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The Realities of Hyperspace

Migrated topic.

Touche Guevara

Rising Star
I see a lot of people talk about their DMT experiences and describe spiritual entities and the like. After reading about the ongoing project to validate the reality of these beings, I became curious and since I've yet to achieve member status, thought a discussion here would be nice. Since I've never experienced DMT, this will be more educational for me than for most of you :)

-Are the beings, places, dimensions, etc experienced by users of DMT real? Do they exist independent of a human neurological system during a DMT experience?
-If these things exist only in our minds, does that make them more or less significant? Furthermore, does this tie into a theory of collective unconscious, meaning that DMT provides one access to a sort of telepathic internet?

Opinions, anecdotes, and criticisms welcome.
The neurotransmission opens up a whole new octave of reality that's intertwined with ours all the time.
What is real?
To this observer, hyperspace seems realer than real.
These are things we're constantly trying to figure out.

Consciousness is a sort of telepathic internet. I have experimented with it, and have been able to send and receive packets of consciousness WITHOUT DMT. (Simply by focusing in meditation)
Interesting post.

I guess for the record, I should state that I believe that the physical universe as we understand it exists independent of our perceptions. If I close my eyes, the sun doesn't disappear.

Now, even with something like LSD, if I believe that Bob turned into an apricot, and then when the effects of the drug wear off I realize that he was Bob, and not an apricot, then I do not have cause to believe that he ever really stopped being Bob, but rather that my perception was mistaken. But from what I understand, DMT is not something that you could apply this situation to since it doesn't tend to distort your perception of your environment as much as it directs your perception to an entirely different world.
It definitely distorts the perception of this layer of reality at high enough doses and opens up a higher octave of vibrations that these beings exist within. (so Beware)
I am certain. I do not know why some of us see them and some of us don't, because when I have been there it is beyond obvious. They are right there.
Some gather my information, scan me and my vibrations. Some have swarmed around me beaming love. Some have opened up eyes and blown strange smokescreens that have landed me somewhere far off into the galaxy, observing alien planet terrain by flyby.
And then there are the hyperspacial projections of life here on Earth.
The snakes, iguanas, jaguars, owls, poppy pods and octopi...the list goes on and on...their souls glowing jewel and crystalline flowing within the cymatic sea.

Imagine what consciousness is capable of millions/billions of years evolved into the future...
This is the kind of intelligence I greet when in hyperspace. It's timeless, and everywhere.
i think this really is one of the great mysteries of life, the universe, and everything, touche. i've never used DMT, either, but i have read a good many trip reports, here and elsewhere. there really do seem to be a few recurring themes there; traveling through tunnels, contact with "intelligences", and, i think perhaps most interesting, a "welcoming" at contact and "fairwell" as the experience draws to a close. i can't say off the top of my head how many people get this sort of thing without first reading about other people's experiences, but that would be telling. the human mind is quite susceptible to suggestion, and the mention of "machine elves" or "oompa loompas" (as someone on these boards refered to them) to a person about to have his psyche blasted across the universe could well cause him to see those things himself.

i myself will not discount the possibility that there are things which we keep ourselves walled off from in everyday life, or that under the right circumstances our senses may be opened to energies (i know that sounds hokey, but hey, everything is energy) which we cannot normally percieve. every time we walk outside during the day, we are bombarded by huge amounts of UV light, yet we are completely unaware of it - the european starling, it is theorized, can not only see UV light but uses it in choosing a mate. all of our senses are restricted to fairly narrow ranges, so to say that there are energies which we cannot sense or perceive is fact. also, the universe is not only infinitely BIG, but infinitely small, as well (depending on what the physicists are saying this week), and who can say what's hiding out in those "spaces betwixt the spaces themselves"? 😉

at any rate, SWIM plans on extracting some spice very soon and tossing his own mind into the hyperspace shuttle, after which he will be sure to relate everything he sees, in the name of science! 8)

If these things we see while deep in hyperspace are reel then why do they seem so affected on our own mental state.
It seems as if they are a visual reflection of ones own emotions and consciousness.

But then again I would say the complete opposite after a deep journey so. that is why I'm undecided on this subject.

Who knows I believe we do not currently have the knowledge, wisdom, or technology to figure these mystery's out yet.

Only time, or death, will tell.

I always thought it was weird that I got to expierience one of earths most intense experiences so early in life. This leaves me only one assumption. That whoever made us(if you believe we were made) is much greater than these experiences. When I attend church. I look at all these people and wonder if they realise how great their creator is. I almost feel sad for them. I wish my parents would try a session or two

off topic sorry
I just did DMT two days ago.
I didn't breakthrough but it felt like, something was telling me something. I came down and it felt like, I knew alot more then before. I would very much love to try this wonderful drug again. Its a blessing
Hi all! I'm very glad that I saw this forum mentioned on another forum. I have recently obtained a gram of synth DMT. I have made attempts and haven't "broken through" yet using "The Machine". I have slowly increased my dosage and will be ready to try 50mg next go. I have been waiting until the perfect time to try the Spice each time to make sure that I have a good set/setting.

That being said, from reading and recent experiences with shrooms, ketamine, nitrous and sub-breakthru dosages of DMT have left me convinced that "reality" is much deeper and more intricate than the average person will admit or knows. I can't wait to breakthrough and experience for myself, but from what I read, DMT seems to point in this same direction. I'm not sure if our human brains can comprehend or visualize the inter-connectedness and interdependentness that exists in the "real world" as they exist now. Perhaps this is a molecule to evolve with as humans and other species have evolved with and use various plants(DMT-producing and otherwise).
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