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Migrated topic.
Did you feel the harmalas? Based on your description I would have thought that you did everything right, next to upping the dose you could eat something after dosing like a cookie or piece of bread. This can kick things into gear so to speak. Other than that I would first find your dose of the harmalas and then add the dmt. Dissolve the dmt in a couple of drops of vinegar and then add some water before chugging it down.

Good luck, it might take some trial and error but eventually you’ll be able to reliably get to the place you want to go.
Dissolved in it lemon, shouldnt it be the same as vinegear?

I felt something, just not the DMT experience i was looking for.

So maybe 5gram syrian rue and 100mg dmt next time?
Dissolved in it lemon, shouldnt it be the same as vinegear?

I felt something, just not the DMT experience i was looking for.

So maybe 5gram syrian rue and 100mg dmt next time?

I understand, so you did feel the rue, that’s great, so I would first try a somewhat higher dose of rue and keep the dmt at the same level as before, citrate is fine I would say, vinegar is something I have tried before I switched to fumarate, and did work. After years of experimenting have the feeling that not all salt forms perform equally well.
But this isn’t more than a feeling.

The thing is that when upping both the harmalas and dmt one could have an experience that is way more than expected. I my experience when you have a good amount of harmalas in the mix every 10 mg of dmt make a significant difference in the strength of the trip. And things can get out of hand quicker than one might expect.

Another thing that is somewhat important is not eating, at least a couple of hours, then when dosing the trick with a small amount of food will really help.
Another try with no effect:

Goal was:
5gram of Syrian Rue (a new batch)
100mg of DMT (self extracted)

Did this:
- fasted for 4 hours

- Rue tea: 10 gram blended untill fine powder, set to just below boiling in tab water with some lemon juice. Simmered for 40minutes.
Turn of heat and let it cool off for 1 hour.
Straining the powder off through a Tea filter.
Then drinking half of it (5 gram)

After 40minutes I drank 100mg of DMT that I mixed in lemon juice. I ate a croissant straight after.

After 45 minutes and still nothing I took 50mg DMT extra with lemon juice and a bit of Rue tea.

After 2 hours still nothing.
Was definitely some feeling, didn't feel sober but not tripping in any way.

- I vape nicotine and a bit of THC if that diminishes
Something seems wrong here, these dosages would have swept me away, maybe you’re a hard head that needs more than average or one of the two ingredients is not as commonly advertised.

Maybe someone who needs high doses can chime in and help you out.
Something seems wrong here, these dosages would have swept me away, maybe you’re a hard head that needs more than average or one of the two ingredients is not as commonly advertised.

Maybe someone who needs high doses can chime in and help you out.
Yeah the DMT last time I have smoked and is very clean and good.

This time it was my own extract.
Different Syrian Rue seeds this time also.

So changed both but still same result.

DMT works fine when smoked normally, also worked good 2 weeks ago with Syrian Rue tea.

But DMT orally just doesn't seem to work for me.

Any ideas from anyone would be helpful, it shouldn't he a dosage issue with these high dosages (went high this time just to leave no doubt).
Timing could be the the thing, so maybe try shortening the wait, also the trick with a little bit of food is something that I do after 15min after the dmt and then only one bite or half a cookie. A quick note on caution. If you keep on adding more rue and dmt you’ll be getting to a dosage range that’s wel beyond of what most people would consider a good trip, and when it hits it could get beyond expectations quickly.
Timing could be the the thing, so maybe try shortening the wait, also the trick with a little bit of food is something that I do after 15min after the dmt and then only one bite or half a cookie. A quick note on caution. If you keep on adding more rue and dmt you’ll be getting to a dosage range that’s wel beyond of what most people would consider a good trip, and when it hits it could get beyond expectations quickly.
Yeah definitely norm going above 5gram rue and 150mg DMT.

Since I went this high, know I know for sure it is not a dosage issue.

So can try different approaches now instead of tinkering with dosage.

