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plain rue extract. and more yopo stuff

Migrated topic.
Yes and Yes.

Hamine is psycadelic on its own. Not mind blowing, but still.

Rue was used back in the day as a seditive.

Caapi is better for day to day consumption though. I drink micro doses of Caapi tea pretty much daily, along with my Cat's Claw. Very good stuff for depression.
SWIM says:
Harmine can be quite hallucinogenic or more accurately a “dream generating” compound. If you take about 200 mg and relax you can easily fall into a day dream. It’s quite nice actually. It’s mildly psychedelic at that dose and I find it very pleasant. It’s sort of a stimulant with mild emotional sedative effects. Harmaline is more of a sedative than harmine. Both are uplifting and both reduce stress quite effectively. Rue contains a mix of harmine and harmaline mostly. Sometime more harmine, and sometimes more harmaline. While caapi is mostly harmine and tetrahydroharmine (THH) which is one reason why caapi is so different from rue.
SWIM has equal parts caapi and rue sitting in a jar of vinegar together, has been for a few days now. SWIM didn't know about THH.
Smoking few mg of Rue extract is slightly sedative and relaxing.
SWIM ingested 150 mg once and it was definitvly sedative (pretty relaxed, hard to move). But on a side note, blood tension and heartbeats were significativly lowered (~ 45 bpm) which could be an issue for some people.
I don't know if it can be used daily and what are the side effects on the long run, can not find scientific infos about it.
They do lower blood pressure and heart rate. This is a good thing when used with DMT because DMT slightly increases blood pressure and heart rate, so they tend to cancel each other out.

The danger from using harmala alkaloids has been dramatically exaggerated because they were once believed to be full non-reversible MAOI compounds. But they actually aren’t. They are RIMAs. RIMAs are many times safer that full non-reversible MAOI compounds.

Some people use ayahuasca on a daily basis and they seem to be fine.

Yopo is often taken while chewing caapi. In some locations they do this everyday.

Tobacco also has harmala alkaloids in it and some people smoke it all day long, everyday for years. They end up getting cancer, but that's not from the harmala alkaloids.

No one has ever died from taking peganum harmala or caapi. Both have been used for hundreds of years. That should attest to their relative safety in human beings.

You’ll often seen harmine and harmaline lumped together in text as if they are one and the same. A rue extract contains a mix of harmine and harmaline. The two are actually very different in effects. Most of the sedative “drugged” or “stoned” feeling comes from harmaline and not harmine. Harmine is more like a real psychedelic and harmaline is more of a sedative. As far as toxicity goes, harmine is about 1/2 as toxic as harmaline. Harmaline really feels like a heavy drug compared to harmine. Harmine is a much cleaner, clearer experience.

Even with the lack of negative reports on the daily use of harmala alkaloids by the natives, I would steer away from using anything like that on a daily basis until some real scientific studies are done on the subject using human beings. Animal tests aren’t that useful. For example, a chocolate candy bar can kill a dog, but a person can eat chocolate all day and be fine.
I wonder if taking a rue or caapi extract while dosing on yopo would reduce the nausea effect. swim plans on doing a rue or caapi extract in the future just for a more casual experience rather than dosing on dmt all the time. swim also plans on doing a dmt extract soon also. swim will be posting pictures (probably alot :)).

Btw does anybody here have any idea why using yopo powder mixed with lime and water for a few minutes have psychedelic effects rather than yopo powder mixed for hours at time and have no psychedelic effects (also no nausea which is the whole reason swim mixed the yopo for hours instead of minutes. I guess it worked). There must be some kind of chemical reaction going on here. I've read in this forum many times about a calcium bufotenin but they all refer to working with extracts not yopo powder (if i can remember right)
I dont think rue would reduce nausea if anything it may cause nausea or increase. I have consumed fairly large doses of extract maybe the equivenent of 20g seeds over a 4 or 5 hour and had some excellent results sometimes, I have also become quite ill a few times. As far as yopo goes I would be careful with rue or capi the amplified effects of bufotine and 5 meo dmt could be very unpleasent. There have been a few deaths reported from 5 meo dmt
Natives commonly chew on caapi while taking Yopo and Vilca. The combination is considered quite safe by the natives. Yopo is usually mostly bufotenine, and has very little 5-MeO-DMT in it. Sometimes it has a good amount of DMT, but rarely much 5-MeO-DMT. Vilca (snuff make from Anadenanthera colubrina) is normally just bufotenine sometimes with traces of DMT and usually no 5-MeO-DMT at all.

SWIM uses both a lot and has never had any bad reactions to them with or without harmine (or rue or caapi). One time SWIM had Yopo that was very high in DMT, but never experienced any Yopo or Vilca that had noticeable levels of 5-MeO-DMT in them. Never. I don’t believe the reports of them having much 5-MeO-DMT are accurate. SWIM knows exactly how 5-MeO-DMT feels. He’s been using 5-MeO-DMT almost every day this week. It’s very different from bufotenine and DMT.

If you take Yopo or Vilca after harmine (or caapi or rue), the effects are amazing, but the nausea is increased, at least for SWIM it is. After the nausea fades the visuals are out of this world. It’s more visual than anything else SWIM ever tried. Plus the experience is extremely laid bad and peaceful. However, SWIM uses Yopo and Vilca alkaloid extracts via SMOKING. He doesn’t use snuff. Snuff (Yopo or Vilca) is unpleasant for SWIM. He now only uses concentrated alkaloid extracts.

I would like to have more details about the deaths supposedly associated with 5-MeO-DMT. 5-MeO-DMT is supposed to be less toxic than DMT according to all animal tests. Are we sure they were caused by 5-MeO-DMT and not something else? Where is the source of this news and is it reliable?
Caapi is said to contain anti-oxidants and would have health benefits if used frequently. It's supposed to have anti-depressant, anti-cancer and anti-parkinson effects. Rue and Caapi are both used against parasites.
I think all health benefits atributed to ayahuasca are from the harmala alkaloïds in it and not from DMT.
Passionflower is often used against depression or as a sleep aid. I think if it's not used excessively, it is probaby pretty save and it might just have positive effects as well.
The reports of the deaths were thru the grapevine. If I remember correctly the late DM Turner had reported that he knew of at least one death from 5 meo that was a rue or capi combo. These reports we not fact checked so the info could be untrue. Never seen yopo or tried any of the snuffs I got sinus issues as it is. I have partaken in 5 meo in the form of B. Alvarus venom I would say I prefer it over nn dmt. Toad venom was always a faster more intense blast off but the increase heart rate and blood preasure were also greater than nn dmt.
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