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Migrated topic.
Well, as i understand it, the reactions that an acid and base generate in water, also occur in water naturally;in water, the electronpairs of oxygen that are not 'being used' can bind an H+ ion so that you have H30+ and OH. So this happens in water anyway, without adding anything and when the temperature rises this happens more frequently, so that you have more ions and thus a new balance occurs. Therefore, as i understand it, the PH of water slightly changes with it's temperature. (higher temp, lower PH)
Also these H+ ions can move through water, incredibly fast. Jumping from one molecule to the next.

So if you add a substance in a solution to wich the ions in the solution would have a stronger bind than to water, i mean; a substance that if it would form a salt with one of the substances in the solution, would have a low sollubility in water? could those ions, rapidly moving around come into contact with eachother so that the salt that would form would precipitate?
EDIT: in this case the opposite would ofcourse be more relevant. Could, if you have a solution of a salt that just has a low sollubility and you would add a substance that would, if it would be a salt, be a salt with high solubility, the ions that bind poorly to water, precipitate?
Infundibulum said:
Can SWIY do the opposite? According to SWIY's theory if one dissolves dmt fumarate in solution then addition of HCl should precipitate out fumaric acid. SWIM will try this when he's got time.
[EDIT: SWIM tried this; he saturated water with dmt fumarate and then he added hydrochloric acid. Nothing precipitated. According to SWIY's theory, dmt-fumarate should have turned to dmt-chloride and fumaric acid should have precipitated out. This argues against what SWIY's claiming].

Interesting. SWIM will have to test that out.

How much time was given for it to precipitate? If it reacted, the fumaric acid should have precipitated out of the water after a while. I’d mix it for 24 hours and then let it sit for 24 hours more to be sure. These reactions aren’t instant and some are slower than others.

SWIM never tried that conversion. He’s only tried from acetate for fumarate and it definitely works. If you evaporate away the solution, you’re left with DMT fumarate which you can verify by weight.

SWIM also tried from mescaline acetate to mescaline hydrochloride this way and that also works without a doubt. It can easily be tested because mescaline hydrochloride is insoluble in acetone while mescaline acetate is soluble in it. So before conversion it’s soluble in acetone, but after conversion to mescaline hydrochloride and drying, it’s no longer soluble in acetone.
Hey there,

so as a quick clarification [of my current understanding] if possible just to make sure I'm on the right page-

1 - MAOI [Caapi, Rue] break down MAO in the stomach and then pass into the bloodstream
Qn - What is the general level or presence of MAO in the bloodstream or nervous system standardly?
[this internal MOA would be responsible for breaking down the DMT from smoking yes?]

2 - What is the half life of MAOI [Caapi, Rue] in the bloodstream? [and also the stomach (which would appear to be not so long)]
Qn - if i vaporised DMT or mushrooms the following day after ingesting Caapi or Rue MAOI's would the effect of the DMT be greater?
what about 2, 3 days etc?
i have found this statement re it so far
The harmala alkaloids found in syrian rue seem to have a reasonably effective MAO-inhibitory effect, and the half life of their actions is certainly less than 2 weeks. A 24 hour buffer before and after consumption of the rue should prevent any tyramine-MAOI reactions that would result in illness/danger.
69Ron on the same forum page reckons for him that eating cheese is no problem even during a peak experience [ace, i like cheese : )]

Any wisdom or extra info appreciated.
Dorge said:
on a side note the non reversible maois do not PERMANENTLY destroy MAO, if they did then people would be fucked

Let me clarify that because that statement can be misinterpreted. Non reversible MAOI compounds absolutely PERMANENTLY DESTROY MAO ENZYMES. But they do not prevent new MAO enzymes from being created in the body. MAO enzyme creation is very slow. It can take a few weeks to return MAO metabolism back to normal if you used a non reversible MAOI. This is not so with RIMAs. RIMAs do NOT destroy MAO enzymes, they only temporarily inactivate them and then are released from them leaving them completely intact. That's the difference, and it’s a huge difference. Tyramine can displace RIMAs. When tyramine is present, the RIMAs are removed from the MAO enzymes and the tyramine binds to them. Non reversible MAOI compounds PERMANTANTLY DESTROY MAO ENZYMES so tyramine passes right through unaffected for many days and can build up to dangerously high levels in your body.

