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Migrated topic.
When using the freebase i took 150mg of pretty pure (very light pinkish brown) harmlas extracted from rue, dissolved it in oj and drank. 15 minutes later I did the same with the spice. It should be noted that the dmt was slightly yellow and not pure white. Probably 15 - 20 minutes from then I felt it come on, got sucked into the recliner a shit-eating grin I couldn't control stretched from ear to ear accompanied with a tingling electric sensation. 5-10 minutes from that the world around me was not how I had lef it. The walls changed colors, the people around had huge eyes, almost alien, and behind my eyes a beautiful cascade of flourescent colors stretched out infinitely with no horizon. This lasted somewhe in the range of an hour and a half to two hours. It had completely faded 30 minutes later. I tried once before that with 75mg but got no visuals so I can see how jumping in at 150mg and perhaps only needing 120mg may be earth shattering.
tadgh78 said:
The other realisation I had was that life is an energy pattern no different from a whirlpool or a dust devil and that we humans are simply pattern finding machines. The ultimate destiny of every person I realised, is to find equilibrium within the great patten of the cosmos. At that point we will be at rest and there will be no more striving. However, I mused that situation wouldn't in itself be any necessarily any better than the striving!

It occurred to me that the best thing I could do would be to simply try to live a christian life. In that way I might be able to find some meaning in my life.
re life and dust devil etc - yup, the work on bio-solitons has shown that is pretty much the case. A good example are the activation waves that occur during embryogenesis. Also our brain wave nerve impulses can be modelled as bio-solitons.

re equilibrium - striving : check Schopenhauers work. he has stuff about this, also Buddhist theory.

Overall your post would i think point more to a Eastern philosophical perspective than Christian [while both are pessimistic in outlook (i.e. the recognition of suffering)] the advantage with e.g. Buddhism or that philosophy is that you don't need an external god to provide the meaning. Life is as it is and your experience of reality provides whatever meaning you require (or ideally you work past the idea of requiring meaning and just observe it as it is, here and now)

Attempt 1:

200mg Caapi Copy: 40mg DMT Fumarate, Short intense come up that went nowhere, redosed 50mg:50mg felt a little something.... then back to baseline.
Fasted during the day.
Dissolved dose in shot of water, ate bread/butter with dose, took Harmalas and DMT together.

Attempt 2:

200mg Caapi Copy: 100mg DMT Fumarate.
Fasted since breakfast, dissolved dose in shots of water, 5 minutes apart.
Ate bread/butter with dose.
Harmalas and DMT 5 minutes apart.
Not much happened so i ate a meal, felt a little something after the meal then nothing.

Attempt 3:

150mg Caapi Copy, 100mg THH acetate, 150mg DMT Fumarate, Dose dissolved in shot of water, 8 minutes between Harmalas and DMT.
Several hours after attempt 2, so theres some food still in the stomach but not too much.
Light mellow theraputic trip, came on rather late in the night after i considered re-dosing but gave up due to tiredness.
xtechre, that would be a SERIOUS amount of dmt for me. What seems to work best is waiting about 30 minutes after taking harmalas, or the point where you can actually feel the body load / head space of the harmalas, and then take the dmt. Also, taking larger than average doses of harmalas seems to guarantee a trip, even on small doses of dmt. There have been reports of failed trips when taking harmalas at, or near the same time taking dmt.
Hello nexus. Havent been on for a while so decided this would be my first stop since I had an EXTREME pharma journey a few weeks back.

Sept 22 I took 150 mg mix of rue extracted harmalas and caapi alks. 10 minutes later 125 mg yellow fb, these were dissolved in small cups of sunny d.

