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hey who knows maybe stone henge was built for this purpouse lol,maybe thrue doing this regulurly we descover time travel and go back and build stonehenge together as a meet up place to start the dawning of a new age when 2012 kicks in.lol.honestly thow i think stonehenge is about the best place to focus on for those of us who want somewhere as a meetup point.
Ok, August 9th at 20:00 GMT it is!

I'm still bussy with the subpage where people can join and upload their glyphs.

idtravlr, is it possible for you to write a short description about this event that I can use on these subpages?

AND I NEED A NICE LOGO FOR THIS EVENT! If there is anyone who's a master at logo's please PM me!

As for the gathering at one place in hyperspace or not, I think it's best to be free to join or not.
As the location we take Stonehenge. You don't have to be there but feel free to join if you like.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
We are on the edge of potentially making history here folks! It's gonna be a wild ride... I hope... :)

I was saying that the other day we could indeed be making history lol And interestign ideas lemmy maybe we did build stonhenge, on august 9 2008 in the future, but in the past! :lol:
Here are two drawings that IslandHome did for the event. If you all like it feel free to use them. He was thinking they'd be good for the logo...


The Traveler said:
Ok, August 9th at 20:00 GMT it is!

I'm still bussy with the subpage where people can join and upload their glyphs.

idtravlr, is it possible for you to write a short description about this event that I can use on these subpages?

AND I NEED A NICE LOGO FOR THIS EVENT! If there is anyone who's a master at logo's please PM me!

As for the gathering at one place in hyperspace or not, I think it's best to be free to join or not.
As the location we take Stonehenge. You don't have to be there but feel free to join if you like.

Kind regards,

The Traveler

Well stated! Yeah, I'll wright you a little blurb and pm it to you. I'd help out with a logo type thing, except I am worthless at transferring my artistic visions to paper. I'm lucky to draw decent stick figures :) It's sad really...
I'll send you a "marketing" blurb shortly ;)
Iziel said:
Here are two drawings that IslandHome did for the event. If you all like it feel free to use them. He was thinking they'd be good for the logo...



I like the top image. Any way you can work into it something that represents many hyperspace travelers crossing paths or meeting together?
The Traveler said:
Ok, August 9th at 20:00 GMT it is!

I'm still bussy with the subpage where people can join and upload their glyphs.

idtravlr, is it possible for you to write a short description about this event that I can use on these subpages?

AND I NEED A NICE LOGO FOR THIS EVENT! If there is anyone who's a master at logo's please PM me!

As for the gathering at one place in hyperspace or not, I think it's best to be free to join or not.
As the location we take Stonehenge. You don't have to be there but feel free to join if you like.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
traveler will this sub forum have a section for the trip reports or will we just post them in the usual trip report section.i was thinking that if everyone posted ther trip reports the next day or so,that it would be good to have them all in the one place.maybe even give say a 2 or 3 day period to gather everones reports before showing them on the forum,that way every report is fresh of peoples memorys without ther memory of the experience being effected by reading someone elses report......just a sugestion what do you think.
Anybody know what time that is for MST zone?

Not off hand, but use this site: GMT it will give your time zone in GMT + or - <number of hours> by the 24hr clock. For example PDT is GMT - 7hrs. You can also just watch the GMT clock and "hit it" when it reaches Aug. 9th, 20:00
so boys, since this thread is groing out of control, can somone PM me the time in GMT please? ta.
The Traveler said:
Ok, August 9th at 20:00 GMT it is!

I'm still bussy with the subpage where people can join and upload their glyphs.

idtravlr, is it possible for you to write a short description about this event that I can use on these subpages?

AND I NEED A NICE LOGO FOR THIS EVENT! If there is anyone who's a master at logo's please PM me!

As for the gathering at one place in hyperspace or not, I think it's best to be free to join or not.
As the location we take Stonehenge. You don't have to be there but feel free to join if you like.

Kind regards,

The Traveler

Hey TT - I just PM'd you a blurb for your subpages...
this is such a wicked idea. Also Stonehenge has opening and closing times. In August it"shuts" at 19:00 british time So the space should me mentally clear of those not spiced up.

I don't know if I'll be able to make it but I hope so.
Is there anyway we could adjust the time because if this is at 4p.m then those in america will be smoking mid afternoon on a hot summer day maybe movei it up 2 -3 hours so that way it will be close to dusk and a little cooler outside.
Is there anyway we could adjust the time because if this is at 4p.m then those in America will be smoking mid afternoon on a hot summer day maybe move it up 2 -3 hours so that way it will be close to dusk and a little cooler outside.
I'm in Phoenix and it will be about 1:00pm here.
Definitely not the most desirable time to jump into DMT space to me either.
But fortunately/unfortunately, there are probably 100 to 500 other people (at least) from around the entire earth participating. So I strongly doubt if any one time will be perfect for anyone!! Just too many people!!

Find a dark room & turn up your air conditioner!!
Or if you don't have AC, find a friend that does, you can provide the spices he/she can provide the cool air. Right?

I would guess (hope!) that our Hyperlaunch is probably going to happen more than just this once. Maybe we could try to do this like 4 times a year, quarterly. Gives everyone plenty of time to get 'yer spices ready between launches.
This time, Europe gets to experience it at night time.
Next time, maybe the US can have the darkness.
After that, maybe the southern hemisphere etc...etc...
Somethings got to give.

Remember, time does not really exist, just clocks!!
...and those are just a man made hang up, that only exists within our societies here on earth.
I thought the idea was that we were trying to go somewhere else, together!!

8) Heres To Waiting for Aug 9th, 1:00pm:shock:

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