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Should I smoke my DMT?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Well I am just 18 now and I have been experimenting with dmt and psychedelics for the past 2 years now...Without one successful experience (I've only gotten far enough to see some fractals, and one time I thought I was an alien after smoking DMT.

I feel I can look back now and see what caused me never to have a meaningful experience, and I'm starting to think maybe it's not my incompetence but maybe divine intervention lol. I have high aspirations in life and was hoping psychedelics would increase my drive to get those accomplished. Now I think they could potentially do the opposite too. It's just so unlikely in my mind that everything went the perfect level of wrong to either prevent me from going far or to discourage me from going far for a long enough time that the doors were closed.

I have only 220mg of the best 50/50 changa I have ever made. And I think that if I were to smoke 40 to 60mg I would almost for sure break through. Now that I understand how powerful dmt is, I think maybe I shouldn't break through. I don't really believe in fate, but the way things have happened seem almost impossible to be a coincidence.

Do you think DMT will crush my aspirations to be wealthy, will I be more or less likely to leave my comfort zone and expand my opportunities after a good or bad breakthrough? I'm not sure I should do it if it will change my entire view of what I want my life to be...
You alone are in control of your aspirations not DMT.
From your tone it sounds to me that you don't want to go any further.
It's a personal choice hard for others to decide.
Spice is unpredictable but the way i look upon what it brings is not good or bad they are all experiences. Its more a question of curiosity... only time will
But remember that you control your destiny not drugs.
Ps. Many rich and wealthy people are high too!
No-one but you can answer the question you have posed. Then again, I'm not entirely clear on what you mean, and what it is that you fear.

Are you afraid that your aspirations will be interrupted by your drug use- that you will become some kind of burn-out and give up on your hopes in exchange for getting high? If you fear losing all self control in the face of it, then the only suggestion I could offer is to stay away from all drugs.

Are you afraid that your world-view will be disrupted and that your feeling that wealth is something important to be obtained will be discounted in favor of some psychedelic insight; that you will give up on capitalism and join a commune or some-such? It's been said that DMT is here to destroy isms like capitalism and that quite possibly is part of what it endeavors, if a molecule could have an agenda that is, but that could be an uncomfortable position for you to be in.

Reincarnated is more succinct and to the point, it does sound as if your path is divergent from one that DMT is liable to lead you upon, if wealth is the be all and end all of your sense of purpose and being, then perhaps it is not agreeable with you.
If DMT dials back your ambition then that means that ambition would have likely stood in the way of your happiness. There can be some overlap between ambition and happiness but just as many things are dualistic, ambition can also cause a lot of misery both in self and others.

Shakespeare said:
But 'tis common proof, that lowliness is young ambition's ladder, whereto the climber-upward turns his face; but when he once attains the upmost round, he then turns his back, looks in the clouds, scorning the vase defrees by which he did ascend.

I wouldn't tell you not to dive into hyperspace and I also wouldn't tell you to put your ambition on hold. I would although tell you to really step back and ask yourself why do you want these things. I find that the answers I seek are often bound up in they "Whys" as well as many pitfalls that are obscured by my day to day life.
I will say that DMT increased my ambition rather than lowering it. I became more focused on what I wanted, as well as more aware of the distractions from my goals. Do as you want. I'd say don't do it, but if you did, I doubt your life gets worse. Just saying.
Dartttt said:
Well I am just 18 now and I have been experimenting with dmt and psychedelics for the past 2 years now...Without one successful experience (I've only gotten far enough to see some fractals, and one time I thought I was an alien after smoking DMT.

I feel I can look back now and see what caused me never to have a meaningful experience, and I'm starting to think maybe it's not my incompetence but maybe divine intervention lol. I have high aspirations in life and was hoping psychedelics would increase my drive to get those accomplished. Now I think they could potentially do the opposite too. It's just so unlikely in my mind that everything went the perfect level of wrong to either prevent me from going far or to discourage me from going far for a long enough time that the doors were closed.

I have only 220mg of the best 50/50 changa I have ever made. And I think that if I were to smoke 40 to 60mg I would almost for sure break through. Now that I understand how powerful dmt is, I think maybe I shouldn't break through. I don't really believe in fate, but the way things have happened seem almost impossible to be a coincidence.

Do you think DMT will crush my aspirations to be wealthy, will I be more or less likely to leave my comfort zone and expand my opportunities after a good or bad breakthrough? I'm not sure I should do it if it will change my entire view of what I want my life to be...

i dont think DMT will crush your ambitions at all . unless u want it to.

Being wealthy you prolly will have better chance in meeting politicians who can possibly fight to get DMT to be legal, like with Weed in USA. ( all those antidrugs and drug laws were prollly influenced by rich people who h8 drugs etc. as well as ignorant citizen ( think back with those pot commercials with the egg, this is your brain, the guy fries it, this is your brain on Weed, when yrs l8r so much stuff for health benefits etc etc. )

When your in those Pure Realms, There might be a chance you were not suppose to be wealthy but get closer to these psyches etc. being wealthy does has its own "costume "

You as an Ape God tell those Gods/Goddesses in those realms not to interfere with your Earth endeavors.

When your in Those Realms try making Contact just like you would try to get a random persons attention on the street, see if anything happens, invite em in. for what its worth try doing more then being a Spectator looking at cool stuff.

You would be surprised at what can happen, its awesome m8 .
Don't credit DMT too much when it comes to your life. You are in control, or you should be at least. I have had such profound experiences, I have bee on one with the life force of the universe (God if you will), seen entities, other dimension as real and clear as this reality. I have met demons in some kind of dark dimension. But how much has it affected my everyday life? Not much, it has opened me up to the endless possibilities of the Universe, or the Multiverse. But my life is under my control!

It sounds to me that you might need to smoke more. 40-60mg of 50/50 Changa might not be enough. I usually breakthrough with 30-60mg DMT, which would be 60-120mg of 50/50 Changa. Also, take your time when inhaling, inhale it slowly and apply just enough heat until you have inhaled all of the Changa.
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