• Members of the previous forum can retrieve their temporary password here, (login and check your PM).


Im in! Damn I was close to missing this entirely...Great idea!
We gotta do this research for ourselves, methinks... Date sounds gd.

"traveler will this sub forum have a section for the trip reports or will we just post them in the usual trip report section.i was thinking that if everyone posted ther trip reports the next day or so,that it would be good to have them all in the one place.maybe even give say a 2 or 3 day period to gather everones reports before showing them on the forum,that way every report is fresh of peoples memorys without ther memory of the experience being effected by reading someone elses report......just a sugestion what do you think."

I second this. A collection of prima materia should be gathered in one vault for this event. If you want to keep it properly scientific there should also be a control preventing us from leading each other.

Of course stonehenge has a fence put round it by HM govt to keep people out of the temple,
just in case this sort of thing should go on. & it is closed at 20.00 gmt.
King Arthur is currently campaigning outside for the removal of said fence.
We could meet in a nearby drove overlooking the stones or go for an all out assault ;)
A poll with 3 propositions of possible hours would greatly help. Is'nt it possible on this forum ?

I think that (or something like it) was done already, thats how they (we) came up with the current date & time.

Maybe a misunderstanding here. I was meaning a electronic/visual poll handled by the forum code, where you just have to click on a number and can see the other's vote. That way, everybody can see how far their wishes are from the 'majority' and can decide to change their vote in order to comes close to a 'better' choices (better is a wrong word but I can't find another).
This makes in the end a cumulative poll and people do not have to read pages of post, nor post themselves. That poll could be opened to people not registrated.


just found one here :
WOW! Caught this event jsut in time. I have thought about doing this with a person or two from another state...co-ordinating a day and time and see what happens. A global experiment seems more ambitious and more chance of something actually happening

I am totally in. Anyone else from California doing this?
kaos.underwave said:
Im in! Damn I was close to missing this entirely...Great idea!
We gotta do this research for ourselves, methinks... Date sounds gd.

"traveler will this sub forum have a section for the trip reports or will we just post them in the usual trip report section.i was thinking that if everyone posted ther trip reports the next day or so,that it would be good to have them all in the one place.maybe even give say a 2 or 3 day period to gather everones reports before showing them on the forum,that way every report is fresh of peoples memorys without ther memory of the experience being effected by reading someone elses report......just a sugestion what do you think."

I second this. A collection of prima materia should be gathered in one vault for this event. If you want to keep it properly scientific there should also be a control preventing us from leading each other.


I really like the idea of holding the reports until they can all be compiled. If no one else will do the research it must be done ourselves!
Ok, I made a crude website for the Synchronised Hyperspace Event.

The story is still short, the logo will change and maybe the site logic will be improved.

Then the good stuff, you can:
* Join the SHE
* Upload your glyph in .gif or .jpg
* Write your report
* See who joined the SHE

You can find the site at:

To join:
Goto "Join" or "MyAccount" and logon with your DMT-Nexus credentials, then click edit to check the "Joined S.H.E.", upload your glyph and/or write your report and click save to well, save your changes.

Please comment on it, its work in progress so there must be a lot to change/improve.

Kind Regards,

The Traveler

p.s. I'm in a hurry here, I'll reply your posts and PM's tomorrow.
I would like to ask all people who will join this event to confirm that on the following site:

To join:
Goto "Join" or "MyAccount" and logon with your DMT-Nexus credentials, then click edit to check the "Joined S.H.E.", upload your glyph and/or write your report and click save to well, save your changes.

Kind Regards,

The Traveler
acolon_5 said:
I'm in....also will be brining 2-4 people with me on this adventure.

Wonderful, just wonderful!!!!!

acolon_5,brother! Glad to hear you will be participating! Haven't seen a post from you for a while. Good see you're still around. See you at "The Convention"!
The Traveler said:
Ok, I made a crude website for the Synchronised Hyperspace Event.

The story is still short, the logo will change and maybe the site logic will be improved.