Keep it at 5gram and 100mg but tillering with timing . Maybe take both at the same time.
I've tried taking dmt 1 hour after taking maoi as suggested but duration was shorter and I didn't notice any stronger effects. I prefer to wait 15min but everyone's body is different. MAOI effect of harmalas ends EXACTLY @4hour mark for me regardless of the amount taken. For DMT amount with 20mg benzoate I get visuals and headspace. With 25-30mg I had a very similar effect to maybe 1-2 tabs of good WoW. At around 40mg+ I'm sure I would be gone 100mg is quite high for me but I've read of people taking even higher doses. Just be careful with dosing so high make sure you are in a safe enviornment.
Not sure but the rue tea preparation might be an issue. I mean 2X5g rue is a damn high dose, with proper decoction just 5g would probably have been more than enough, this amount is usually considered to be in the high range. 10g is mostly nausealand or pukeland.
I usually hard boil the seeds rather than just simmering. Definitely scrapes more alkaloids in a given time. I start with 50cl water and some lemon juice then I reduce to very few. At the end, when there is almost no water left, I add water, pour and filter, add more water while rinsing the pan until I reach the desired final amount of tea. It takes about 50mn with my gas stove and pan. Also, I prefer not powdering the seeds, it brings more junk in the final product, turning it more nauseating and can be a mess to filter. Alkaloids are in the tegument anyway.
Hope this helps :)

I've tried taking dmt 1 hour after taking maoi as suggested but duration was shorter and I didn't notice any stronger effects. I prefer to wait 15min but everyone's body is different. MAOI effect of harmalas ends EXACTLY @4hour mark for me regardless of the amount taken.

If Harmalas for you only lasts 4 hours regardless of amount taken, then that to me says you're likely higher in CYP2D6 compared to the average person, which would not only require more Harmalas for an equivilant dose/effect compared to what the average person may require using a bit of a lower dosage, and would also shorten the Harmala duration which would move up the timing for the gut's MAO-A inhibition, which i'm not sure of the timing between Harmalas and DMT for those with high CYP2D6, i'm not sure of the timeframe and how much shorter the window may be, so it'll take a little experimentation taking the DMT say at the same time as the Harmalas, vs 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 40 to 45 minutes, an hour etc, and find the best time for you when you feel that the gut's MAO-A enzyme is more fully inhibited.

For those normal/average in CYP2D6 (which i believe i am), taking the DMT an hour into the Harmalas seems best ime. Those lower in CYP2D6 would need less Harmalas for a strong dose and it would last them longer and would be more stretched out.

Speaking of which, if you are higher in CYP2D6, you could try taking a dose of Harmalas prior to the main dose of Harmalas, so like take a dose (could be a low dose, moderate, high), and say anywhere from an hour to a few hours in try taking another dose of the Harmalas, which should then be potentiated by the previous Harmala dose due to it's CYP2D6 inhibition and would then not only increase the bioavailability but also the duration, if you catch the timing properly for the CYP2D6 inhibition. But again, anything that moderately to strongly inhibits CYP2D6 (so certain medications or supplements or herbals for example) could be used as well for that purpose imo, in order to potentiate the Harmalas dosage-wise and duration-wise so that you can get a longer experience, if desired. For me Harmalas themselves last 6 to 8 hours, up to 10 to 12 hours with higher dosages especially as the reverse tolerance builds up, for the DMT it always lasts 4 to 5 hours for me, any less than that and something somewhere went wrong lol. So overall for me this stuff lasts in general about 8 hours in total for the most part but i'm usually in the afterglow around the 6th to 7th hour.
Another try with no effect:

Goal was:
5gram of Syrian Rue (a new batch)
100mg of DMT (self extracted)

Did this:
- fasted for 4 hours

- Rue tea: 10 gram blended untill fine powder, set to just below boiling in tab water with some lemon juice. Simmered for 40minutes.
Turn of heat and let it cool off for 1 hour.
Straining the powder off through a Tea filter.
Then drinking half of it (5 gram)

After 40minutes I drank 100mg of DMT that I mixed in lemon juice. I ate a croissant straight after.

