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Migrated topic.
A quik report on my first Pharma attempt.

200mh thh and 40mg spice was drank with OJ, thh effects were felt 5-10 min after drinkin the OJ. 45min later another 30mg spice was consumed due to no effects being felt. Half an hour later another another 50mg spice consumed due to no effects being felt still.

Still nothing.

45min later 50mg harmine/harmaline and 70mg spice was taken. 10 min later a little nausea was felt(no surprise), I proceeded to walk outside causiosly and I was feeling a little unstable. Purged outside and felt something resembling the oncome of vaped spice. This went on for a few minutes.

Went back inside lay down and felt very little effects. Half a hour later i go to bed.

Next time me thinks I should start with about 120mg spice.
A quik report on my first Pharma attempt.

Maybe have a go with ayahuasca for a guarantee?

50g Caapi [herbal percolator method] phosphoric acid
6g Mimosa [herbal percolator method] phosphoric acid, (5g gelatin for tannin binding), drunk 20 mins after Caapi tea.
[6g should have 35 - 120mg of available tryptamines depending on the Mimosa]

Should come on in 20 mins, after Mimosa drunk.
Quite strong, [trouble walking etc for first 80 mins or so]

maybe equally give the thh 5-10 mins to bind the MAO's then take the spice,
from memory you get an ~30 min window to take the spice after THH ingestion [before the THH has passed thru the gut into the bloodstream].
Gammagore was SWIY's spice freebase or fumurate? I find it very interesting that some need so much when 40mg of spice with 200 thh would really f me up.
You should take your DMT or DMT containing plant extract as fast as possible after you've taken the MAOI's. At the same time is even better.

You cannot exactly predict when it's going to work. It can sometimes take 90 minutes. But it can also work within seconds.

While effective pure DMT doses in pharmahuasca vary enormously per person, mimosa or psychotria extracts are much more the same for everybody. Plant extracts are usualy more cost-effective than pure DMT.

This might have to do with all the other alkaloids that are present in our plants or it might be something else, but it's a fact.
its also important to eat a little something right after dosing...like some bread or cereal...granola...just something to get your digestion going..this also helps with come up nausea
polytrip said:
Plant extracts are usualy more cost-effective than pure DMT.

This might have to do with all the other alkaloids that are present in our plants or it might be something else, but it's a fact.

Hella yeah,

go the 6g of mimosa and a 5 hour ride :surprised :roll: :d

how's that for value!
swim is planning another lone pharma journey in the future. This will be his 4th attempt. First 3 times he used stb yellow freebase, this time he plans on doing a fresh extraction and recrystallizing to get some cleaner product to work with. Swim was wondering how much will this throw off his estimated dosages with the yellow spice. For example say 85mg of yellow spice might be weak compared to white spice? Should he start over with trying to figure out a good dose? any info or thoughts would help. thanks
Seven said:
swim is planning another lone pharma journey in the future. This will be his 4th attempt. First 3 times he used stb yellow freebase, this time he plans on doing a fresh extraction and recrystallizing to get some cleaner product to work with. Swim was wondering how much will this throw off his estimated dosages with the yellow spice. For example say 85mg of yellow spice might be weak compared to white spice? Should he start over with trying to figure out a good dose? any info or thoughts would help. thanks

I don't think that yellow spice has very much of a different dosage than crystal clear spice. In fact, I don't think it has ANYTHING to do with your spice. I rather think it is a dosage issue.

Many people have this problem. Some people are overwhelmed with as little as 30-40mgs spice. Others need 200mg+ before any effects are felt (no matter what type or how much MAOI's are ingested). you may be one of those people.

What dosages have you tried?

here's a quick description of what I have tried.

Try 1: 80mgs and 3 grams rue seed, ground. Very little effects.
Try 2: 200mgs rue extract (Manske then A/B so pretty clean) and 120mgs spice...still nothing remarkable.
Try 3: 250mgs rue extract 180mgs spice. Mild effects
Try 4: 250mgs rue extract 230mgs spice. Nice effects, no Ayahuasca but decent effects none the less.

As you can see, I worked up slowly, over many weekends.

