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Saying hello and sharing my first experience :)

Migrated topic.
Hi Nexians,

New member here, hailing from South Western Australia.

I'd like to provide a background to how I came across the world of DMT, followed by my first (and currently only) experience with this incredible molecule.

I first heard about DMT from an older friend when I was 17, about 6 years ago. Let's call him 'B'. Before discussions with B about mushrooms, LSD, and DMT, I was completely opposed to drug use. Having successfully gone through the typical drugs brainwashing program of our society, I was resolved to never touch cannabis or any other illicit drug. I accepted what I had been taught and didn't even think of questioning it critically.

However talking to my friend B completely opened up my perspective. Ideas of telepathy, shared hallucinations, stories of being able to control the street lights with thoughts, entities that 'waved back' - it fascinated me deeply.

I quickly took to the internet to research as much as I could about these substances. I'd spend hour after hour reading articles, trip reports, and information on safe use. I purchased and read the book 'The Spirit Molecule', watched the documentary and listened to hours of lectures from the psychonaut trailblazers such as Terence McKenna and Alan Watts.

In my research, I had learned that Cannabis seemed to be neither carcinogenic or neurotoxic as I had been led to believe. So over the next few months, I tried smoking the herb - I wanted to experience an altered state of consciousness and begin preparing myself for my own psychedelic experience. Months later I experienced my first LSD trip and for the second time, my perspectives broadened - this time in ways beyond sober comprehension. 10 or so LSD trips later, and after half a year of researching and searching for the spirit molecule, I encountered DMT.

Here's that experience:

Part 1 - The Setting

I was at a psychedelic gathering out in the middle of beautiful South-West Australian forest, and miles from civilization. This was a really special place, and I understand that it has been used for such gatherings for at least 50 years. Imagine two big grassy clearings next to each other (bird's eye view of the clearings would look like the number 8) surrounded by a mixture of native forest and pine trees.

The clearing I was in was very peaceful, many people had parked their cars there, and small groups of people shared fires around their campsites. Long away in the other clearing, I could hear the rhythm of psychedelic music energizing the night.

I'd been to these sort of events before and had been on the lookout for DMT. I knew that spice circulated these gatherings but up until this day I'd never come across it. I wasn't particularly looking for spice that day and was enjoying the event. I had helped the organisers set up, then smoked a little bit of cannabis and relaxed for most of the afternoon, and now it was completely dark. About 20 minutes previously I had consumed one blotter of LSD but was not yet feeling the effects.

Knowing that the LSD was quite mild, I set out to look for some more. I came across a guy (let's call him 'S') sitting near his car and asked him if he could point me in the direction of Lucy. He didn't have any, but offered to sell me some DMT.

I was astounded to find myself in this situation. I was alone at the festival (besides camping near two friends I'd made only a week or two previous) but felt strongly that this exact time was the moment for me to try spice. S offered to guide me through the process of smoking spice and to make sure I stayed safe. I know it's best to have a close and trusted friend with you to look after you if things go sour, and I believe that's best. However I felt comfortable with this guy, he seemed very genuine and I was humbled to be with someone who had a thorough understanding of the substance.

He went to his group's car and retrieved a bong and some other items, then asked where I wanted to go. We walked to my friends camp (let's call her C) which was simply an unassembled 4-man tent laid out on the ground covered with rugs and pillows. Basic but very comfy. It was in the part of the clearing right near the trees and I had a good view of the wonderland surrounding me as well as the forest.

S packed the cone piece for me, eyeballing a dose of DMT and sandwiching it between two layers of Cannabis. I took a minute to collect my thoughts and calm myself before taking the bong from him. S informed me to roast the cone slowly, taking in a deep breath and to hold it for as long as I could. He also let me know that he'd take it from my hands when I was finished to avoid dropping it in my inebriation. I held the bong in my hand and slowly roasted the cone...

Part 2 - The Experience

...pulling the entirety of it into my lungs and holding it there, counting slowly to twenty or so seconds. What happened next was an experience that shook me to my core.

