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TLC Kits are out - link here!

Migrated topic.
When the kits arrive, please pm me. We are still waiting to fix a small issue in the reagent results video page before releasing it to the public in the next week or so, but those that have got the kit already can pm me so I can send the results page. This way you can already interpret the results with all the info.

In a not so good news, paypal has blocked bunkpolice's account with all the money, so they had to stop the sales in their own page. They are currently looking for a credit card processing company to get it started on their own. For the moment amazon should work for purchases. Also for those interested in buying with bitcoins, I will post the link here soon.
Thanks Endlessness. Will buy one of these for sure :)

Quick question: I've just got hold of some 5-meo and am very keen to see:

1. does it contain 5-meo
2. if so what purity

In theory it's 98.5% but who knows and I can't send it to my local lab for testing :d

Can this kit help me with this?
I know this forum is 50% American, but I wouldn't order this test kit. It goes thru customs process and the word "drug" is a no no when ordering from abroad. It's not illegal but, you know... customs officer's like: Oh, so you want to test drugs, well that's interesting... Where I'm from, the customs officers are police guys, able to raid houses.

Why not sell a "clean" TLC kit and leave the word "drug" away. Something like a drug TLC kit for better market recognition with a "clean" option - then you wouldn't have problems with Paypal, a broader customer base and the conversation at the customs office's like: Oh, you're a hobby scientist, doing biochemistry and analyzing water samples in nature? That's nice.

You can still test drugs with it, but that's not the business of the customs officer. Or find a EU vendor that ships within the EU, customs problem solved + plus you can order via SEPA bank transfer.

Just a thought.

PS: on a second thought, it's shipped via UPS, they have their own customs clearance. But still weird.
Where is the word "drug" ? You mean in the amazon link?

I am not responsible for the design and distribution part but I'd imagine it is being done discreetly, I don't think there will be the mention of drugs on the outside for customs to see nor in the CC bill, but I can ask the person responsible for more details if you're interested. Maybe others who already got the product can give us their feedback. I think the amazon name is only there but wont be obvious in any way in the product itself.

I guess the name in the title must be to attract the keyword searches. I can talk to the bunk police people about having something without such name in the title.

Regarding the product being shipped from abroad, the bunk police are setting up a branch in europe at this very moment so very soon there should be an internal EU shipping :)
endlessness said:
Where is the word "drug" ?
On the Amazon page:

Specifications for this item

Brand Name Bunk Police
Part Number Bunk Police Drug Separation Test Kit - For Detecting Mixed Substances - 60 Sample Starter Package WITH THREE REAGENTS (REQUIRED)

Product Features
Separates mixed or adulterated substances
Works well for MDMA. Ketamine, LSD, Cocaine, Heroin, etc.
Meh... not cool. Hope the distributor makes it a clean dual use product. Didn't he get problems with Paypal? That's exactly why. And if Paypal doesn't like it, the customs won't like it, too.

PayPal Acceptable Use Policy

Prohibited Activities

You may not use the PayPal service for activities that:

violate any law, statute, ordinance or regulation.
relate to transactions involving (a) narcotics, steroids, certain controlled substances or other products that present a risk to consumer safety, (b) drug paraphernalia, (c) cigarettes, (d) items that encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct others to engage in illegal activity, (e) stolen goods including digital and virtual goods, (f) the promotion of hate, violence, racial intolerance or the financial exploitation of a crime, (g) items that are considered obscene, (h) items that infringe or violate any copyright, trademark, right of publicity or privacy or any other proprietary right under the laws of any jurisdiction, (i) certain sexually oriented materials or services, (j) ammunition, firearms, or certain firearm parts or accessories, or (k) certain weapons or knives regulated under applicable law.

Regarding the product being shipped from abroad, the bunk police are setting up a branch in europe at this very moment so very soon there should be an internal EU shipping :)
Very good!
The kit comes in a plain nondescript brown cardboard box with a simple shipping label on the top. The sending address doesn't say anything about bunk police, just a simple nondescript personal mailing address. The word "drug" does not appear anywhere on or in the package.

Here is a photo of the entire kit:



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Hey, I have the same remote control .-)

Not sure how UPS handles the customs, but regular postal service require an invoice at the customs office. Shouldn't appear on the invoice either. Oh and they know Google, if something isn't clear. I dealt regularly with these guys, they are stupid but not that stupid.

But since we get an EU distributor, no need to worry. Please make Paypal and bank transfers possible, credit cards are uncommon here, especially with the youth and Bitcoin is just too complicated - it can be traced back anyway. It's not like TLC kits are illegal, even my pharmacist told me I should get one. It's only the metadata that is worrisome.
New site to buy the TLC kits:

Lunar Labs (TLC kits are called "separation kits" there)

As asked, Ufostrahlen :)

Paypal, credit/debit cards and bitcoin. (edit: damn it, paypal yanked again their account, they are working on a solution at the moment.. you can still use credit card on the amazon link in bunkpolice's website or bitcoin in this lunar labs page. will update when there are news)

TLC is called 'separation test kits' there.

Also a bunch of new reagents out.
Been off the nexus for a while didn't see that these were available, I will be sure to pick one up quite soon! Really happy to have something like this. Will be nice to feel safe about what I ingest!

Thank you endlessness for your work!
endlessness said:
New site to buy the TLC kits:

Lunar Labs (TLC kits are called "separation kits" there)

As asked, Ufostrahlen :)

Paypal, credit/debit cards and bitcoin.

TLC is called 'separation test kits' there.

Also a bunch of new reagents out.

Cool- thanks for the updated link. BTW, the 'Gemini Kit' does not use the word drug, though individual regents do.

I kinda favor having 'drug' in the title. It makes it clear what the kit is about, and there is nothing illegal about testing regents and kits even in the crazy US. Just the same, some people are uncomfortable buying it that way, and it's good to have the option.
Where does it say drug, exactly?

Ive been told paypal blocked the account again... So once again they are trying to find an alternative. In the meanwhile amazon is working fine for credit card, and lunar labs still works with bitcoin.
This is how one of the reagents comes up on Amazon. The other reagents use similar language.


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