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Thick-Light TEK scaled down?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey Nexians,

Just curious, SWIM had less-than-stellar results with his first extraction from 50g ACRB (using Cyb's tek). Basically all he got was a very thin layer of extremely sticky goo on the bottom of the dish and he's now planning to try Thick-Light's for his second attempt. The problem with that though is he only has 50g ACRB left now and he'd be much more confident to invest in more product if he had found a solid TEK.

So, can Thick-Light's TEK be scaled down to work with 50g ACRB? Would SWIM just divide all quantities (except time intervals) by 10? Or would following Cyb's TEK again but introducing the full-on acid boils instead of just a heated soak be a good compromise between the two TEK's?

Unfortunately SWIM does not have enough experience to know where he went wrong, as others seem to get good results from Cyb's TEK. :?
Might have bad bark maybe?

I have never had a problem with cyb/earthwalkers method, and lately have even been skipping the cleanup / mini a/b step, and still get a 95%+ crystalline end result.

2.1% on average with the bark I have.
ACRB has more oils compared to MHRB. This is normal.
Use: Earthwalkers ACRB TEK 100g "PICS" (Newbie Friendly)
I do think you need to do a mini A/B on the stuff you got.

What temperatures did you use of the acid/basing/pulling stages?
Higher temps pulls more oil. Next time pull at room temp.

This is my take on scaling:

The Nexus DMT FAQ wiki states the following ratios can be scaled up/down:

15ml water : 1g bark
1g lye : 1g bark
0.5ml NPS : 1g bark

However, more optimized ratio's are:

7.5ml (up to 10ml) water : 1g bark
0.5g (up to 1g) lye : 1g bark
0.5ml NPS : 1g bark

Cyb's ATB tek can be used to extract 50g to 100g bark with the same amounts mentioned. According to the ratios above Cybs tek is actually optimized for 100g. The same amounts can be used down to 50g without issues. This is because adding more water helps to fill the bottle, adding more lye decreases the change of an emulsion and more naptha makes separation easier and requires less pulls to get the same amount of DMT out. You could extract 50g bark with 375 ml water, 30ml vinegar, 25g Lye and 25ml pulls though. The easiest way to extract 300g of bark: follow Cyb's tek with 3 separate bottles of 100g bark each with the same amounts as in the tek.

Don't over-complicate on exact ratio's. Add enough water to submerge the bark. Add a bit of acid. Exact pH is not crucial. Base until all goes black, then add a bit more. This is your natural pH meter. Make sure there is enough water to work with the bottle. If less NPS is used, pull more times.
Cleaning options:

If you want to eliminate any possible lye or other polar impurities from the NPS, you can do a sodium carbonate wash:

Step 1 - the product is dissolved in a NPS (naphtha/heptane/hexane)
Step 2 - add 5-10 grams of sodium carbonate to 100 ml of water (basic solution)
Step 3 - mix the two solutions above and shake well (emulsions will not form)
Step 4- separate the NPS from the basic solution and discard the basic solution
If you want to remove plant oils and organic substances for whiter DMT from MHRB do a Mini AB:

Step 1 - combine all NPS pulls together (or dissolve impure dmt into a NPS)
Step 2 - create an acidic solution and add the NPS to it
Step 3 - wait 10-15 minutes for all the dmt to travel to the acidic solution
Step 4 - separate and discard the yellow NPS
Step 5 - basifiy the solution and pull with fresh NPS
Step 6 - clean the NPS from any remaining lye with a sodium carbonate wash (optional)
Step 7 - freeze, decant, dry
An other way to clean up dry DMT is to do a re-x (re-crystallization):

Step 1 - add 1g of DMT to 40-50ml of hot naptha (warm water bath)
Step 2 - add the DMT, let the naphta cool down for a couple of minutes
Step 3 - observe impurities precipitate out
Step 4 - discard the impurities and freeze/precipitate the naptha
Wow, thanks for that info :thumb_up:

Interesting about the temperature issue... SWIM did try to keep the solution warm at all times, during the acid soak, basifying stage, and pulls (Cyb's tek). During the pulls he warmed the naphtha, poured it in and mixed, and then put the whole bottle back in warm water. So SWIY'd recommend doing this whole pulling stage at room temp next time?

Interestingly, SWIM never really noticed the lye-water mixture get all that warm. He went slowly of course, but it just never heated up a significant amount. Also the naphtha was sooo repelled by the base soup that he could hardly get it to even mix. It separated again almost instantly, like within seconds. Is that normal?? Maybe that's why the pulls were all crystal clear (but slightly yellow) and didn't yield more than mayyybe 100mg from 5 pulls on 50g? If that is a problem, how could that be remedied?

As an update, SWIM has saved the naphtha after about 3 separate freeze precip attempts, each time getting a little more goo out of it. He decided to try and evaporate it way down on the theory that combining all 5 pulls he performed in one dish was diluting the DMT enough to leave the majority in solution, even at freezing temps. He did his third freeze precip after evaporating significantly and finally got about 10mg of baby crystals out of that, along with ~20mg more red/brown/yellow goo. Nothing to write home about, but it's progress.

SWIM's currently evaporating down even further, with the goal of trying one more freeze precip attempt once the nps is basically almost gone. Is there any reason he shouldn't just let it completely evap? SWIM has heard mixed reports on crystallization at room temp with ACRB. SWIM knows you lose the nps by letting it evap, but it's cheap and available so he's not worried about saving every ml of nps.
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