Rising Star
Hey Nexians,
Just curious, SWIM had less-than-stellar results with his first extraction from 50g ACRB (using Cyb's tek). Basically all he got was a very thin layer of extremely sticky goo on the bottom of the dish and he's now planning to try Thick-Light's for his second attempt. The problem with that though is he only has 50g ACRB left now and he'd be much more confident to invest in more product if he had found a solid TEK.
So, can Thick-Light's TEK be scaled down to work with 50g ACRB? Would SWIM just divide all quantities (except time intervals) by 10? Or would following Cyb's TEK again but introducing the full-on acid boils instead of just a heated soak be a good compromise between the two TEK's?
Unfortunately SWIM does not have enough experience to know where he went wrong, as others seem to get good results from Cyb's TEK. :?
Just curious, SWIM had less-than-stellar results with his first extraction from 50g ACRB (using Cyb's tek). Basically all he got was a very thin layer of extremely sticky goo on the bottom of the dish and he's now planning to try Thick-Light's for his second attempt. The problem with that though is he only has 50g ACRB left now and he'd be much more confident to invest in more product if he had found a solid TEK.
So, can Thick-Light's TEK be scaled down to work with 50g ACRB? Would SWIM just divide all quantities (except time intervals) by 10? Or would following Cyb's TEK again but introducing the full-on acid boils instead of just a heated soak be a good compromise between the two TEK's?
Unfortunately SWIM does not have enough experience to know where he went wrong, as others seem to get good results from Cyb's TEK. :?