 55° average January I was thinking about checking some woodchips for cyans and poking around some horseshit I know for some pans.

Things are coming together for a cultivation run, and that's the way to go. Indoor cultivation is so easy, cheap, and sustainable once off the ground that anyone with the space who wants psilocybin should be growing.

As far as the psychedelic tourism thing goes, I'm pretty up front in my opposition to it, for too many reasons to go into here. I've observed the situation for a few years now pretty closely, and it seems to me that the majority of people that go to any of these things, whether it's ayahuasca in Peru or signing up to smoke toad venom on Facebook, are not going to want to consume mushrooms on their own at home or brew aya in the kitchen for God's sake. Whether it's lack of confidence or fear of the unknown,most of them need someone to hold their hand through the experience.

I think also that many of them put too much faith in the cultural container of the drug rather than in the thing itself. We see the thinking in the other thread about toad venom where a practitioner swears off the far more sustainable synthetic version because he can neither attach his pseudo-science to it nor a cultural association derived from it. In this case, he is able to promote disinformation to his customers, holding special knowledge about the toad. It is similar with aya practitioners and the blatant NLP-filed advertising campaigns for some. Even with reputable suppliers (of experience,not substance,not sourcing talking) the lack of real context for a modern western individual and the fact that they will have nothing to help them integrate the experience once home, it seems to just be a waste of potential or at worst even abusive outside of anything else but cultural tourism and curiosity.

Psychedelic Disneyland. I have met many who say that they have to keep going back to the ceremonies because they lose everything it gives them once they return to normal life. When asked how, on what level in their life exactly they are being helped when they go on and on with florid descriptions and talk of healing, too many times the answer is "I don't know".

I attach great 'spiritual' (I want another word!) import to these things, they gave me an experiential awareness of something far greater than myself that I am an intrinsic part of,and that gave some meaning that was previously lacking to existence enabling me to not only begin healing my many wounds from decades of heroin addiction but move into recovery (again a loaded word,but not as deficient as spiritual). Personally I feel that experiencing the psychedelic within a context of my own setting allows me to get more meaning and "mileage" out of my trips. Most of us here are probably pretty take charge people in that way at least, so making our own stuff and tools to take it, creating our own space and ritual, alone or in groups is probably more understandable than to many novices. It's just my nature, and that of many of us here,to just do it ourselves. Having gone into it alone, and stumbling half crazed and delusional into this place five years ago where many sane,informed and experienced individuals from all over the globe and many walks of life informed and helped helped me create my path of integration, and was the only way in this world that this would've happened for me. If I had experienced what I did through one of these fake shamans, it would've been extremely difficult for me. I'm very glad there was no other human to attach false attributions to, I was in a very psychically vulnerable and suggestive state.

It confounds and frustrates me that we have so many DIY resources here, but people just would rather book a "ceremony" though Facebook and do no research whatsoever. It's not a place to be blindly trusting, but so many are on their spiritual quests. A look here could at least warn them away from fraudulent or dangerous providers.

There's even information here on how to find out create local communities to form your own circles of folks want to be in group settings and not have to pay tons of money. Sorry this post really rambles, but the thread brought up many things.
There's no competition beetween our allies. They are all tools.
I see ayahuasca demanding a ceremonial setting with a space holder or shaman(though it's a bit of a beleive we created) ; Mushroom used in a ceremonial setting yield also powerful experience, but they can be used otherwise and more playfully, that's why they are maybe rated as less profound, but it's a choice.

But because they are more easily used by yourself (they self-teach how to use hem really quickly, on they are many time playful), they have this special strench ayahuasca doesn't have : they can spread easily into group of people disconected of any shamanic culture/network.

But then... this is the harmalx alkaloids. And this is actually the coumpound that are the most underated of all! with mushroom, witt dmt, by themself... They offer something really special. And there's many scientific article exploring their healing potential (cancer,hiv). The brew is named after the vine, not after chacruna... ;)

And this is why i like (food grade full spectrum) changa with freebase IMAO : it's not ayahuasca, thou it share manything with it. It spread the use of the precious hamarlx , way outside of the circle ayahuasca would reach (because ceremonies are expensive or unavailable in the zone, and nearly nobody do this by itself). From there, we can start informing people and make Harmal popular.
And we combine this plan with your idea of spreading the mushrooms around.

The answer is generaly in beetween the ideas, a synergy, a trinity transcending duality in unity ;)
Although mushrooms are very DMT-like, it's still very different from Ayahuasca experience and I don't think one can substitute one for another.

Aya allowed me to go deeper than I have ever been, reviving long lost memories, cactus is a wise and gentle teacher; and fungi give me some great "ancestral knowledge" and love.