Also to comment on Jorkest's post. I 100% agree that eating a bit after ingesting pharma or even Aya can be the catylst that makes the magic happen. I once ingested A LOT of Ayahuasca, I mean a lot of potent brew. 2 hours later I was pretty upset that I wasn't getting ANYTHING but sick to my stomach.

I went inside and my friend made me a weird but tasty dish of ramen noodles, avacado, banana, and olive oil. I hadn't gotten more than 5 bites of that dish in me when I was hit like a ton of bricks. That was my most powerful Aya session to date. I do suggest not eating RIGHT after ingesting, as this could cause premature purging. I suggest waiting about 30min-1hr after ingestion if nothing is happening. Apparently something oily is prefered, something to do with the gall bladder releasing it's contents.
rawmo said:
A quik report on my first Pharma attempt.

Maybe have a go with ayahuasca for a guarantee?

50g Caapi [herbal percolator method] phosphoric acid
6g Mimosa [herbal percolator method] phosphoric acid, (5g gelatin for tannin binding), drunk 20 mins after Caapi tea.
[6g should have 35 - 120mg of available tryptamines depending on the Mimosa]

Should come on in 20 mins, after Mimosa drunk.
Quite strong, [trouble walking etc for first 80 mins or so]

maybe equally give the thh 5-10 mins to bind the MAO's then take the spice,
from memory you get an ~30 min window to take the spice after THH ingestion [before the THH has passed thru the gut into the bloodstream].

Aya is usually less predictable than pharma.

Also just a suggestion but I (and many others) have found that Mimosa and rue compliment each other better than Caapi and Mimosa. Caapi seems to go very well with Chaliponga and Chakruna.

Be careful with oral mimosa...you're getting a lot more than just DMT in that brew...and She can be a bitch to work with sometimes. I usually feel that the Caapi and Mimosa are at odds.. I dunno, just not my cup o tea so to speak.
Thanks for the comments Ac, Swim also thinks its most likely a dosage issue. Thing is, the first time he tried, he didnt have scale and guesstimated a dose. Thinking of it now it was probably over 100mg and with 3g rue. That was by far his most profound trip ever.

Try 2: 35mg with 200mg thh (capsules)- barely any effects
Try 3: 85mg with 200mg caapi copy (drank down)- sick as hell, slight effects

Try 4: Was thinking to try 100mg with 200mg thh and hope for the best.
Will also try eating something after.

Did you purge or feel sick with any of your tries?
Jorkest wrote from another discussion:
220mg of dmt....this is something that i do not understand..when SWIM takes dmt...if he gets more than 70mg worth..its more intense than smoking 50mg..

i really feel that people are missing something crucial when they have to take that much dmt...60mg for SWIM can so visually overwhelming..that SWIM loses all memory of who he is and where he is..and whats going on...

this is something that i recommend everyone tries if they have to take over 100mg dmt orally to get anything from it..

first...eat it on a completely empty stomach...take around 175-200mg harmala alkaloids...THH and harmine combined work the best so far in SWIMS experiments...even with other people....take 75mg dmt fumarate...

combine the dmt and harmala alkies in WARM to HOT water...this is important...mix it very very well....state your intentions to the brew...if its healing ask for healing...if its knowledge ask for knowledge...just remember the spice elves dont take kindly to power hungry requests

next...take the shot of brew...

now here is the most important part....eat something light...toast some bread..and put some butter on it...eat at least half..

effects will start in 20 minutes..

and if everything goes just right...you will be tripping harder than you think is safe

I think jorkest is right, if SWIY is taking 100mg SWIY is doing something wrong. Dose up the maoa or don't use capsule but put it into a shot of hot tea or oj and take the maoa and dmt all at once in one shot with food afterwards. SWIM will be doing this tomorrow and he will let me know how it went. Another case study will help this argument I think. Peace!
here is one case study from Mr_DMT:

thanks to Jorkest!
I know this was a fatal overdose.
I tried it another day 220 mg and I gone mad.
I screamed like a crazy fool ^^

After 1 day I tried again.
This time
as Jorkest said 75 mg and 200 mg in warm water + little food.

Excellent trip.
Nothing fancy, but very pleasurable!

I think 150 should be max dosage for me. Everything further creates just crazyness.

