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official extraction help thread

Migrated topic.
Hi Fridge - your plan sounds like the ideal route to swift (enough) recovery of the melted crystals. I'm thinking, do you perhaps have an air conditioning unit with a nice cold airflow where you could put the crystals while the solvent residue evaporates? Otherwise they'll have to stay in the fridge after draining which is less than optimal.

Or perhaps you have a securely-fitting lid for your glass dish? A technique that I've seen mentioned fairly often is that, after pouring off the naphtha, close the lid and put the dish at an angle but upside down in the freezer. This allows a whole lot more of the residual naphtha to drain off before the crystals are allowed to come to room temperature and helps with minimizing the formation of additional ice crystals.
Hi DFS, thank you for your input :).

I do have a room with an aircon and I do have a lid for the glass vessel (even made from bamboo, so no plastic involved).

I will try out going that route. Thanks again!
Fridge said:
I do have a lid for the glass vessel (even made from bamboo, so no plastic involved).
HDPE or PP lids would present very little of a problem, especially with the few drops of naphtha landing on them that would be allowed to evaporate or otherwise be disposed of. I wonder how your bamboo lid is fabricated - one can only presume some kind of adhesive would be used if, as commonly is the case, the bamboo is laminated. A lot of "bamboo" products are bamboo sawdust in formaldehyde resin matrix.

What does the lid look like?
I ordered what I thought was going to be powder Acacia Confusa, instead I received wood chips and chunks. I had the smallest chips sitting in water for about two days, with the jar going through an hour hot water bath. The rest of the time, I was putting it in and out of the freezer and letting it thaw. Sometime while it was thawing and I wasn't watching it, the jar broke. Thankfully, I had the jar sitting in a large pyrex dish, so all of the liquid was saved. Anyways, I have about 400ml of a red tea. Is this sufficient enough to extract? It's technically only one steeping. Moreover, every single time I freeze and thaw this tea, there are precipitates falling out, it sorta looks like fiber. I've strained the tea twice now, with cotton balls.
Jupiter Man said:
I ordered what I thought was going to be powder Acacia Confusa, instead I received wood chips and chunks. I had the smallest chips sitting in water for about two days, with the jar going through an hour hot water bath. The rest of the time, I was putting it in and out of the freezer and letting it thaw. Sometime while it was thawing and I wasn't watching it, the jar broke. Thankfully, I had the jar sitting in a large pyrex dish, so all of the liquid was saved. Anyways, I have about 400ml of a red tea. Is this sufficient enough to extract? It's technically only one steeping. Moreover, every single time I freeze and thaw this tea, there are precipitates falling out, it sorta looks like fiber. I've strained the tea twice now, with cotton balls.

If it's still in chunks, I'd probably try to blend it somehow go break it up more.

What tek are you using?

One love
Voidmatrix said:
Jupiter Man said:
I ordered what I thought was going to be powder Acacia Confusa, instead I received wood chips and chunks. I had the smallest chips sitting in water for about two days, with the jar going through an hour hot water bath. The rest of the time, I was putting it in and out of the freezer and letting it thaw. Sometime while it was thawing and I wasn't watching it, the jar broke. Thankfully, I had the jar sitting in a large pyrex dish, so all of the liquid was saved. Anyways, I have about 400ml of a red tea. Is this sufficient enough to extract? It's technically only one steeping. Moreover, every single time I freeze and thaw this tea, there are precipitates falling out, it sorta looks like fiber. I've strained the tea twice now, with cotton balls.

If it's still in chunks, I'd probably try to blend it somehow go break it up more.

What tek are you using?

One love

The last time I tried that, I broke the blade for my blender. :lol: . I'll have to manually break it down and/or have it sit in lye. The same day I realized I had more work to take under, I [decided to work with] [MOD EDIT - NO SOURCING!] powder Jurema. I'm impatient for smoke, at the moment... it's been years. :d I started with Cyb's tek, but since it's chips and chunks I think some other work will be required. Probably boiling it in a gallon of water and reducing the H20 so I can extract from a 1/2 gallon glass jug.
[reposting, posted the same question to a wrong thread by mistake]

I have been researching DMT for a pretty long time and finally decided to make it a month ago.
Started ordering the materials online, problem was the plant material.

I found some bark [that was described] as Jurema Preta, but nowhere in the packaging it says Mimosa Hostilis/Tenuiflora.
Anyway I decided to give this one a try.