15 minutes after the spicey D it hit me hard. We had been watching Mad Max, which in hindsight wasn't the best thing to have on. The film really kept me down in this realm with its ominous music and jibbering mad aliens. I was quite freaked when in one scene, where its in a bar and this skinny woman is singing, it seemed she was an alien. Her arms and fingers elongated as did her face while her forehead and eyes got wider. She was looking at me; singing to me but like the rest of the movie it was unintelligible and hard to watch.

about an hour in to the trip was the purge. It was also the peak. I came to the conclusion that I was the alien, hence the people around looking utterly foreign. My skin was ORANGE, my veins were
^^my veins were GREEN, and a voice, which I couldn't tell if it were internal or otherworldly or some strange mixture of the two, kept saying things like "Why did you come here? What are you looking for? Have you found anything yet?"

Iretreated to my dark room, where after a 45 minute period of rolling around in the covers looking at some electric force spiraling around under my skin I was normal enough to talk. Well I talked to my girlfriend all during that time but it took 45 minutes before I could verbalize a whole thought which I believe was "When will it stop?" :lol: after that I was fine to walk around and function basically normal, tho with much OEV distortion.

I can only conclude from the anxiety and the voice I heard, that in future travels I must pay more attn to set & setting.

much love
69ron said:
Harmine is more stimulating and harmaline is more sedating. Harmaline is about 2 times as strong as harmine. You usually need about 100 mg of harmaline or 200 mg of harmine for pharmahuasca.

200mg of straight rue seeds or rue in some sort of drinkable solution?
I will be taking my first pharmahuasca trip with in the next few weeks, here is going to be my method of administration. 100mg THH sublingually, followed immediately by 150mg DMT fumarate dissolved in orange juice.

I have vaped a lot of spice and i generally have a high tolerance for drugs, which is why I plan on starting with a dose of 150mg of DMT.

Are there any adjustments that i should be making?
BGTM236 said:
I will be taking my first pharmahuasca trip with in the next few weeks, here is going to be my method of administration. 100mg THH sublingually, followed immediately by 150mg DMT fumarate dissolved in orange juice.

I have vaped a lot of spice and i generally have a high tolerance for drugs, which is why I plan on starting with a dose of 150mg of DMT.

Are there any adjustments that i should be making?
If you don’t have adequate MAO inhibition, then even very large doses of DMT will not have much effect. It’s more important to get your MAOI dose right – if you have full MAO inhibition and you didn’t take enough DMT, you can always take more. But if you don’t have enough MAOI and take a large DMT dose, the DMT will be rapidly neutralized.

So increase the MAOI (maybe double it), and reduce the DMT accordingly.
gibran2 said:
BGTM236 said:
I will be taking my first pharmahuasca trip with in the next few weeks, here is going to be my method of administration. 100mg THH sublingually, followed immediately by 150mg DMT fumarate dissolved in orange juice.

I have vaped a lot of spice and i generally have a high tolerance for drugs, which is why I plan on starting with a dose of 150mg of DMT.

Are there any adjustments that i should be making?
If you don’t have adequate MAO inhibition, then even very large doses of DMT will not have much effect. It’s more important to get your MAOI dose right – if you have full MAO inhibition and you didn’t take enough DMT, you can always take more. But if you don’t have enough MAOI and take a large DMT dose, the DMT will be rapidly neutralized.

So increase the MAOI (maybe double it), and reduce the DMT accordingly.

Since it is pure caapi tincture, would 200mg be too much? or is there no such thing as too much MAOI.... with in reason.
200mg should be fine.
Too much harmala alkaloids will make you feel ill but 200mg is far below that dose.
At least it's true for me that 200mg caapi alks would barely be noticed at all on their own.
xtechre said:
Attempt 1:

200mg Caapi Copy: 40mg DMT Fumarate, Short intense come up that went nowhere, redosed 50mg:50mg felt a little something.... then back to baseline.
Fasted during the day.
Dissolved dose in shot of water, ate bread/butter with dose, took Harmalas and DMT together.

Attempt 2:

200mg Caapi Copy: 100mg DMT Fumarate.
Fasted since breakfast, dissolved dose in shots of water, 5 minutes apart.
Ate bread/butter with dose.
Harmalas and DMT 5 minutes apart.
Not much happened so i ate a meal, felt a little something after the meal then nothing.

