This is something I've wondered about for a while. Is it obvious to your colleagues that you do psychedelics or are knowledgeable about them?
I was fired from my last job because I was too open with my psychedelic adventures. Although a couple of people were interested in it, ultimately I was let go very abruptly. It seems like the higher ups thought I was making meth or something.
Now, I have an awesome job in an awesome lab. Everyone here is very friendly and very receptive. I learned from my mistakes, so I don't initiate conversations about psychedelics. But the topic still comes up. And, one of the senior scientists here not only is interested in psychs, but is part of other networks that deals with psychedelics and other entheogens. I was quite surprised, to be honest. So yeah, now we're growing mushies hah. I guess that careers advisor was right: it's not what you know, but who you know.
I was fired from my last job because I was too open with my psychedelic adventures. Although a couple of people were interested in it, ultimately I was let go very abruptly. It seems like the higher ups thought I was making meth or something.
Now, I have an awesome job in an awesome lab. Everyone here is very friendly and very receptive. I learned from my mistakes, so I don't initiate conversations about psychedelics. But the topic still comes up. And, one of the senior scientists here not only is interested in psychs, but is part of other networks that deals with psychedelics and other entheogens. I was quite surprised, to be honest. So yeah, now we're growing mushies hah. I guess that careers advisor was right: it's not what you know, but who you know.