First Attempt : Standard A/B tek with HCl as acid and dichloromethane as solvent, everything went fine initially, the solvent separated clearly to the bottom (DCM heavier than water), tried freeze precipitation saw opaque white stuff precipitating, but after separation it all turned into clear liquid like water when kept in room temp for 5 mins. So I guess it was just ice. Then I evaporated all the solvent but the dish only has a very thin and faint white scale, the kind you get after evaporating off tap water. Unless observed closely it looked like a empty clear plate. Scraping off this substance on razor blade gave a tiny amount of some oily olive colored liquid accumulating on the blade. I blotted this substance on a rolling paper, crumbled up the paper into a ball, loaded into a crack pipe and smoked it , nothing. It smelled like after shave combined with the smell of new tennis shoes.

So I assumed the DCM was probably to blame for it and decided to use petroleum ether instead, petroleum ether is a part of whatever is contained in Naptha I guess.

Same tek this time, more vigorous shaking with the solvent yet the same result.

So now I am suspecting the plant material is fake/low yield. Is there any method to verify my plant material is good?
Attitude Page said:
No discussion on selling, buying, sourcing, acquiring, pricing, trading, receiving, distributing, mentioning pending deliveries or smuggling of drugs

This includes all isolated psychedelic compounds and RCs (Research Chemicals), whether they are legal or not. The only goods allowed to be discussed are legal live plants, legal viable seeds (both in the Sustainable plant and seed suppliers subforum) and legal/unwatched chemical supplies. See Street Value of DMT (AND WHY YOU SHOULDN'T EVER SELL DMT AND OTHER PSYCHEDELICS) for good reasons why we don't allow this.

Also please read this thread: Bye bye MHRB sourcing talk, we will remember you

I will be editing your post and your duplicate post to help abide by the above rule and because this is the right spot for your query.

As for your query, was the bark powdered? How cleanly and quickly did your solvent evaporate when you tested it? When you added the solvent to the mix did you heat it first?

One love
Voidmatrix said:
Attitude Page said:
No discussion on selling, buying, sourcing, acquiring, pricing, trading, receiving, distributing, mentioning pending deliveries or smuggling of drugs

This includes all isolated psychedelic compounds and RCs (Research Chemicals), whether they are legal or not. The only goods allowed to be discussed are legal live plants, legal viable seeds (both in the Sustainable plant and seed suppliers subforum) and legal/unwatched chemical supplies. See Street Value of DMT (AND WHY YOU SHOULDN'T EVER SELL DMT AND OTHER PSYCHEDELICS) for good reasons why we don't allow this.

Also please read this thread: Bye bye MHRB sourcing talk, we will remember you

I will be editing your post and your duplicate post to help abide by the above rule and because this is the right spot for your query.

As for your query, was the bark powdered? How cleanly and quickly did your solvent evaporate when you tested it? When you added the solvent to the mix did you heat it first?

One love

Hi Void,

Thanks for the quick reply, didn't meant to violate that rule but it was kind of required to what I was asking.

I ground it up fine enough that it was getting in the air if disturbed too much so I had to wear a mask. Almost talcum powder like consistency.

Around 5ml of the solvent required 3-5 minutes to dry up completely.

And yes it dried up clean, like a washed plate right out of the dishwasher.

Yes I heated the mixture of solvent with freebase in a water bath and not the solvent separately.
How important is heating? Can it mean zero yield if the solvent is not well heated.
dombu said:
Voidmatrix said:
Attitude Page said:
No discussion on selling, buying, sourcing, acquiring, pricing, trading, receiving, distributing, mentioning pending deliveries or smuggling of drugs

This includes all isolated psychedelic compounds and RCs (Research Chemicals), whether they are legal or not. The only goods allowed to be discussed are legal live plants, legal viable seeds (both in the Sustainable plant and seed suppliers subforum) and legal/unwatched chemical supplies. See Street Value of DMT (AND WHY YOU SHOULDN'T EVER SELL DMT AND OTHER PSYCHEDELICS) for good reasons why we don't allow this.

Also please read this thread: Bye bye MHRB sourcing talk, we will remember you

I will be editing your post and your duplicate post to help abide by the above rule and because this is the right spot for your query.

As for your query, was the bark powdered? How cleanly and quickly did your solvent evaporate when you tested it? When you added the solvent to the mix did you heat it first?

One love

Hi Void,

Thanks for the quick reply, didn't meant to violate that rule but it was kind of required to what I was asking.

I ground it up fine enough that it was getting in the air if disturbed too much so I had to wear a mask. Almost talcum powder like consistency.

Around 5ml of the solvent required 3-5 minutes to dry up completely.

And yes it dried up clean, like a washed plate right out of the dishwasher.

