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No Smell, Quick and Easy, Almost Pure Bufotenine Extraction

Migrated topic.
OriginalFace said:
8. Add enough water (about 50 ml) to dissolve the bufotenine fumarate then add about a gram of sodium carbonate powder directly to this solution. Like magic a caramel coloured lump of freebase bufotenine will form. This lump should be flattened out while adding an excess of water, to allow complete penetration by the sodium carbonate. Let this reaction continue for a while to completion, then pour off the water and dry out the caramel bufotenine.

I love this bit :)

To think I'd just keep trying to mix that blob right in after mixing the dry fumerate and sodium carbonate, then only have to end up evapping more water... and no one likes that.

This easily saves me a good 12 hours at least :)
I have a nice caramel lump and am wondering about drying it–

Will it become completely dry and set or will it stay soft? I’ve tried applying some warmth but it seems to become softer and spread out. It gets what seems to be a bit of a skin.

It isn’t noticeably wet, it is a tad oily though. Should I add it to acetone or wait longer?
Oily is good, you just want the water to dry off to help keep the correct balance in the cosolvents for the next stage

Best wishes to your extraction success.

I took the lump straight and and messed it around in front of a fan until it became more difficult to spread around then added the acetone and then a little dry mg sulfate.
OriginalFace, did swiy tried using hexane instead of naphtha?
swim has an access to only odorless whitespirit and to pure hexane.
what would be the proportion of acetone/hexane?
Hexane shouldn't be too far of the polarity of naphtha so I'd stick to the same ratio and if it doesn't appear pure enough after the first time, then repeat the process with a little more hexane, though I'd imagine you won't need much more.
SWIM just tried it and is pretty frustrated with one step.

Everything went perfectly fine, freebasing, pulling with acetone, salting out with fumeric acid....

Then when the acetone was filtered what looked like a decent amount of brown-sugar colored clump was collected in a coffee filter.

The coffee filter was soaked in ~40-50ml of water and turned about the same color of the acetone, all of the filtrate seemed dissolved.

SWIM added sodium carbonate pinch by pinch, at least 3g was added in total and completely dissolved and.... nothing.

SWIM saw the tiniest specs of brown floating around, but maybe 3-4mg maximum compared to SWIM would guess >200mg of the filtrate.

SWIM tried putting the solution in the fridge... no change....

Ok so I added my FASA, It clouded my acetone pulls up but not to a cloudy white like Phlux's tek did. Its still cloudy yellow with slightly white tint setting in at the top. I dont see any crystals forming on the sides like his but there is a percipitate at the bottom that looks tannish but it isnt stuck to the sides and flows with the acetone when tipped so I'll have to filter it out. I think there may have actually been a percipitate there before adding the FASA. Should I add more FASA to it to see if crystals form and make it a cloudy white instead of yellow?

Was it necessary to let the acetone sit with the fumeric in it to fully saturate it? I added excess until it stopped dissolving but forgot to let it sit for a few hours and just filtered it. Should I add more fumeric and let it sit???
Ok so I added quite a bit more FASA and crystals started to form, apparently I was being too shy with adding the fumeric. :oops:

So now Ive got a light tan fumerate drying and will proceed from here.
So the blue entity seemed to lose quite a bit too in the 2nd freebase step. A big lump did form but he had to chase a bunch of specs around and add it to the lump. Is this a cleaning step in any way or could one just go about freebasing the normal drytek way?

Also, he would rather smell the stench from toasting than naptha haha! Although he may have to if he is to try some purer stuff.
q21q21 said:
SWIM just tried it and is pretty frustrated with one step.

Everything went perfectly fine, freebasing, pulling with acetone, salting out with fumeric acid....

Then when the acetone was filtered what looked like a decent amount of brown-sugar colored clump was collected in a coffee filter.

The coffee filter was soaked in ~40-50ml of water and turned about the same color of the acetone, all of the filtrate seemed dissolved.

SWIM added sodium carbonate pinch by pinch, at least 3g was added in total and completely dissolved and.... nothing.

SWIM saw the tiniest specs of brown floating around, but maybe 3-4mg maximum compared to SWIM would guess >200mg of the filtrate.

SWIM tried putting the solution in the fridge... no change....


Tried evaporating and pulling with acetone. Got 25mg of brown goo.

Smoking 5mg gave just a funny feeling, 10 minutes later 6mg more smoked and gave... some more funny feelings, no visuals/tracers.

The seeds are from maya... are they bunk?
Phlux- said:
probably not bunk - it takes a while for most to learn how to work with bufo properly.
....if it ever works. Some people just get "funny" feelings and few visuals but nothing amazing from bufo. But yeah, seeds are usually not bunk, tell q21q21 to smoke more and even more if he has it handy, maybe try something on the 100+ mg range.
I'm starting to see that the main reason for me thinking bufotenine wasn't working for me are people previously listed dosages. 10mg's doesn't even seem to tickle. I got just beyond threshold the other day by smoking 60mg's in a joint with caapi vine. I'm currently making some 10x caapi IPA to infuse with bufo onto a mix of peppermint and mullein, so hopefully that will do the trick.
Exactly! The recommended dosage seems way low compared to what the blue guy smokes. He doesn't even measure his hits, he just loads half a bowl or so and hits it till he can't stand the body effects anymore. This ensures bit hits too because of how much is in there.

He can understand why somebody might start low because of the possibility of nausea but if it aint workin well and you can stand it, step it up a notch next time.

It gets to a point where he sees faint electric like OEVs when he knows he'll eventually breakthrough when he closes his eyes.
obliguhl said:
According to this thread:

Bufontenin is alsmost unsoluble in water. Interesting that you say that bufo fumerate would be soluble in water. Maybe the freebasing did not work?

freebase bufo is insoluble in water - bufo fumarate deffinately is soluble in water.

first time i smoked it - must have been 30mg - i didnt feel a thing - for the next few times - didnt feel much but reduced the dosage anyway.
now 2mg of pure bufo is very very active on me - 6-8mg would be a full dose.

i noticed bufo breaks down like super fast - way faster than spice - as soon as one has their product they should freeze it in a sealed jar.
recently i tried smoking bufo that was on my desk for a day or 2 - it had all oxidized - 2mg was smoked and i suffered 1 minute of the most awefull powerfull nausea ever - followed by - not much other than slight slight hallucinations - totally not worth it to smoke the n-oxide.
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