You should NEVER take non-reversible MAOI compounds. They are very dangerous and should be outlawed.
So do you swims just wash it down with a drink? Swim was thinking mixing his thh and freebase dmt in some coke and drinking it down. Swims just wondering, because last time he took it in capsules.
yep SWIM puts freebase harmalas in some acid drink (orange juice or coke would be very likely fine, maybe even phosphoric acid from coke helps in absorption, according to some anecdotal evidence around) and gulps it down
Seven said:
So do you swims just wash it down with a drink? Swim was thinking mixing his thh and freebase dmt in some coke and drinking it down. Swims just wondering, because last time he took it in capsules.

I tried putting the thh in coke one time and got lots of suds, I mean...lots and lots of suds which were hard to put down and made the taste even worse. I usually just put it in orange juice.

Tried an interesting experiment lately. I had always done it on an empty stomach, and found that I always had to take a booster 1.5 hours in. The last two times I've taken pharma, I took it 1-2 hours after eating a good sized meal, and the onset was much quicker and stronger. Before it would take 1+ hours to feel anything, and would have to take 50% more within the next hour. When I eat recently, it comes on in ~30 minutes and I don't need to take a booster. Your mileage may vary, but this is the best way for me to take it.
Saidin said:
Seven said:
So do you swims just wash it down with a drink? Swim was thinking mixing his thh and freebase dmt in some coke and drinking it down. Swims just wondering, because last time he took it in capsules.

I tried putting the thh in coke one time and got lots of suds, I mean...lots and lots of suds which were hard to put down and made the taste even worse. I usually just put it in orange juice.

Tried an interesting experiment lately. I had always done it on an empty stomach, and found that I always had to take a booster 1.5 hours in. The last two times I've taken pharma, I took it 1-2 hours after eating a good sized meal, and the onset was much quicker and stronger. Before it would take 1+ hours to feel anything, and would have to take 50% more within the next hour. When I eat recently, it comes on in ~30 minutes and I don't need to take a booster. Your mileage may vary, but this is the best way for me to take it.

SAME CASE FOR SWIM. He now never uses it on an empty stomach.
So I just recieved my THH HCI 200mg, and am in need of some clarification on dosage.

Do I mix the 200mg THH HCI with 20mg DMT Freebase extracted from MHRB in say 50ml OJ and just swig this down(in one glass)? 20mg Dmt seems little? Can I just swig back another 20mg freebase DMT in OJ an hour later if effects arent where i want them to be?
rawmo said:
What is the half life of MAOI [Caapi, Rue] in the bloodstream? [and also the stomach (which would appear to be not so long)]
Qn - if i vaporised DMT or mushrooms the following day after ingesting Caapi or Rue MAOI's would the effect of the DMT be greater?
what about 2, 3 days etc?
i have found this statement re it so far
The harmala alkaloids found in syrian rue seem to have a reasonably effective MAO-inhibitory effect, and the half life of their actions is certainly less than 2 weeks. A 24 hour buffer before and after consumption of the rue should prevent any tyramine-MAOI reactions that would result in illness/danger.
69Ron on the same forum page reckons for him that eating cheese is no problem even during a peak experience [ace, i like cheese : )]

Found this info re Harmaline / Harmine half life for anyone interested re potential problems with Tyramine ingestion
The rate of excretion for harmine and its metabolites is faster in man (half life 3 hours)
ref - Erowid books
gammagore said:
So I just recieved my THH HCI 200mg, and am in need of some clarification on dosage.

Do I mix the 200mg THH HCI with 20mg DMT Freebase extracted from MHRB in say 50ml OJ and just swig this down(in one glass)? 20mg Dmt seems little? Can I just swig back another 20mg freebase DMT in OJ an hour later if effects arent where i want them to be?

I usually take 200-250mg of THH when I pharma, place it in a bit of orange juice, stir and drink down. Add more juice to the glass, swirl and drink it down. Then I add dmt to some more orange juice (200mg of fumerate, I need a lot more than most people), stir and drink it down...add more juice, swirl it around the glass and drink it down. You can put both in one glass, I personally do them separately one right after another. Six of one, half dozen of another. I would avoid capsules, it is easier, but the onset for me is totally unpredictable...last time I used capsules, after 2 hours nothing had happened, I went to bed and woke up 30 minutes later tripping face.

For me, I wouldnt even feel 20mg, I don't feel 100mg, but pharma affects everyone differently. It took me 4-5 times before I found the sweet spot as I went slowly. 69ron needs 30-50mg, I need 200mg+ to get to the same space.

