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Mythbusters: Urban psychedelic legends

Migrated topic.
about those flashbacks...

it's interesting to note that most higher developed organisms have the machinery needed to create DMT via biosynthesis. We have all the right enzymes, proteins and building blocks lying around. That does not mean the body spontaneously creates it, but in biology, if your body possesses one set of enzymes degrading the compound, you can safely assume your body also has a pathway / mechanism for undoing that change. It's just that the degradation of DMT is thermodynamically more favored than it's creation. I bet it needs an active input of energy in may different steps to actually create DMT from Tryptophan. Hence a special reaction pathway must exist affording / expending energy in it's creation, and with no apparent short term or long term benefit, these pathways may have once existed and worked, but through evolution and time, started to go dormant by today.

This is why you don't find DMT anywhere in the body / tissue / fluid. It would be very interesting to get fresh, second old biopsy samples from brain tissue immediately after one dies. i am willing to wager on the fact that DMT indeed exists, but after minutes, even the remaining dead cells in the brain have degraded and removed any such evidence.

Tough call. Certainly not related to flashbacks, but i thought i may share my insight.
hostilis said:
Philosopher said:
If you take lsd it stays in your spine forever. My friends actually believe this and think I'm the crazy one

I've heard this one. Also, when you pop your back it sends you into a trip... Never happened to me. Although I do know that when I'm frying popping my back feels GREAT!! Lol.

I'd love to have a longer, more descriptive comment here, but I NEVER miss my appointment with the chiropractor....
Hey guys i don't know if this is true but didn't something happen that some people were giving stickers to people and kids saying that you have to lick it to make it sticky but it was actually LSD. Someone at my work told me so I was just wandering haha
Ya maybe i looked it up on google and couldnt find anything, was just seeing if you guys would know becuase you know its the nexus haha
When I was in middle school, I think it was LSD-soaked temporary tattoos. Some of them were supposed to have strychnine in them, as well.

Even at a young age, I had to wonder why someone had that much LSD, why they would give it to children instead of keeping it for themselves :p

According to Snopes' entry on the LSD Bluestar Tattoos, it is patently false.

Nathanial.Dread said:
When I was in middle school, I think it was LSD-soaked temporary tattoos. Some of them were supposed to have strychnine in them, as well.

Even at a young age, I had to wonder why someone had that much LSD, why they would give it to children instead of keeping it for themselves :p

According to Snopes' entry on the LSD Bluestar Tattoos, it is patently false.

Haha, I remember this! I went to the county fair once with my mom and the police had a little box full of drugs and paraphernalia (don't know if the drugs were real) but I remember seeing a peyote button. My mom asked me if I had ever seen any of them and I replied "Ya..." freaking out she asked me which ones. I pointed to the white out and temporary star tattoo, hahaha!
Haha! This reminds of an episode of an old TV show in the 80's called Quincy. It was all about LSD laced stickers and kids killing themselves on it. It was so ignorantly written it's not even funny.
I had actually always thought that the strychnine thing was real though. I thought trace amounts of it was used to bring on initial body load effects quicker. Good know it's not. :)
idtravlr said:
Haha! This reminds of an episode of an old TV show in the 80's called Quincy. It was all about LSD laced stickers and kids killing themselves on it. It was so ignorantly written it's not even funny.
I had actually always thought that the strychnine thing was real though. I thought trace amounts of it was used to bring on initial body load effects quicker. Good know it's not. :)
I don't know where this whole LSD/Strychnine pairing came from. Whenever you hear about dangerous acid, there's usually someone talking about how it's got strychnine in it.

I am 90% sure that strychnine isn't psychoactive, or active in any more interesting way beyond it's toxicity. Maybe it's just because it's potent enough that you could fit some on a blotter, but if that were the case, why don't we hear about LSD laced with botulinum toxins?

Nathanial.Dread said:
I don't know where this whole LSD/Strychnine pairing came from. Whenever you hear about dangerous acid, there's usually someone talking about how it's got strychnine in it.

I am 90% sure that strychnine isn't psychoactive, or active in any more interesting way beyond it's toxicity. Maybe it's just because it's potent enough that you could fit some on a blotter, but if that were the case, why don't we hear about LSD laced with botulinum toxins?

I don't know either. It was always what I was told when I first started using LSD and I could never find any information to substantiate or contradict the idea, so I always just took it as a real possibility.

Now, it appears that strychnine is actually an indole alkaloid (which would suggest that it very well could be psychoactive in humans) and is considered a psychoactive chemical in animals. Here's a blurb:
Psychoactive drugs, such as caffeine, amphetamine, mescaline, strychnine, LSD, marijuana, chloral hydrate, theophylline, IBMX and others, can have strong effects on certain animals. At small concentrations, some psychoactive drugs reduce the feeding rate of insects and molluscs, and at higher doses some can kill them[citation needed]. Spiders build more disordered webs after consuming most drugs than before. It is believed that some plants developed caffeine in their leaves as a natural protection against insects.
From this Wikipedia page: Effect of psychoactive drugs on animals - Wikipedia