Each tool has its use, though I love mushrooms the most, they are closest to humans biologically (closer than plants) and enable me to experience many modalities, from deep emotional trips to even MDMA-like trips (McKenna also loved mushrooms for their ability to mimic any psychedelic once the person learn how to work with them). The spectrum is very wide and they are oh so easy to grow :)
hi 😁
not sure if this is a common phenomena, but lately (like the last year), everything i take just feels the same, lsd - mushrooms - shroomhuasca - mimohuasca - dmt
only substances i feel a difference in are dissos , my only experience is with ketamine but, it really feels like an unfamiliar state of being
i think its natural to feel the difference between phenyls and tryptamines, LSD already has some of that phenyl kick
but even then, a good dose of cactus has gotta take eye where eye is
its all about the godhead really, you see it putting on masks, becoming a force of nature, becoming a mystic experience, becoming a jaguar about to devour you after drinking ayahuasca
its just the same thing tho , once you see that i think all things (classical psychs/entheogens) take you the same place
i started it with mushrooms, they did everything for me (as much as something/someone "else" can do for you), but comparing shroomhuasca to mimohuasca ? can't really tell the difference, its longer i guess
plus , lots of people drink ayahuasca in their own place, and if someone went to peru seeking something , got raped/killed, they did it
nobody forced them , life is decisions determined to bring you the consequences !
and i think alot of the amazon hype is about the forest, its probably the most complex living structure you'll find on the planet, the place is damn magical, winds blow over african desert and bring the amazon the minerals it needs !
same way i feel about tripping in the forest vs home, its not really the same thing
but mushroom ceremonies are bound to be the common thing, its easy to cultivate anywhere, probably anybody with half a brain can do it, yeilds year round, potent medicine, doesn't need maoi , i think if somebody held a mushroom ceremony at entheon (alex grey's place), that'd be pretty great, matching human creativity and the mushroom
yet again, its all same ol same ol , tho
For sure, hard to beat Psilocybes. An ancient communion, human and mushroom. Indeed, McKenna's "stoned ape" theory is likely more credible than often assumed. Mushrooms and visionary plants in general have been integral to catalyzing human mytho-religious creativity. It is not unlikely that they fostered the schism twixt Australopithecines and the common ape forebearer enroute to genus Homo.

Espurrr makes a wizened observation re the commonality of mind state engendered by all classic psychedelics or entheogens, if you will. Once one develops fair experience with the entheogen catalyzed "mystic state", especially if integrated with study of Perennial philosophy, it(the mystic state) seems hauntingly familiar, no matter the specific catalyst.

My sense is that a plurality of Nexians are self didacts re entheogens, their acquisition and personal use. This is the, Entheogenic University, afterall! What could be more shamanistic than learning the science and art of DMT extraction from plant sources to secure access to the birthright mystic state. I encourage EVERYONE on the Nexus to appreciate the ancient and profoundly human enterprise we are engaged in facilitating and fostering in the progeny. This really is valid and sacred work. Comments lamenting some perceived degeneracy of this forum over time are breathtakingly unenlightened(in the classically practical sense).

Indubitably, local "mushroom ceremonies" are valuable and indeed represent the practice of true and original human religious experiencing. The genuine, panhomo eucharist...teonanacatl.

Running Bear said:
From what i understand you can get in trouble for having mimosa hostilis, acacia, and other dmt containing plants shipped to your house. Mushroom spores are completely legal.
In most jurisdictions, it is perfectly legal to order and receive caapi and rue.

Running Bear said:
pitubo said:
DMT is not ayahuasca and ayahuasca is not dmt. It just makes no sense to compare dmt with psilocin and infer conclusions about ayahuasca. Logic is never optional.
That's a stupid thing to say. obviously by ayahuasca i mean a dmt containing plant with a maoi. You can definitely compare dmt with psilocin. Both are psychedelics and similar in chemical structure. You literally just said you can use mushrooms as a alternative to dmt .)
That's not a stupid thing to say. It is not obvious at all that you think that ayahuasca is "a dmt containing plant with a maoi", especially since it is common knowledge that ayahuasca is a maoi containing plant, that can optionally be combined with a dmt containing plant. Even when combined with a psilocin containing "plant" it could still be called "ayahuasca".

You started this thread by comparing mushrooms to ayahuasca. When others point out that you are careless about choosing your words properly and then you call that "a stupid thing to say", well that is a stupid thing to say.

Running Bear said:
Most people have friends and want to get together as a community. I never said anything had to be popular. I just think it's stupid how people are going to these shamans and throwing up when they don't have to 😂.
You can share mushrooms or dmt or ayahuasca with your friends, without calling out for a "community" to get together. BTW some of my friends always throw up after eating mushrooms.

Running Bear, most of the negative aspects of ayahuasca that you complained about are caused by the popularity. What do you expect would happen if mushroom ceremonies were popular in place of ayahuasca. Don't you think that most of the negatives would also transfer along with the popularity?
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