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Returning Traveler After 40 Years

Migrated topic.

Nemo Amicus

Rising Star
OG Pioneer

After a 40 year hiatus, I have tried spice again. Of course, we didn't call it spice back then (Last exposure was 1968 at the Monterey Pop Festival) and no one that I knew had a concept of a breakthrough to what is now known as hyperspace.

This last weekend after a couple of tentative experiences I had my first steps into the other realm. The sequence involved vaporizing 35 mg which resulted in patterns and lights. My wife suggested that I vaporize some more while coming down, so I took another 35 mg. in one monster toke. Then kind of layed over and put my head in my wife's lap. Here is a brief description of my experience as dictated within an hour:

"It was like kind of seeing a ball of light in the distance that was kind of - resolved itself into a twirly mass that became a biomechanical worm which was changing. Then the worm undid itself from a ball to a straight shape and crawled along the wall. Then it was like I stepped out of a tunnel, was standing in the arch of a tunnel, looking at the worm as it walked along the side of the wall to my right and became part of the fractal decorations on the wall.

"Then I thought 'If there's a wall here, what's on the other side?' and I looked to my left and kind of up and saw a soaring, gravity-defying, architecturally impossible flying buttresses and domes, insides of domes, kind of gothic, alien-cathedral, constantly on the move.

"I noticed somethng to the left of the archway that I was standing in and against the wall that the arch was coming out of. I kept noticing people - that I finally came to the realization that were previous iterations of myself at different ages (seeing self as younger, bearded, in 20's, 30's, 40's, etc.). Then I noticed "the little people" in the brown trench-coats and bowler hats. I ignored them. We were not interested in each other and there was no interaction.

"And then 'The Voice of God' came . . ." saying "How do you feel?" Turned out "The Voice of God" was my wife, Pandora, not realizing that my stacked doses extended my peak experience longer than she expected.

Finally able to communicate, we were able with my memory and gentle probing to extract a reasonably good memory of the other world.

We went on later that day to take our first acid trip together in almost 20 years and had a great time.

Nemo Amicus

"The State says he's crazy"
Hi Nemo Amicus,

Welcome to the Nexus!

I am prejudiced, having known Nemo Amicus so long, but am confident he will make a great addition to this community. His level of knowledge and experience are staggering.

He came back to spice after 40 years and after only about two attempts started exhibiting rather advanced vaporizing techniques. He gets most of it on the first hit now. Also, if he's trying for a bigger dose and there are several hits, he never refuses the offer of one more. I am his biggest fan.

The report posted above was his first experience of what I call a 3-D vision.

Nemo Amicus - I am hoping to have a liaison with you in hyperspace sometime in the future.8)

Much Love Always,
Nemo wrote
"After a 40 year hiatus, I have tried spice again. Of course, we didn't call it spice back then (Last exposure was 1968 at the Monterey Pop Festival) and no one that I knew had a concept of a breakthrough to what is now known as hyperspace."

Welcome to the Nexus Brother. I must admit I am most envious of you as you got to see Jimi burn and smash his gutiar, The Who also trashed all there instruments and destroyed the stage, Janis did possibly her best live performance ever I was to young to go DAMIT:( .

Not that I am into destroying things but it was a historical event in American History and Music and I would have LOVED to have been there:lol: I was to young to attend but have watched the movie hundreds of times. Monterey Pop and Rock n Roll Circus are two of my fav Vintage sixties music movies.

yes welcome!! its really exciting knowing people were smoking spice decades before i was born...and that they are returning to it now!!
Good on you for giving this another shot. I can agree on the hiatus with the lsd as I have enjoyed some of the most revealing nights of my life lately.

I have a question though. I can guess you are probably in your 50's. How harsh was the smoke and how did your heart feel? The reason I ask is that I have someone close to me that is curious to try however she is well into her 50's, doesn't smoke anymore (quit for 20 years now), but I am concerned about the rise in blood pressure etc as this can be an issue once the body ages. Please let me know how you felt about that part I'd appreciate some input. I'm in my mid to late 30's and can handle the rise in pressure and imagine I could for quite some but I'd like to have another perspective.

Good intro.
Hi OnthePath,

I am Nemo Amicus' wife and DMT supplier. I assume he will answer this himself, but will share some direct information now.

Nemo Amicus is soberly looking 60 years in the eye as we speak. Nemo Amicus smokes tobacco and cannabis. Nemo Amicus is over six feet tall and weighs under 150 lbs. Nemo Amicus is extremely healthy when it comes to heartbeat and blood pressure. I have been with him multiple times in medical contexts where techs take his BP three times on the right, then switch to the left, look up and give him a look like they are seriously considering screaming, "Code Blue!!!" then ask him if his BP has always been so low. 90/50 is a standard reading for him. I always encourage him to sit down before taking a hit of anything.

When Nemo Amicus took that first hit in over 40 years, I was shocked. He didn't seize up and quit inhaling in shock like the curious people who I tried to facilitate into the spice realm at Symbiosis 2009. He knew the taste was going to be harsh and he was an extremely experienced toker, including with extremely potent hash and hash oil, as well as various types of chemistry in his deep past. He is a man of no fear when it comes to psychedelics. He is a hedonist and is never disappointed. He did not cough. He took a second and third hit. But, he did lean over and expectorate into the trash recepticle. Being together over 21 years, I must say I am not used to seeing him spit. So, yeah, it tastes pretty nasty. But, the truth is that the smoke is actually cool compared to herbs like cannabis and salvia. One thing I have noticed about DMT vapor: It does NOT heat up and expand in the lungs. So, if the user can resist that first urge to expel the nasty tasting substance, it is actually possible to hold it for a long time, even if they do not smoke anything else. Personally, I make a point of NOT breathing through my nose until (as I like to say) "it is toooooo laaaaatte," and nothing matters other than safely putting the pipe and torch down. The tone has started, I am having powerful visual hallucinations, the room is dissolving, my eyes are falling shut . . .

Before I flushed my big-business pharmacopea and when I felt so shitty, I was diagnosed with high BP. Once I flushed the real drugs and started focusing on herbs and psychedelics, things got a lot better. But, it is in the background for me because I am in my 40's and it's in the family. I do feel an increase in heartbeat and BP, especially in the climb up when I vaporize spice. It is not outrageous, but it is real. Kind of like the way I feel if I am getting some good exercise.

Sounds like your friend is in good shape. Middle aged but no real risk factors and decades quit from tobacco. She might want to speak with a medically knowledgeable person she trusts. Maybe say something like, "I'm considering a short-term activity that produces a physical response similar to a stimulant." If pressed, she could say something like "bungee jumping." Ask the medical person what the specific risks for her would be, if any. I suspect she's a fine candidate for spice.

Peace & Love,
Hi Pandora,

Thanks for the response. I know what it does to me and I can take just about anything, just worried about passing this along without properly looking into it. I suggested speaking with her physician first as that would be the best route.

Thanks again and happy travels.
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