After 45 minutes and still nothing I took 50mg DMT extra with lemon juice and a bit of Rue tea.

After 2 hours still nothing.
Was definitely some feeling, didn't feel sober but not tripping in any way.

- I vape nicotine and a bit of THC if that diminishes

Try it again but without the croissant, food can interfere with absorption although sometimes it can be used to help kick things in but overall it's best to take this stuff on a fully empty stomach so that it absorbs properly, then if it doesn't kick in right within an hour or so, then you can eat a croissant or something and it may kick it in, but otherwise definitely take it on an empty stomach. As for taking the DMT 40 minutes into the tea, ime when i take DMT around 30 to 45 minutes into Harmalas i get something but i don't get the full dose, if i take the DMT an hour into the Harmalas i get the full dose. Likewise if someone is high in CYP2D6 the timing window may be shorter so say around 20 minutes, 10 minutes, at the same time? If someone is lower in CYP2D6 the timing window may be a bit more stretched out so say an hour to an hour and a half maybe, idk, i'm pretty average in CYP2D6 i'm pretty sure, so people would just have to try a handful of doses out at different times to see when DMT is best orally activated for them. And so long as your Rue tea was brewed well enough it should be just fine, but i recommend making sure you really try to exhaust the plant material when making brews, it takes a bit longer and requires a bit more effort but it's worth it imo to make sure you get all the goods from the plants as much as possible. The Nicotine and THC ain't gonna get in the way, i assure you.
If Harmalas for you only lasts 4 hours regardless of amount taken, then that to me says you're likely higher in CYP2D6 compared to the average person, which would not only require more Harmalas for an equivilant dose/effect compared to what the average person may require using a bit of a lower dosage, and would also shorten the Harmala duration which would move up the timing for the gut's MAO-A inhibition, which i'm not sure of the timing between Harmalas and DMT for those with high CYP2D6, i'm not sure of the timeframe and how much shorter the window may be, so it'll take a little experimentation taking the DMT say at the same time as the Harmalas, vs 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 40 to 45 minutes, an hour etc, and find the best time for you when you feel that the gut's MAO-A enzyme is more fully inhibited.

For those normal/average in CYP2D6 (which i believe i am), taking the DMT an hour into the Harmalas seems best ime. Those lower in CYP2D6 would need less Harmalas for a strong dose and it would last them longer and would be more stretched out.

Speaking of which, if you are higher in CYP2D6, you could try taking a dose of Harmalas prior to the main dose of Harmalas, so like take a dose (could be a low dose, moderate, high), and say anywhere from an hour to a few hours in try taking another dose of the Harmalas, which should then be potentiated by the previous Harmala dose due to it's CYP2D6 inhibition and would then not only increase the bioavailability but also the duration, if you catch the timing properly for the CYP2D6 inhibition. But again, anything that moderately to strongly inhibits CYP2D6 (so certain medications or supplements or herbals for example) could be used as well for that purpose imo, in order to potentiate the Harmalas dosage-wise and duration-wise so that you can get a longer experience, if desired. For me Harmalas themselves last 6 to 8 hours, up to 10 to 12 hours with higher dosages especially as the reverse tolerance builds up, for the DMT it always lasts 4 to 5 hours for me, any less than that and something somewhere went wrong lol. So overall for me this stuff lasts in general about 8 hours in total for the most part but i'm usually in the afterglow around the 6th to 7th hour.
Yea we've touched on this topic before. I tried 1h and the duration was much shorter and felt a little weaker. 15min seems to be a great point I'll try taking at the same time next time. I take caapi tea around 200mg harmalas daily in the morning and feel great. Boosts my espresso energy boost and elevates my mental state. 4H duration is long enough for me but I'll try redosing caapi around 2h mark to see if it extends duration.
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