Then the good stuff, you can:
* Join the SHE
* Upload your glyph in .gif or .jpg
* Write your report
* See who joined the SHE

You can find the site at:

To join:
Goto "Join" or "MyAccount" and logon with your DMT-Nexus credentials, then click edit to check the "Joined S.H.E.", upload your glyph and/or write your report and click save to well, save your changes.

Please comment on it, its work in progress so there must be a lot to change/improve.

Kind Regards,

The Traveler

p.s. I'm in a hurry here, I'll reply your posts and PM's tomorrow.

TT - Nice job on the site! Thanks so much for taking this suggestion and running with it. I would suggest that besides a glyph, and name, travelers also have the option to focus on a specific word, or phrase (not necessarily in English or a known language). Something unique that can be passed on to other travelers. The reason I state this is because I often pick up special words in hyperspace, and they often seem easier to bring back (by repeating them over and over on my way back), than visions are.

Thanks again!

The Traveler said:
I would like to ask all people who will join this event to confirm that on the following site:

To join:
Goto "Join" or "MyAccount" and logon with your DMT-Nexus credentials, then click edit to check the "Joined S.H.E.", upload your glyph and/or write your report and click save to well, save your changes.

Kind Regards,

The Traveler
traveler i have logged on to the site but my name does not apear in the participants,is this because i have not uploaded a glyph as i dont have any way of taking a photo(and im not a verry good drawer anyway),or can i just upload a picture or symbol that i like.....also you wher saying about the site having its own forum,personaly i think it would be a good idea to have somewhere where we can comunicate about this before it happens on the actual forum.one more thing ,has anyone been or would it be a good idea to post links for the event on other forums.:?:
idtravlr said:
TT - Nice job on the site! Thanks so much for taking this suggestion and running with it. I would suggest that besides a glyph, and name, travelers also have the option to focus on a specific word, or phrase (not necessarily in English or a known language). Something unique that can be passed on to other travelers. The reason I state this is because I often pick up special words in hyperspace, and they often seem easier to bring back (by repeating them over and over on my way back), than visions are.

I'll include the phrase, good idea.

lemmy said:
traveler i have logged on to the site but my name does not apear in the participants,is this because i have not uploaded a glyph as i dont have any way of taking a photo(and im not a verry good drawer anyway),or can i just upload a picture or symbol that i like.....also you wher saying about the site having its own forum,personaly i think it would be a good idea to have somewhere where we can comunicate about this before it happens on the actual forum.one more thing ,has anyone been or would it be a good idea to post links for the event on other forums.

To Join you have to go to MyAccount then click on Edit en check the "Joined S.H.E." checkbox, after that click save. I'll change this so when you are in the "Join" page it will automatically sign you up and check that checkbox for you.

About the forum, I'll create a subforum for the S.H.E. on the DMT-Nexus, so it's apart but not completely. ;)

Links on other fora to this event is a must. Problem is I'm not much around other fora like the DMT-Nexus and when you post links on a forum where you normally don't post they'll probably see it as spam).

I hereby ask people who visit other fora more often to post a link to this event!

Kind regards,

The Traveler
It is totally irrelevant with the subject of this topic but I really like the fact that someone else apart from me is using the word "fora" to express the plural form of "forum"!
I have posted the link and some info over a the drugs forum out of the uk. I'm not sure if it will be removed or not but hopefully at least some people will see it.
Ronue said:
It is totally irrelevant with the subject of this topic but I really like the fact that someone else apart from me is using the word "fora" to express the plural form of "forum"!

Nice to hear, flatering the ego, now I need some more ego-death. ;)
I guess its because it's borrowed from latin and the plural in latin is fora, just like museum->musea. Or it

acolon_5, nice to post it on drugs forum!

idtrvl, I added "phrase" to the things you can change in MyAccount at the SHE-site, I called it "Hyperphrase".

Also, I changed one other thing: when people logon for the first time at the SHE-site the "Joined S.H.E." is checked be default.

EDIT: Just to make sure, I added everyone who signed up in this thread to the SHE database. Currently we have 23+ people already!

Kind regards,

The Traveler
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