In this case he is suggesting raising his dmt but I would suggest raising his maoa because really if 75 mg of DMT did get to the brain it would be very strong so I am hypothesizing that the dmt isn't getting their because not enough maoa is being used. I will suggest this to him and we will see if it works. Peace!
Okay so another case study for others to read:

SWIM took 200mg of Cappi Copy and put it into hot water that had 80mg of DMT-Fumurate in it already. He spoke out loud his intentions and drank the brew around 2:30 pm yesterday. He had an empty stomach and after drinking it he ate a little and drank a little juice. SWIM was really hung over so he felt a little sick and smoked some marijuana. This helped the nausea and helped to bring on the trip faster. Then after 20 mins from drinking the brew SWIM started to trip, it was rather strong but not as strong as real ayuauasca. The onset was very clean and like smoking DMT, the trip was all around a good trip and the come down was very nice. The night ended well and SWIM sobered up right before playing a concert to like 300 people, that was fun he said. The whole trip lasted around 3 hours. Next time SWIM say's he will try 150mg of tetrahydroharmine and 50mg of DMT. So this tech. did work.
Ron, I went with your preferred THH/DMT combo, and GOD it was pure rapture of LOVE! Here's how it all went down...it all started when I ate some savory Venezuelan Cacao beans followed by 6 Datura inoxia seeds. Then I quided 2 large fresh leaves from my Sally D for about a half hour. Feeling her mushroom-like power turn my limbs into wet, buttery frog limbs I found my brother, J and we jammed on guitar and dulcimer for a good hour. Feeling blissful already I felt moved to do the Pharma instead of waiting for a float tank session. $75/Hour is too expensive...I'm going to get my own tank. Anyways I mixed 200mg of THH with 100mg of freebase Spice in a cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice. Nothing added just lemon and water.

Twasn't very tasty but hey, the flavor probably beats Aya. My bro, J and I rocked on the guitar and dulcimer for another 30 min. all the while my psychedelic screen saver was going nuts and then the nausea kicked in. I was feeling faint, so I had to lay down. I turned off the lights and then came the rapture. The music my brother and I played was like a seed planted in my mind, and that seed grew into the largest giant sequoia on the face of the planet. Then came the familiar loud high-pitch ringing voice of the otherside. I believe this to be the original Ohm sound of the universe. The spirit world was showing me how to make music infinitely better. My head felt an immense pressure like my brain was going to implode...nothing out of the norm. I feel that on vaped Spice.

Fractal geometric, quilt-like patterns Very organic and reminiscent of rainforest life covered everything in my room. These particular patterns I'd never seen before, and was at once realizing they were of superior nature somewhere between the likeness of Ashaninka Painted Textiles, and Alex Greys art. The pressure on my mind released after about 2.5 hours, and a relaxing euphoria that was thick static in the air saturated my whole being. 1.5 hours later I felt the tail end of the come-down and decided to launch off into DMT hyperspace. I pre-melted some spice into sage ash in my small glass pipe, topped it with a bed of sacred peppermint, and what followed the toked vapor was too profound to put into words. All in all I took everything to the next level. The THH expanded my creative musical process like no other. It is HIGHLY mental like people say...a perfect teacher molecule. Blessed be the spice of life.:)
Nite report DiscipleofSpice.

DiscipleofSpice said:
...The THH expanded my creative musical process like no other. It is HIGHLY mental like people say...a perfect teacher molecule. Blessed be the spice of life.:)

It's definitely much more of a mental experience, but in a good way. It's like your mind is super charged.

SWIM sometimes plays keyboards on this combination and can hit the notes at an extremely fast pace with total accuracy. It's amazing. He can play better on this combination, but also gets lost in the music, and really carried away with it. It's a blast! It's mind expanding for sure. It also really boosts creativity. As long as the dose is not too high, it's absolutely nootropic.
SWIM weighs about 70kgs, read SWIMs experience post # 156 above. SWIM likes smaller doses, that is why next time he would do less.
What form is the dmt, salt or freebase? SWIMs was a salt, dmt fumurate. I believe 200mg of harmine is your best bet to make sure the dmt works, but 150 will probably work. Let us know how the experience is. Enjoy.
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