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Solvents in Australia

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Taking a stroll through a local Bunnings the other day, SWIM could really only find Shellite and Xylene as solvents for extraction.
Shellite leaving an oily residue and Xylene stinking like a major chemical spill, are there any other solvents that could be suggested to SWIM?

Toluene I believe is highly carcinogenic.

D-Limonene sounds ideal for its smell, safety, and pulling ability however I'm pretty sure it's not an available product in Australia.

Are there any other suggestions of what products that can be used for extracting Obtusifolia?
The problem with toluene is if you want something within a day you have to evaporate it using a fan (again takes a looong time without heat) or a hairdryer with heat meaning theres a good chance the heat and air will oxidise any DMT leaving DMT n-oxide. Toluene fumes are damaging to the health and smell strong however with adequate ventilation it should be ok.
However if you have the time and space to blow it out of a door/window with a normal fan where the fumes wont be a problem you will get everything.
m***e10 sell d-limonene at 22 dollars ( :shock: for 500ml , sc***ys citrus solvent. An expensive sub but a non toxic walk-into-store option for Aus and a tidier one than sunflower oil to use for salting out, obviously cant be used for freeze precip or evapping.
If you leave diggers acetone in the bottle too long it dissolves the plastic. I evaporated some after it being 3/4 weeks old and it left a thin layer of plastic exactly the same colour and texture as the bottle.
Diggers Shellite isn't fantastic imo. I know myself and friends have had poor results.
I`d personally suggest doing 2 initially toluene pulls (this will get basically everything), evapping till crystals (they form sweet crop circle crystals :) ).
Then rextal is hot naptha (or equivalent that can be freeze-precip'd).
Works a treat for me, and saves the hassle of 6 pulls or something.
Re-xtal is way easier than a large number of pulls.
I know what you mean haha, to use a quote from Seinfeld ;)

Bania: You know Jerry, I was thinking. For our next meal, do you think we should come here ... or should we go someplace else? You know it has it's pros and cons. On the one hand, here, you're guaranteed a great meal. On the other hand-
Jerry: (annoyed) Yeah, yeah I know. This would be good, but it would be the same. But if we go some place else, it would be different, but it might not be as good. It's a gamble. I GET IT.
Just evap tested un#u glue r#mover that I bought a while ago and it leaves a residue, pretty sure its not a reaction with anything on the glass. Presumably the plastic from the bottle its in. Shame as it evaps very quickly.

Digg#$s she@$ite seems better but again leaves a white residual outer edge stain. Also came from a plastic bottle.
Second test was a bit better, washed the dish with sodium carbonate and water beforehand then rinsed it thoroughly and air dried, mopped the small streaks up with tissue paper. It still left a faint white residue.

Will test diggers iso next.
Strange to hear you get a white residue from shellite. When i tested there was nothing left, very clean and no residue.

I was wondering about the new diggers wax and grease remover, whether it had heptane in it, for heptane is in Un-Do, as a glue/adhesive remover, but it just says 100% pure liquid hydrocarbons, same as the shellite.

I'll have to look into getting some toluene.
It was only a very feint residue and I have had the shellite for a long time for general household use which is why I assume its the inside egde of the bottle that has been dissolved.

Sce@#ys toluene also leaves a very feint residue but again this was an old can (but metal) and was at the end of it. Tests much earlier came out better.

I wouldnt be surprised if all the diggers napthas are from the same source just relabelled for targetting different consumers.

Im starting to think the cleanest way for Aussies ( as localy sourced fumaric acid isnt available here) is a double or triple acid base with thorough filtering and liquid reductions at the acid stage then either a water crystalization (if after just dmt) or a sodium carb and dry ipa freebase and extraction.
Timely and requires much work but should yeild a very clean non toxic end product.

Just did 2 test with zi@#o premium and both times evaporated without a trace will try undu again and give it more time to completely evaporate.
Edit: ok so undu this time left no trace maybe it was something from the tap water used to clean the dish that showed up.
With the weather so hot its a great time to test these products.
Good to hear about the Un-Do. Yeah i'd say your shellite was old.

I have glass petri dishes, dropped brand new shellite and left nothing at all.

I wonder what the life span is on those bottles before they degrade?

Xylene is currently available at my local hardware store, but it wont be stocked everywhere, for i was there the other day and they only had shellite.
But i heard Xylene leaves a residue, so i might pass..
Just found out my local shop sells shellite $2.50 cheaper than bunnings, so will grab a few from there instead for my next extraction, unless i find some toluene..

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