So, perhaps there is some merit to the rumor...
About strychnine in the hairs of peyote buttons....There is nothing poisonous at all in there?
Someone I know sure is glad to find out about that. It will save a lot of time!
Found this buried in the Wiki entry for Strychnine:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strychnine#Symptoms said:
In low dosages, strychnine can act as a stimulant and has been used by athletes to enhance their performance. Strychnine made headlines back in 1904 during the St. Louis Olympics. At that time there were no rules yet about the use of performance enhancing drugs. The American Fred Lorz won the marathon competition but was disqualified just after crossing the finish line because officials learned he had taken a car ride for part of the race. The next man to finish was the British-born US athlete Thomas Hicks. He won the gold medal but not without a little help. About 10 miles from the finish line Hicks begged his trainers to let him stop running and give-up the race. His trainers refused and gave him a dose of strychnine as a stimulant to keep him going. They also gave him raw egg-white and brandy. As a result Hicks had to be carried across the finish line and it took four doctors to revive him so that he could leave the stadium. More recently at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, strychnine was used to optimize the athletic performance of Wu Dan, a female volleyball player from China. Dan was the first person to test positive for drugs at the Olympics, testing positive for strychnine despite claiming that she had not ingested any. The strychnine was contained in capsules that Dan was taking without the knowledge of the team doctor. She took the capsule as a tonic because she was feeling a bit tired. The Olympic committee banned her from any more competition but stated that Dan didn’t intentionally cheat.[13]
Emphasis mine.

I've got to say: with the vast array of performance-enhancing drugs out there (some of them very dangerous in their own right), I imagine that it takes a special kind of brain to choose strychnine as your drug of choice. :!:

Perhaps you could combine strychnine with LSD to make a little speedier, and maybe someone, way back when, actually did.

The strichnine story was a typical press scare ?

How do people explain others who have sensory effects similar to descriptions of the effects of weak LSD ...... that have never had LSD ? Do they have flashbacks ?

What about the BIGGEST drug myths ? = Machine elves and alien contact ?
GOD said:
The strichnine story was a typical press scare ?

How do people explain others who have sensory effects similar to descriptions of the effects of weak LSD ...... that have never had LSD ? Do they have flashbacks ?

What about the BIGGEST drug myths ? = Machine elves and alien contact ?

How are elves and aliens myth? Yes, they're experienced subjectively, but they're very common part of DMT experiences.
>How are elves and aliens myth? Yes, they're experienced subjectively, but they're very common part of DMT experiences.

The myth isnt that people see them after takeing DMT . Thats a persons psychoilogy = when they read books by people that they believe in about machine elves being a part of a DMT trip they then see them .

The myth is that they realy exist .

This is from memory if its wrong please someone explain ---- >

Maybe people should look at where the story comes from . Has anyone ever seen storys about machine elves being a part of a DMT trip before mckenna read gulivers travels , went to the jungle with his brother and friends , had a nervous breakdown so bad that his friends abandoned him and then his brother abandoned him ........... then there was the bit with 14 days and nights without sleep .......... all of that while ab/useing drugs .

Then after he wrote that LOADS of people started seeing machine elves on DMT . The story went round the web . Now there are people claiming to see machine elves on salvia and other drugs .

Think direction placebo , conditioning , faith healing ,

The first thing that an explorer who uses drugs needs to know is that its a drug experience and hallucinations are not real .
GOD said:
>How are elves and aliens myth? Yes, they're experienced subjectively, but they're very common part of DMT experiences.

The myth isnt that people see them after takeing DMT . Thats a persons psychoilogy = when they read books by people that they believe in about machine elves being a part of a DMT trip they then see them .

The myth is that they realy exist .

This is from memory if its wrong please someone explain ---- >

Maybe people should look at where the story comes from . Has anyone ever seen storys about machine elves being a part of a DMT trip before mckenna read gulivers travels , went to the jungle with his brother and friends , had a nervous breakdown so bad that his friends abandoned him and then his brother abandoned him ........... then there was the bit with 14 days and nights without sleep .......... all of that while ab/useing drugs .

Then after he wrote that LOADS of people started seeing machine elves on DMT . The story went round the web . Now there are people claiming to see machine elves on salvia and other drugs .

Think direction placebo , conditioning , faith healing ,

The first thing that an explorer who uses drugs needs to know is that its a drug experience and hallucinations are not real .

You seem quite confident about your opinion. Good luck with that.
A broad group of DMT users (myself included) have seen, interacted with or otherwise experienced entities while under the influence. Is this entirely because of TMK's suggestions? I think we can rule that out because of the traditional healers who use DMT mixtures and describe interactions with entities as being a standard part of the experience, which dates back for many, many generations before McKenna's time.

That said, whether the entities are "real" or not is a question that breaks down the closer you look at it. Are YOU real?
You seem quite confident about your opinion. Good luck with that.

What in your opinion was opinion in what i said please ?

OK i'll turn it around ---- >

What evidence is there for machine elves ?

Has anyone seen any refeence to machine elves on DMT tips before mckenna talked about it ?

Has anyone seen any reference to machine elves on salvia or other drug trips before the machine elves on DMT story ?

If a person who says that they see pink elephants , daemons and angels and believes in them and claims that they are real is psychotic ....... What about people who do the same with machine elves ?

The guy who wrote the psychedelic information theory wrote a good article about machine elves has anyone read it and dissagrees ?

I'm asking because i'm on a site that wants to be a psychedelic university and i think that the subject should interest serious people .
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