smokerx said:Also I think its time to stop this thread as The Maxx is not coming here to comment on any of our posts as he stated above and already opened different thread.
The Maxx abandoned this thread, a different discussion has ensued.
cyb said:or else retitle the thread to: "Is this the right room for an argument?"
Any room is the right room for an argument as long as both sides can be civil, which this discussion most certainly is...
It is good to interact with you again Citta! I have not been here in a long time as well. Interesting that we would both come back at the same time and connect again in another thread...perhaps we have something to learn from eachother?

Citta said:This. This is a prime example of why I disliked your comments. Though you may not have intended to, I perceive from this here arrogance, condescending tones and a pumped ego. I don't understand how one could go through their life never thinking that oneself actually made a mistake, handled a situation poorly, communicated in a bad way etc etc, and just shove the problem down other peoples throat by saying their problems with how you come forth has nothing to do with you, but everything to do with them - and therefore, they should ponder why they reacted in the first place while you can just go along on your high horse of spiritual correctedness not caring two shits about them, or what they have to say. Where is the humility in this? Where is the self-reflection in this? Where is the spirituality in this?
I in no way shape or form intended to project arrogance, condescension, nor any type of ego. These are qualities you have projected into my writing. You have only proven the point I was trying to make.
I make mistakes all the time, I acknowledge them frequently. If not for mistakes, how would we learn? I have handled many situations poorly, communicated in bad way frequently. This is not one of them. I communicated in this way to prove a point, that we are judged all the time by those who know nothing about us and our experiences. We project our own subjective perceptions (based on the individual experiences we have had) of the world on all those we encounter. We do it unconsciously. I made a conscious effort to elicit a particular reaction from you.
I never said I don't care about YOU or anyone else, or what they think or believe. In fact I love you and all as much as I love my own heart. I said I don't care about what you THINK about ME or my ideas. There is a massive difference. Thus my suggestion that you ponder, because my ideas elicit a response within YOU, which has everything to do with you and nothing to do with ME. I am but a catalyst for your own self reflection. I am a mirror projecting yourself back at you. We cannot see in another that which does not exist within ourselves.
I find it interesting as well that for the most part you are not arguing against my ideas, but rather the way in which I present them. Some of the claims you seem to have a problem with, I would think you would agree with from a scientific point of view. There is only awareness, as the only thing we can be absolutely certain of is our own consciousness. Everything external to our individuated consciousness exists solely in our brains as electromagnetic stimulation. The world is a movie screen of our minds, thus it is an illusion created by our consciousness. The Holographic Principal of the Universe sates we are singular and the all at the same time. An infinitesimal part and the entirety, inseparable, uniquely whole. We are the canvas on which the Universe paints itself...
My claim of no objective truth comes from the premise that we are all One, experiencing itself separately. If we are all part of one Universal Consciousness, experiencing itself as separate aspects of itself in order to learn about itself, then this premise holds true. If we take the materialist point of view, then this premise is false. I have vast personal experience, corroborated by many others with similar experiences, which has validated for ME my original premise. So that is the one I am going to go with. The other is what our reductionist scientific model would indicate as valid, but is in my opinion wrong.
Here you are coming with the absolutes again. How do you know any of this? Do you not at all consider the fact that this might not be the case? This is just wishy-washy talk with no concrete substance in it. You have presented no reasons for why this is true, no arguments to support it, nothing. But I guess you don't give two shits about what anyone thinks, so there is no reason to do so, you can just post this stuff as facts and go along. This might work in your world and be perfectly reasonable, but where many other of us are living, this is not good enough. This kind of thinking and attitude, and the acceptance of such, would get people killed in real life, Saidin - where it is actually very important to consider the truth value of various claims and ask for supporting evidence and good thinking.
I know this from personal experience. Some of the means or methods are something you are unlikely to believe in or accept. My information comes from a variety of sources. I remember some of my past lives. I have the remarkable opportunity for weekly communication with non-physical consciousness. I have regular discussions with my spiritual guides and teachers. I have facilitated dozens of past life hypnotic regressions connecting people with multiple past lives. I have spoken to people's Higher Selves, and been blessed to be in the presence of such loving, powerful consciousness. I can connect with my own Higher Self. I have been all things in moments of lucidity and come back to the confines of a physical body.
Perhaps I don't present my understanding in a way that is most effective, I can certainly see and accept that. This is not the first time I have been accused of arrogance, it is the chief obstacle that I am meant to work on in this incarnation. But when words are all you have to work with on a forum, it is harder to lead by example, and time is so short. Sometimes blunt truth is more effective than the subtleties of storytelling...
I am a Wayshower. It is my purpose here. I have no special ability or knowledge that everyone doesn't already have within themselves. The purpose is to help you remember who you are because you have is no accident that your consciousness walks the Earth at this particular time, for you chose to come here. It is a blessing and an opportunity beyond imagining.
You are the one you have been looking for. You are the one you have been waiting for.