Yes you can just take another 20mg after 45-1hour if you're not to where you want to be. If a bunch of time has passed, you may want to boost with some more THH as well.
Saidin, Swims trying to find that sweet spot but hasnt yet. His first journey was not weighed, and he used rue. It was amazing but almost a little too much. Swim recently tried 35 mg with THH, barely felt it. Then he tried 85 mg in caps with caapi copy 200mg, he also fell asleep, woke up tripping but sick as hell. He couldn't shake the sickness, is this a good time to try and go puke? Swim was surprised that he felt so shitty! Is it possible by under-dosing, one can get the body load and not get passed it into the better space?

He couldnt even lay down and enjoy it, he sat up with a blanket around him freezing. It was very awkward, and grueling watching the time tick by. Even the visions he had were off beat. He kept getting the images of these weird persian gypsy type beings. They were laying all over the place, and it seemed to be in a very dusty place. Swim doesnt know what the hell that was or meant, but they all seemed to know him. Swim didnt remember as well as he thought he would the next day, Swims almost a little scared to venture back!
Seven said:
Saidin, Swims trying to find that sweet spot but hasnt yet. His first journey was not weighed, and he used rue. It was amazing but almost a little too much. Swim recently tried 35 mg with THH, barely felt it. Then he tried 85 mg in caps with caapi copy 200mg, he also fell asleep, woke up tripping but sick as hell. He couldn't shake the sickness, is this a good time to try and go puke? Swim was surprised that he felt so shitty! Is it possible by under-dosing, one can get the body load and not get passed it into the better space?

He couldnt even lay down and enjoy it, he sat up with a blanket around him freezing. It was very awkward, and grueling watching the time tick by. Even the visions he had were off beat. He kept getting the images of these weird persian gypsy type beings. They were laying all over the place, and it seemed to be in a very dusty place. Swim doesnt know what the hell that was or meant, but they all seemed to know him. Swim didnt remember as well as he thought he would the next day, Swims almost a little scared to venture back!

I personally don't like Rue, always makes me feel ill with a heavy body load. Cappi copy gives me some nausea, but it only lasts about 30 mintues before fading. I have found that harmaline does not work well with me, almost always causes looping/fractured perceptions that I find hard to grasp, interrpted with moments of perfect clarity. I usually stick to THH only, or THH/Harmine, but everybody is different, you just have to find what works for you. If you are feeling very ill, and trying to ride it out, but the pharma is working, that would be a good time to go purge. You will feel much much better, and a pruge can be quite an enjoyable experience.

Last cappi copy session I had, I found myself in an alternate reality created solely by my thoughts. It was bizarre, but they all knew me there. At one point I "jumped" back into this reality, sort of a quantum leap/waking from a dream, and came to a deep understanding of the creative power of thought. Was quite a revalation, but like most things in that world, the memory of insight faded quickly.

Don't be afraid to go back! But I would recommend against capsules as they are unpredictable. There are great mysteries to be revealed, and one has to have courage to face them. Learning and knowledge await...
Saidin, thanks for the info, Il start low and work my way to where I feel I need to be.

Thats some trippy shit you experienced with the caapi copy.
Saidin said:
There are great mysteries to be revealed, and one has to have courage to face them. Learning and knowledge await...

Thanks and very well said. Swim will definitely be back, he just needs some time to let his mind settle some. Swim had no nausea at all with the THH so he'll try that next time.
Hey a quick question, is it a problem if 1 pint of beer was consumed 4-5hrs prior to dosing Pharma?

Also any special diets, anything to avoid eating prior to dosing?

Alcohol is definitely not a good idea.

The MAOI effects of the harmala alkaloids are not complete, they are only weak RIMAs, but for some reason lots of people experience side effects when they are used with alcohol. I don't think this has anything to do with MAOI metabolism, as harmala alkaloids are very weak in this respect and very short acting. I believe it has to do with the fact that alcohol is a vasodilator and so are the harmala alkaloids. Too much vasodilation can cause headaches, and headaches are a common complaint when alcohol is combined with harmala alkaloids.

SWIM uses harmala alkaloids with aged cheese all the time so the MAOI effects of these alkaloids are of very little concern when it comes to tyramine in the diet, at least for SWIM. This is why I believe the negative effects from alcohol are not MAOI related. People often experience headaches from alcohol even when taken long after the MAOI effects of the harmala alkaloids have disappeared, as much as 24 hours after taking them.
I must ask what happened to "Caapi Copy?" My pet cat has a nice 180mg of THH left but would much prefer CC. Looking around in the usual space where it was sold before, it seems they are either out of stock or don't carry CC anymore. Could anyone enlighten me on if they are out of stock they would remove it from search?
flowingvisions still has it, I checked yesterday, by the way, how much Cappi Copy is needed for pharma? I've read many different things, is 100mg enough?
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