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The Kayapo tribe is being expelled!

Migrated topic.


Silicon-based Lifeform
Staff member
Look at the picture. This is the Brazilian tribe Kayapo being forcefully and brutally expelled from their native lands. Why, you would ask...

In the last 30 years more than 20% of the Brazilian rainforest has been destroyed by ranchers, logger, colonists and goldminers. Globally, tropical deforestation is responsible for almost as much carbon emissions as all of the world’s trucks, cars, ships, trains and planes combined.

Recently the construction of a huge dam, called "Belo Monte Dam" has started on the northern part of river Xingu in Pará, Brazil. This is exactly where a respectable amount of Kayapo natives have been living for god knows how long (given the Kayapo only came in contact with outsiders in the 1960s). This construction will affect an estimated 10,000 indigenous peoples as well as the many ribeirinhos, small farmers and rural settlers in the area.

The Kayapo are the guardians of the rainforest. For 30 years they’ve been on the front line of rainforest defense, protecting the world’s richest ecosystem for the rest of the world.

Guess if those people had a voice to be heard by anyone. You guessed right - nobody gave a shit about what they had to say about it. Imagine someone invading the city (or even country) where you've been born, raised and in turn have given birth to and raised your family for many, many years. Suddenly someone shows up and says "Hey, fuck off, we're building something here." and proceeds to kick you out of that land and destroy everything you hold dear to your heart.

You'd be outraged, wouldn't you. Years of peaceful life, great memories and love for people and places just gone, forever.

For how long are we going to just stand by and watch this destruction of everything beautiful and precious in this world? How much more deforestation and killing does the world need to open the eyes of the sleeping?

Mainstream media continues to cover such events in the hopes that peoples' ignorance will keep those secrets hidden for as long as possible. But this can be changed. We can rise. We can say NO to the oppressors. We can put an end to this destruction and death.

We are powerful if we are together. Let's stand up and protect the indigenous people in the Amazon. Let's be humans, and not just cold-hearted beasts, incapable of feeling sympathy and compassion to others just because their culture and appearance is different than ours.

Wake up, people. Our time is running out.


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Loveall said:
I'm not sure I understand this paragraph:

Mainstream media continues to cover such events in the hopes that peoples' ignorance will keep those secrets hidden for as long as possible.

Is the word "cover" being used as "hide" (as in "cover up" )? Usually other means "report" in this context.

Yes Loveall, "cover" as "cover up". They've been doing it for as long as they've existed. :(
endlessness said:
What do you think can be done by people to help out the cause?

I hope that donations would help raise awareness and strengthen the forces against this project. Also there are some active petitions against this project going on, listed below:
Signature of Chief Raoni's petition
Global petition against Belo Monte dam in Amazon Rainforest

Also there are local protests going on and people who live nearby could go there and support this cause.

I personally have completely cut off palm oil from my consumption, and am actively looking for alternatives to toilet (and other kinds) paper, so I can decrease my paper consumption and in turn decrease logging at least a little bit.

I've also stopped buying plastic bags and containers for liquid or other stuff. It's not much, but at least it's something I can do while I'm tens of thousands of kilometers away from the hotzone.

Once I get closer I'll contribute even more, hopefully.
After further research, it appears those pictures might be old news. The dam is scheduled for completion sometime in 2019, so even if the few remaining petitions against it reach their target, it's pretty much too late to do anything.

The natives have been forced out of their lands. The forest has been destroyed. There's basically nothing that can be done.

It breaks my heart to see such things. We must fight against such destructive actions as early in their development as possible. This is so sad... :cry:
It's the American conquest all over again, this time with even more dramatic consequences. It's incredibly saddening. I hope to get a clearer picture in the time ahead as to what else we can do about this that we've yet to try..
yes its like 4 years I see those news floating around.. But yeh it's still happenig to some tribes and parts of amazon and other forests for sure.
Just yesterday I watched this movie called Medicine Man about a scientist that spent 6 years in the Amazon rainforest and found an amazing cure for cancer only to have the forest where the source was living in destroyed by a construction company making an asphalt road through the jungle...

So far we've explored and tested only ONE percent of the species, present in the rainforest, and a total of around 25% of all western pharmaceuticals exist thanks to this one percent we've tested.

Imagine how much more we can learn from the jungle. There's so much magic hidden there, but we are blatantly destroying it, not realizing that ultimately we are destroying ourselves...

It breaks my heart. :cry:
We would not like to enter our real names and addresses on little known petition sites. Why?
Due to the nature of this forum.....and the enemies of this forums mission. Even if these petition sites are real and not fake phishing sites....we dont do it as a rule...sorry
This sort of thing has been happening for a very long time. It is very unfortunate. I hope the human race learns what it needs to and will stop behaving in such negative ways. It is very true that many need to wake up. That is the problem for sure. The world appears to be going to hell in a handbasket at this time. Perhaps we need to go through this hell and reach rock bottom. Perhaps this rock bottom will act as a catalyst for positive change, this too has been happening for a long time.

What will it take for the human race to change? What will it take to learn? It takes indivuals changing themselves(Waking up). This could happen at any moment. In the mean time, I accept what we are and what we do. These attrocities that are commited against this trive are the tip of the iceberg. We humans have much to learn. I hope we learn it soon before we destroy our planet and ourselves.

It is nice to hear others are concerned about world affairs as well. I think about the problems of the world often. It can become rather over whelming to have aspirations to change the world. I concentrate on what I can do locally and hope that is enough to ripple out into the world.
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