Esteemed member
PlainCoil said:Pure white (well, slightly yellowish) carbonate needles.
Could SWIY post a picture? What was the yield like?
It sounds great
PlainCoil said:Pure white (well, slightly yellowish) carbonate needles.
Can SWIY please elaborate a litte more off the bold text? SWIM is to mix vinegar with the d-limonene as per the original tek, but not decant it? And then add the seltzer water to the mix of both? SWIM is confused :?PlainCoil said:SWIM simply added room temperature seltzer water to some d-limonene that had already been salted from with vinegar two or three times.
The seltzer water was then evaporated to reveal a small amount of nicely shaped crystals dissolved in the water.
Scraping showed them to be hard, slightly off white, needle shaped crystals that tasted really bitter on SWIM's tongue.
SWIM would love to try this with a fresh limonene pull. He also recommends that you guys give this a shot with your next limonene pull. What do you have to lose? Seltzer water is less than a dollar, just make sure it only has carbonated water on the ingredients.
mapp said:Can SWIY please elaborate a litte more off the bold text? SWIM is to mix vinegar with the d-limonene as per the original tek, but not decant it? And then add the seltzer water to the mix of both? SWIM is confused :?PlainCoil said:SWIM simply added room temperature seltzer water to some d-limonene that had already been salted from with vinegar two or three times.
The seltzer water was then evaporated to reveal a small amount of nicely shaped crystals dissolved in the water.
Scraping showed them to be hard, slightly off white, needle shaped crystals that tasted really bitter on SWIM's tongue.
SWIM would love to try this with a fresh limonene pull. He also recommends that you guys give this a shot with your next limonene pull. What do you have to lose? Seltzer water is less than a dollar, just make sure it only has carbonated water on the ingredients.
Dwhitty76 said:swim is a little frustrated that his brown'ish/red'ish goo is not drying at all.!! :x.
Depends what you want to gas with the CO2. The non-polar solvent or something else ?GoOnThen said:This mite be a bit left field but i have been thinking about gassing with CO2 any thoughts ? :roll:
I realy have no idea if this is possible cant seem to find any info other than some talk about mescaline carbonate and the setzer water post.
Ah alright. SWIM mixed some seltzer water with his 4th vinegar pull and is currently evaporating. His 3rd pull had barely any mescaline, so he is doubting he will yield much if any mescaline carbonate, but decided to experiment anyway.amor_fati said:mapp said:SWIM is to mix vinegar with the d-limonene as per the original tek, but not decant it? And then add the seltzer water to the mix of both? SWIM is confused :?
Sounds like he had already pulled with vinegar and was testing the seltzer on the leftovers.
Oh. What did SWIM do then? He mixed seltzer water with his d-limonened-pulled vinegar. He shook it a little in a water bottle (it didn't bubble) and it evaported into a lighter brown and less dense gooey mass than his previous pulls. It was about 30mg, which was expected. Is it still active mescaline acetate?PlainCoil said:SWIM didn't mix seltzer water with vinegar, he just used seltzer water on some old limonene that had already been salted a few times.
Well SWIM mixed seltzer water with his 4th d-limonene pull, that had already been re-used from the 3rd pull. He had his limonene/seltzer water mix evaporate in the oven at around 130F with the door open and it scraped up resembling a syrupy color and consistency, it measures 162mg! His 4th vinegar pull only yielded 30mg (from 50g cactus) so he wasn't expecting much from the limonene/seltzer water mix. SWIM will have to try if it is active.PlainCoil said:Sorry, maybe I wasn't being clear.
SWIM just had some old limonene sitting out that he thought might have some alkaloids left in it, so he decided to try a different approach than salting them out with vinegar. So he used seltzer water instead.
mapp said:Well SWIM mixed seltzer water with his 4th d-limonene pull, that had already been re-used from the 3rd pull. He had his limonene/seltzer water mix evaporate in the oven at around 130F with the door open and it scraped up resembling a syrupy color and consistency, it measures 162mg! His 4th vinegar pull only yielded 30mg (from 50g cactus) so he wasn't expecting much from the limonene/seltzer water mix. SWIM will have to try if it is active.
Oh, thanks for pointing that out! I guess SWIM's yield is completely disposable then as he did not separate the seltzer water from the limonene and evaporated them both at the same time. However SWIM was ready to dispose all his leftovers from this tek before hastily reading the posts of seltzer water, so it's not a big deal that he didn't do it right or that the yield is unusable.amor_fati said:mapp said:Well SWIM mixed seltzer water with his 4th d-limonene pull, that had already been re-used from the 3rd pull. He had his limonene/seltzer water mix evaporate in the oven at around 130F with the door open and it scraped up resembling a syrupy color and consistency, it measures 162mg! His 4th vinegar pull only yielded 30mg (from 50g cactus) so he wasn't expecting much from the limonene/seltzer water mix. SWIM will have to try if it is active.
Wait, so SWIY's evaporating the seltzer water and the limonene together? SWIM would assume that would result in a gooey, highly impure yield. PlainCoil is using seltzer water in place of vinegar (carbonic acid in place of acetic) and seperating it from the limonene before evaporating the water.
amor_fati said:Before he went ahead with that he noticed a layer in the bottom of his limonene used and reused for extraction. He siphoned it out and evaporated. What he got was similar to mescaline acetate, but much more dense and crystalline. He couldn't tell what it was, but there was a hefty amount of it (many many grams, probably). It was water-soluble, but it seemed to react with acetic acid (as in the picture). SWIM put it back into the basified cactus material with a bit of extra lime, since he couldn't identify it. He'll continue to pull from the material.