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The portal to other worlds is still open; smells like trouble

Migrated topic.
Before I returned every gram of MHRB I had into the soil, as a response to the spirits who were recommending me to take DMT again. the night after discarding, they returned angry and warned me about the sequences of disrespecting (discarding) DMT, that night was the harshest, the next day I went to this mental Doctor, and he prescribed me with these pills:

These drugs do the job, but I'm afraid the DMT high return again when I stop to take the pills.
These pills have harsh side effects, one is weight gain and another is being sedated almost all of day. I can't even sit on my chair comfortably, gravity leans me to either left or right side and I have to fight it constantly.

The doctor didn't know what's DMT but good part was he knew LSD and I told him DMT is at least ten times stronger and disconnects one from this world completely.

The difficult part is the trip seemed more real than this world, when I compare them frankly I think DMT world is more real than our world, and I can't deny the reality of DMT realm in any way.

I don't want to think about it again, I don't want to argue with someone or myself about which world is real and which is delusion, all I want is to return to the state I was before taking DMT, forever.

But I think my symptoms aren't that bad, at least I'm not seeing entities, just hearing them.
Everyone please stop the nonsense debate, that's something everyone shall think for himself, no one can forcefully tell others that MY OPINION is the most righteous. I started this thread to know if anyone else here experienced the same before me and how they're doing right now and how they dealt with it.
eranik, please read house's post if you havent yet, he has also had very difficult experiences and has come out on top:

all the best!

edit: What dosage are you taking of those substances? Talk to your doctor about the side effects of the medication. Also ask what is his plan (if he has one) of eventually reducing/stopping the administration of these pharmaceutical. Another thing im curious about, is there any other treatment appart from the administration of the medication, like some kind of therapy?

And ive mentioned before but very important: are you exercising and eating healthy?

Do you have any support from family/friends?
I did read every word of this long thread before replying,
Let me address the problem precisely:
1. I see minor visuals and distortions (starting as the night begins, and fading as sun comes up again in the morning).
2. During this stage, if I close my eyes the melting and eventually being sucked up into nothingness (feels like being sucked up into a black hole) begins.
3. eventually the spirits start talking to me, and still snapshots of portraits start to appear in the back of my eyelids, I think they're the owner of the voices.
4. They ask me to let go of this world and come with them, at this point extreme fear invades me and I think if I let go I will never return, so I open my eyes and prefer being awake to sleeping.

One time I started to let go and see what happens, the next thing I remember is waking up 10 minutes later and talking/asking nonsense bullshit with my family, I was aware what I was saying was fever-like bullshit, but it felt like that wasn't ME who was asking those words, I remember what I was saying and I was very fearful, It felt like I returned from total insanity just in the last moment and chance to return, I was saying:
Pour the mescaline tea in the skull and take 20cc then pour 20cc distilled water into the cacti and inject it with blood (that's nearly what I was saying)

If just someone on Earth could guarantee that I would wake up happy and restful and more importantly SANE if I let go and sleep, that would be great.
Three Perphenazine pills (one each 8 hours)
Two Biperiden (one in the morning, one before dinner)
one Chlorpromazine (before dinner)
all this for 2 weeks

Then I went to him again and he reduced the medications in this order:
2 Perphenazine (one morning, one before dinner)
2 Biperiden (as before)
1/4 Chlorpromazine before dinner

I exercise as before, but these pills gave me a huge appetite, my hard earned 6 packs ab is fading away slowly.

I will have another visit to the doctor two weeks later.
I was also thinking about trying hypnotherapy, but don't know if it's just an scam/hype or real.

And more importantly, I have support from my family.
can you see how many mgs each of these pills have?

A doctor that just prescribes you medication without no kind of talk therapy or something else to accompany it doesnt sound too good... I would suggest you to either contact that doctor already, before those 2 weeks have passed, and also talk about the unwanted side-effects and ask what is his therapeutic strategy, and/or going to visit another doctor or psychologist to do some kind of non-pharmaceutical complementary treatment.

Hypnotherapy might work for some people but for others not. Personally I think you should also try some therapy where you discuss about your problems consciously (not eliminating other forms of therapeutic treatment, but in addition to...)