Yes I heated the mixture of solvent with freebase in a water bath and not the solvent separately.
How important is heating? Can it mean zero yield if the solvent is not well heated.

You're all good. I'm here to remind and guide in the right direction :)

If your bark has a low overall density of alkaloids, it is possible to get a yield of zero if the solvent isn't heated. I personally heat the soup and the solvent before performing my pulls. Try heating them separately. The solvent should be pretty hot. Be safe, keep the solvent away from active heating sources, and heat in a water bath with some kind of covering. I'd say try another pull or two.

One love
dombu said:
I ground it up fine enough that it was getting in the air if disturbed too much so I had to wear a mask. Almost talcum powder like consistency.

Around 5ml of the solvent required 3-5 minutes to dry up completely.

And yes it dried up clean, like a washed plate right out of the dishwasher.

Yes I heated the mixture of solvent with freebase in a water bath and not the solvent separately.
How important is heating? Can it mean zero yield if the solvent is not well heated.
DCM would most likely have pulled the alkaloids without a problem, so this seems to be a bad sign regarding the potency of your material. DCM can be reactive towards DMT, though, and the quaternary ammonium derivative produced by this reaction would stay mostly in the aqueous phase. If you left the DCM/base soup mixture for too long, e.g. overnight, this might be the source of the low yield and you might see a better result trying with naphtha on a fresh extraction. If you performed your pulls promptly then, alas, you likely have bunk bark.
Removing Sodium Acetate (suspected) from DMT


I did a small A/B with vinegar, lye, naphtha, and 28g P. arundinacea, when I first evaporated the solvent, I was worried about fat/lye contamination after I did a small PH test that indicated strong basicity. I mixed the powder with vinegar, it reacted with lye to make h20 and sodium acetate, I now realize that I do not know how to separate sodium acetate from the DMT. Do I need to do a mini A/B on it?

Is this the right place to post?
meluzine said:
Removing Sodium Acetate (suspected) from DMT

I did a small A/B with vinegar, lye, naphtha, and 28g P. arundinacea, when I first evaporated the solvent, I was worried about fat/lye contamination after I did a small PH test that indicated strong basicity. I mixed the powder with vinegar, it reacted with lye to make h20 and sodium acetate, I now realize that I do not know how to separate sodium acetate from the DMT. Do I need to do a mini A/B on it?

Is this the right place to post?
DMT freebase will itself be strongly basic. You will have made at least some acetate salts of whatever alkaloids were present in the grass that were soluble in the naphtha. You'd best do a mini A/B on your material and if you're worried about lye again, do a sodium carbonate wash on the naphtha after pulling from the base phase.

Interesting crystals, btw.

Best of luck!
Jupiter Man said:
I have a noob question... to convert to fumarate salt, one simply mixes freebase alkaloids with acetone and then drop by drop introduce it to acetone saturated with fumaric acid?

Hey friend,

While I haven't done this myself, here is the FASA method from the wiki. What you described basically sounds like the process.

Best of luck :)

One love
Hello, this is my first post on the nexus.

First of all, I want to say I am deeply thankful for the knowledge and wisdom in this forum. It has helped me tremendously in my life journey and for that I will always be grateful. It is a privilege for me to be a part of this community 🙏❤️

I'm doing my first extractions with MHRB using the max ion TEK. I'm not evaporating any naphtha before freezing and using lighter fluid that passed the "evap clean" test. Everything is looking great, but after the freezer xtalization I'm seeing some mucus-like yellow floaters above the DMT xtals. See image below of what the mucus looks like (sorry for poor image quality).

Does anyone know what the mucus is? Is it DMT that xtalized differently? A mix of DMT and other things? Simply other things? Should I try to keep it or pour it off?

Apologies if this has been answered already (could not find it). Thank you 🙏


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Yep! It's just DMT. :D

The yellowing can be another polymer of DMT.

Often, when my white DMT xtals are sitting in the dish, the periphery of them typically has that yellowing.

It may also be a slight amount of plant fat, which to my knowledge, is okay.

Evaporating down before freeze precipitation will aid in all of the DMT crashing out of the solvent.

And welcome to the nexus :)

One love
Thanks! I will use the yellow snot as-is and not worry about it.

I understand that evaporating new solvent will help yield, but I want to maximize solvent reuse. It is also my understanding that after a first run without evaporating, yield will not be affected since used solvent comes "pre-saturated" at the freezer temp. It may take one or more pulls to get all the DMT, but other than that, I believe the first no-evap only a first time yield investment. If I'm missing or misunderstanding something please let me know 🙂

Thanks again!
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