Attempt 3:

150mg Caapi Copy, 100mg THH acetate, 150mg DMT Fumarate, Dose dissolved in shot of water, 8 minutes between Harmalas and DMT.
Several hours after attempt 2, so theres some food still in the stomach but not too much.
Light mellow therapeutic trip, came on rather late in the night after i considered re-dosing but gave up due to tiredness.

Where would you go from here? Im going to assume all that Harmala in the above quote was some random crap. I don't specifically remember feeling much of the harmalas alone. All things considered, rue alkaloids might actually work.
Would ones body weight have any variation on effects for oral harmalas and/or DMT?

3 friends weight varies between 70kg, 90kg, and 115kg.

Also, has there been any determined method of administering as far as time goes in between?

I was daydreaming about the possible scenario,
(assuming one's body weight has no reflection):

t+0:00 - 250mg full spectrum Caapi fumarate extract, dissolved in distilled water
t+0:10 - 50mg caapi extract mixed with 65mg DMT fumarate dissolved in water

My theory is that the stomach needs to be MAO inhibited for the DMT to work, but some people report failed attempts when taken too closely together. So dosing harmalas first, and then the DMT (mixed with a small amount of MAOI-coating) 8-15 minutes later might be a good method.
I've been skimming thru this thread and couldn't find the answer i was looking for (maybe i overlooked it). It's just a quick question. Im about to drink a caapi brew for the second time. This time instead of drinking mimosa with it, im going to try orange juice with a healthy dose of some beautiful white crystals i pulled.

Any way my question is this: My caapi has been in my refrigerator for a couple of weeks (along with some mimosa doses), do people prefer to drink cold? Or is it necessary to heat it up?

Just wondering if goes down quicker and easier. Last time i heated it up a little bit on the stove and had good results, but....whats best? Thanks.

Love, Life, and Music
SWIM usually drinks hers cold, but more actives will have crashed out that way. If drinking it cold be sure to agitate it quite a bit, perhaps even scraping the bottom of the jar to loosen up anything that's stuck to the bottom.

Best of luck!
Xt said:
xtechre said:
Attempt 1:

200mg Caapi Copy: 40mg DMT Fumarate, Short intense come up that went nowhere, redosed 50mg:50mg felt a little something.... then back to baseline.
Fasted during the day.
Dissolved dose in shot of water, ate bread/butter with dose, took Harmalas and DMT together.

Attempt 2:

200mg Caapi Copy: 100mg DMT Fumarate.
Fasted since breakfast, dissolved dose in shots of water, 5 minutes apart.
Ate bread/butter with dose.
Harmalas and DMT 5 minutes apart.
Not much happened so i ate a meal, felt a little something after the meal then nothing.

Attempt 3:

150mg Caapi Copy, 100mg THH acetate, 150mg DMT Fumarate, Dose dissolved in shot of water, 8 minutes between Harmalas and DMT.
Several hours after attempt 2, so theres some food still in the stomach but not too much.
Light mellow therapeutic trip, came on rather late in the night after i considered re-dosing but gave up due to tiredness.

Where would you go from here? Im going to assume all that Harmala in the above quote was some random crap. I don't specifically remember feeling much of the harmalas alone. All things considered, rue alkaloids might actually work.

200mg Capy Copy, 100-150 "THH", 200mg DMT F. 0 time between MAOI + DMT. Wait 30-45 minutes, eat a tbls of olive oil....after t+1 if you are still not where you want to be, take another 50mg CC and 50-75mg DMT.
Can anybody help me understand the difference between harmine and harmaline? I realize they are both alkaloids of the caapi plant, but the website I am looking at offers both in freebase form, and I am wondering which works better for pharmahuasca so i know what to buy. They also have a product that is just labeled Banisteriopsis Caapi pure alkaloids. what would you guys recommend? thanks!
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