And what about someone being a sitter for you while you try to sleep, so that you know someone is there watching you and know that you wont be doing any non-sense ?

Maybe try upping the exercise a bit if possible, and do try to eat healthy and balanced, not just more.

Again, all the best!
Normazine 25 (Chlorpromazine)
Perphenazine 8
Biperiden, mg not specified but smaller than those two above.

My physical performance has decreased since I'm sedated all the time, but I exercise the best I can. and try to fill my empty stomach with more liquids than lipids and carbohydrated to have minimum weight gain.

Sitter when sleeping doesn't help, when I'm fall into the black hole no one or nothing from here can help me.
I sent an email to MAPS asking if they have the contact to any more or less open minded or reasonable doctor in your country, though its christmas so its possible there is no answer soon.

Try to see if you can find a reputable psychologist (of a more open orientation such as transpersonal, jungian, humanist or gestalt) in your area. I strongly suggest you to do a complementary non-invasive psychological treatment to accompany your psychiatric treatment.

Nothing by itself will really cure your situation, it will probably take time and inner effort. As house said, (and though it may sound impossible at the moment), try to not give these voices and feelings much importance. While there is no immediate solution, please dont give up, time and effort will heal.

The issue with medication that your doctor gave you is that while they do diminish the symptoms, it doesnt "cure" your issues, so its very important that there is an accompanying treatment and a therapeutic long term plan so that you dont get dependent on the medication forever like clutches.

So again, I suggest talking to your doctor about it (even if you think he treats you like an idiot, it wont hurt to at least try to talk about it), about your concerns and doubts and about his strategy. If he doesnt respond, so be it but at least you tried. In the meanwhile keep trying to find an open minded psychiatrist (and I will tell you if I find anything), and also try to find a good minded psychology for a more holistic approach to accompany the medication.

Keep being healthy. By eating well I dont mean just "more liquids than lipids", I mean also increase your intake of vegetables, mixed fruits, raw food, etc.. This is very important!

Trying to find an interesting productive hobby you can dedicate to is very good too (learn an instrument, for example, or whatever). Express yourself through poems or music if you can/want.

Please dont think these suggestions are ridiculous. While it may seem to not really touch the immediate importance of your difficult experience and that something like "eating well" or "writting a poem" may seem so small compared to your experience, I really really believe that if you take this multi-level approach in the long term, I think it can really really serve to help you.

Good luck and keep us informed of any news. Dont give up, bro, its hard for the moment but you will get through this and you will be a stronger person because of it!

We are here to give all the support you need! (but I also have mixed feelings about this because I think it might be better if you would stop participating in a dmt-focused forum and would dedicate for a moment to other things in life, so that this subject of hyperspace is gradually less and less on your mind)
Would be wonderful if you would focus your energy on constructively trying to help our friend out instead of focusing on your own self-centered antagonism and empty rethorics. And do note that thats the last I will be responding to you, not because you are not 'worthy' but because obviously nothing constructive is coming out of it
As regards your medications, the rationale for using both chlorpromazine and perphenazine together escapes me;both are phenothiazines which do the same job, with perphenazine allegedly having fewer extra-pyramidal (like parkinsons disease) side effects;the 3rd drug you mention is simply to counteract the potential side effects of the other 2.

Your symptoms, particularly being so clearly related to bed-time is not in keeping with a psychotic illness.Both the phenothiazines can be used, short-term, for marked anxiety but even for this there are better less toxic agents.

I think Endlessness is right when he says you need to get an idea of what your doctors management plan is for the medium term and I would suggest you mention the side effects you are having.

Im still of the opinion that you need something along the lines of clonazepam 2mg at bedtime which will ease any anxiety you may have and thus aid the process of dropping off to sleep and as Ive said before the real fear you have will be seen to be groundless should you challenge these troubling spirits to do their worst.

I honestly believe that what you are experiencing is a temporary but troubling set of symptoms and with only a little disrespect to your doctor, he/she is pretty clueless-or so it appears from the treatment you have thus far received.
۩ said:
try not to take it too seriously,

This is really important imo

The more you feed into paranoia/fear... whereas if you can just brush it off then you'll be fine, of course this is so much easier said than done, if you inhale 50mg DMT & get stuck in fear 'not taking it seriously' could seem impossible, but ifit is possible, and it is, it's definitely a cure for the fear.