The first thing I noticed was a vibration, fading in and getting stronger and stronger every second. Suddenly I lost all perception of my environment. I was in the DMT space. The feeling that this space had ALWAYS been here was very, very powerful. This was not something my mind had conjured from my sub-conscious. This was very real, and it had always existed. I like the analogy of my brain being a 'meat radio' that's biologically set to pick up on a certain range of transmission. Suddenly I could perceive a layer of existence/vibration that my sober mind could not perceive (or fathom).

As soon as I was in the space, they were there too, looking right back at me. Giant telepathic entities staring down at me with incredible curiosity. I felt the presence of intelligence, these were conscious beings, and this was their reality.

The telepathic barrage from the entities was overwhelming; 'How can you see us?', 'Why are you here?', 'People don't usually perceive us.. how did you get here?' two hundred times every second as I stared back dumbfounded into the faces of these alien-looking beings. Pre-trip I had wanted to ask these beings about the nature of their existence. Did they existed independently or were they merely an elaborate hallucination of my subconscious? Now here I was face to face with them and I couldn't even ask! It felt impossible to ask a question I already knew the answer to. I was in this space for a long time, not able to respond, but allowing what I was experiencing to wash over me completely.

Describing the physical nature of the entities themselves and their environment is difficult. This is probably because I don't think they were physical per se. They are pure abstract intelligence manifested in four-dimensional space. I perceived them to be humanoid in appearance, although I felt they weren't human either. I don't strongly remember geometry, if there was any I didn't focus on it. Colour wise the experience was very dark, and I have a strong memory of purple hues manifesting what was around me.

After some time I remembered that I was a human being occupying a body and that I could open my eyes. I opened them to see the clearing around me crystal clear. My sitter, S, was sitting next to me and must have noticed my return. He turned to me and said quietly; 'sometimes I like to think the world is made of lego'. Instantly I realised that everything around me was made up of tiny, infinite rotating cubes. Everything from the grass in front of me to my own arm - cubifying and revolving in infinite, magnificent clockwork. Without a doubt the most beautiful and elaborate open eye visual experience I've ever had.

Slowly and gently the cubes settled. and I felt myself returning to sobriety / baseline consciousness. I was in shock, to this day it is the most profound experience of my life.

Thanks for reading my post. Apologies for it being so long. It's been five years from my DMT trip. I needed to spend much time processing what I had experienced, and now I feel very much ready to delve into this world once more. I'm really looking forward to learning as much as possible while contributing to this community!

It is my goal to find myself some Acacia Acuminata very soon and run Earthwalkers ACRB TEK 100g (link ACRB TEK 100g "PICS" (Newbie Friendly) - A/B - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus) on some phyllodes. I'm also very keen to make and experiment with Changa. Maybe trying some lower doses of 25% changa before returning to hyperspace.

Despite my positive experience with the dealer in my trip report, I would never sell DMT myself. I fully resonate with the Nexus ethos that DMT is a gift to be shared, and not a commodity to be traded or sold.

If any West Australians are reading this I'd love to ask some questions regarding the flowering and typical locations of Acacia Acuminata! :)

First of all, your post was wonderful; elegant and detailed, I could feel your experience by reading it. So no need to apologize for length. In many ways, your experience paralleled many of my own, which I always find fascinating. A very intersubjective phenomenon. I too feel that my exoeriences may start within me, but are very much real as well with phenomenal experiential qualia not derived from my consciousness. Our brains "the most complexfied structure in the universe" (Terence Mckenna) seem to be very advanced electro-biochemical computers (for lack of a better word) that our consciousnesses are interfaced with within this dimensional paradigm. I also commend you for doing so while on Lucy. I've done that too and was a very wonderful, yet peculiar ride. I recommend doing it sober at one point. Also be very careful about talking about sourcing in the forums. Be sure to go over the expectations (in the faq I believe). But welcome to the nexus, and I look forward to more of your posts! :)
One love
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