The first time i had a lot of DMT the next day i was vaping some cannabis & started to feel like i was being thrown into hyperspace against my will, i found i just had to go with it & try to enjoy it, encourage it to happen, that way there is no fear, if you truly welcome something you can't be scared of it at the same time.

I say bring it on, destroy me, if you can... if demons exist (just watch the news) then you can bet the one thing they would thrive on is the fear of other beings (just watch the news)
And you'd probably wanna avoid conversation/association with fwaggle. He's not making your problem any better (it should seem). If you wanna put yourself in a position to not take the symptoms seriously as suggested by House and Endlessness, then the last thing you'll need is somebody who takes it waaaaay too seriously and has no idea what he's talking about (it's a rather bold statement to say someone doesn't know what he's talking about....but I'm pretty sure [as is the majority of the nexus] that your friend is clueless and only making things worse in your life right now).
Hi, like I said in another thread of yours, I believe you encountered "jinn" or evil spirits.*

What you experienced was/is real - like you said, more real.

Of course, I cannot say for sure what is going on, but I can recommend you visit Sufi's as they can help you! They know how to deal with these spirits; I have an Iranian friend in Australia who fights them!

I have not heard of what happened to you, happening to anyone!

But I would say; stop taking the drugs, they will make things worse, take up Sufic spinning or Yoga or meditation - which will help.

Eventually those anti-psychotics may "work", but you will be rendered a vegetable! I've seen it happen! Try to chill out and find some good sedating plants! Burn esphand! Please message me with your email and I will ask my Sufi friend to work magic for you!
Hey chocobeastie, I do not think anything I experienced was real anymore, Now I'm completely sure it was all made up by my mind, just like when we dream every night, I don't know if evil spirits exists or not and don't care.


I Stopped the medications when I felt I didn't need them anymore; the Doctor said I shall continue taking them for an unknown period, he wasn't listening to me at all, considering me a total psycho, so I stopped taking his drugs when I felt they've done their part and can't push it anywhere more.

The next thing is now I completely believe those were all made up by my mind, none were real; I don't care about it anymore and the lesser I care the weaker the symptoms get. I don't hear anything anymore, just some minor visual distortions here and there... sometimes, which is nothing to worry and will disappear soon or later.

The last (and kinda new) problem is when I sleep at nights (without the help of any drug) I sleep, but actually I'm awake inside my mind all the time, watching ALL those weird dreams (which people can't recall 90% of them when they wake up) and counting the minutes and saying when will morning come?? I'm bored watching these nonsense dreams.
Last night I was dreaming being a Gardener, bicycle tire changer, taxi driver, and all these really makes me bored. People live at days and sleep at nights, I'm living at days and nights without rest.

The main problem with this weird new problem is I don't feel rested when I wake up at mornings.
Good for you. I'm glad to hear you're in the process of feeling better. I hope the sleep issue is just another transitory phase, and that with time you'll find yourself feeling all the way back to normal.
Thanks for updating us on your situation, Eranik!

Im glad you are working through all of this and that now the biggest part of the problem is gone.

I certainly hope (and think) that the sleep issue will also resolve itself soon enough. Appart from mere time and continuing doing exercise as you had mentioned (so that you are tired enough when you do sleep), also maybe try drinking a calming tea before going to bed, and try to avoid over-thinking in bed just before falling asleep, rather maybe listen to some soft music and let your thoughts drift off without focusing on anything.

Good luck! All the best!
Sending you some positive energy Eranik. Sounds like things are sorting themselves out. I'm sure you will fix the sleeping problem soon enough as well.
thanks for the update.

much love
lucid dreaming is a common side effect to some drugs. I am like you, and would rather sleep than be bothered by ridiculous dreams all night. some people actually work really hard to achieve this state for some reason.

It will go away. Cannabis eliminates all possibilities of a lucid dream for me, helping me get a more restful nights sleep.
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