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Trip Abortion Thread

Migrated topic.
I didn't read the whole thread so forgive me if this is redundant but, I understand that if one goes to the emergency room for an LSD gone bad experience then one is perscribed a massive dose of vitamin C.
The principal behind this is that the vitamine C causes the body to rapidly replace red blood cells thus, the trip intensifys at first but ends sooner. Saving precious brain cells in the long run.
That's what I've been told.
As for what I know first hand; a good large drink of Sunny Delight with vitamin C does seem to speed up the coming down process but don't over do it or you'll projectile vomit orange stuff about eight feet instead of being taken home by that cute girl who's driving that wants to get laid!:oops: !
I had a bad experience like, two decades ago, that involved getting pulled over by police and swallowed about ten hits of blue felix to avoid a bust.:shock:
Yes, the vitamin C did seem to help me, my brain, stop frying my brain, uh...:lol:
Pandora said:
LMFAO. Way to basically endorse what I wrote while remaining 100% you. :D

Now that I think of it, The Church of Sacred Pomposity sounds much funnier. I hereby anoint you with a bucket of Crisco and canonize you Saint Pandora.
OK, but none of that nonsense has anything to do with ways to abort a trip in case of emergency...
So seriously, Vitamin C.
I'll admite to the taboo use of heroin in instances of the past. I don't think this is wise for a number of obvious reasons; it's a bad habit, can be lethal at the wrong dose and when tripping one could easily mess that part up, it's nearly impossible to hit a vein when your skin apears to be moving.
Just popping a pill seems to circumvent all these problems...except for the bad habit part.
My hesitency now days is that I thought Beni's and MAOI where a no-no. I'm sure that Methadone is.
I think activated charcoal will bind to anything that's left in your stomach and stop it from being metabolized, but whatever was absorbed before that... the damage is done.
I dunno. Id rather wait it out than take other drugs to calm down unless there is some kind of emergency. It is a part of tripping I think. I have been way way over the edge enough times and knowing I have come back every time usually helps me to clam down a bit. Eating fruit and drinking juice is the best method I find, because half the time the anxiety that comes with high doses goes hand in hand with blood sugar drops. It does not abort the trip but it stabalizes it, for me.

I feel like aborting a trip just because it gets difficult sort of defeats the purpose to a degree..because the trips where I freak out a bit are usually the ones I get the most out of and feel the most alive after I make it through.
Ive never had to use any downers to kill a trip and will probably never do it either, but i have some at home and it´s a good insurance just to know that they are there.
Vitamin C will not end a trip. They don't give you vitamin C if you go to the hospital tripping out of your mind. I have read that rumor a few times on the internet, and I'd seriously love to see any hard evidence of how that would even possibly work. I have enjoyed vitamin C filled drinks (Emergen-C) for hours of tripping and taken vitamin C candies at the same time, all while tripping balls. No vitamin C has ever diminished my trip. In fact, if anything, it has made me feel it even more, but that is subjective.

The hospital will give you benzos or antipsychotics. These things actually do work to lessen the freak out or sedate the patient enough that they ride out the duration of the trip more mellow or asleep.

It has happened to me and other people I know of before. We always try to talk people down, reason with them, help change their thought patterns, etc, but sometimes people just flip out, and when it happens, rather than have them dealing with police and/or EMTs and ER doctors who tend to look down on them and often do more unneeded unpleasant things to them (to teach them a lesson), it's nice to have a benzo or two around to do what they are probably going to do anyways (although the hospital does it IV for quicker delivery, with you strapped to the bed usually).

As for no benzos with RIMAs, I am not sure, and would love some hard data. Benzos are sometimes used during ibogaine sessions to help ease the fear and minimize some of the psychedelic effects in those who are afraid of them or freaking out, and they are okay for this, but I don't know about harmalas.

I also have a friend who used to drink ayahuasca with his buddy, and his buddy was on methadone. His buddy had pretty incredible purges my friend says, however he didn't seem to have any complications. I don't have any solid science on any of it, which is what I am sure we'd all love to read, but my friends who have done it, are not lying. I can't be sure if everyone reacts the same to everything, either..

However, I am not so sure that opiates really diminish any of the psychedelic effects all that much. Look at my friends story.. When I was heavily addicted to various opiates, including methadone, I still would trip pretty hard on various psychedelics (not ever with harmalas, though, because of warnings I read on the internet about food and everything). Those trips were actually a big part in helping me learn and want to be free of the opiates. The opiates may have numbed me to some things, but they didn't actually decrease my trip enough to that I think it could possibly help any freakout. I would advise against giving opiates to a freaking out tripper, as I am not sure that would be the best way to help, if it even worked at all..

I have heard of Seroquel being used, but I am not familiar enough with it, and it's some pretty heavy stuff from what I understand. I would definitely not want to risk mixing that with any RIMA/MAOI.

As for the legality of benzodiazepines, in the US, they are scheduled and you must get a prescription from a doctor to legally obtain them. I am not sure about the laws of other countries.
GratefulDad said:
As for the legality of benzodiazepines, in the US, they are scheduled and you must get a prescription from a doctor to legally obtain them. I am not sure about the laws of other countries.

I did not know that. I looked up the laws for Canada. Benzodenzos, as I call them, are schedule IV in Canada. That means that it's legal to possess them for personal use, but not to sell them. However, the exact wording of the law is strange.

From wikipedia, "It is not an offence to possess a Schedule IV substance for personal use; however, Subsection (2) of Section (4) of the CDSA states that "no person shall seek or obtain a substance or authorization from a practitioner to obtain a substance in schedules I through IV." Subsection (7) then states that it is an indictable offence to contravene subsection (2). Therefore, it is an indictable offence to attempt to acquire a Schedule IV substance but not an offence for possession."

It says you can possess schedule IV substances, but not buy or sell them, and you can't seek to obtain them. What does that mean!?
@Shaolin I think all I will say on the subject for now is that small means "a barely noticeable on its own" dose. That would depend quite a bit on your disso of choice. Larger amounts are usually not counter-indicated, though, unless you feel you might be susceptible to Serotonin Syndrome or somthing like that... and SWIM advises against combining with oral hamalas, MAOIs, and RIMAs in general.

More than that I won't get into now. Disso's are still a "discouraged" topic at the moment.
Stanislav Grof in LSD Psychotherapy said:
The use of tranquillizers in the course of psychedelic sessions is potentially very noxious. The most dramatically negative LSD experiences have a strong tendency toward positive resolution; if they are well resolved they are extremely beneficial for the subject in the long run. If tranquillizers are administered in the middle of a difficult psychedelic state they tend to prevent its natural resolution and positive integration. They "freeze" the subject in a negative psychological frame and thus contribute to the incidence of prolonged reactions, negative aftereffects, and "flashbacks."

The routine administration of tranquillizers in the middle of negative psychedelic experiences is therefore a harmful practice that should be discontinued. This is even more true of their use in the context of LSD psychotherapy, which follows in general the strategy of an uncovering technique. Unpleasant experiences are caused by the emergence of highly-charged emotionally traumatic unconscious material. Since this material is the source of the patient's difficulties in everyday life, negative episodes in LSD sessions, if properly approached and handled, represent great opportunities for therapeutic change.

In LSD psychotherapy, there is a continuity in the content of consecutive sessions. If we terminate an unpleasant experience by administering tranquillizers, the unresolved material will continue to surface in future sessions till the patient reaches the point where he or she is capable of confronting and resolving it. Therefore, the therapist should first exhaust all possibilities of a psychological intervention before considering tranquillizers. If a specific vicious interaction has developed between the sitter and the client, and the situation appears to be irresolvable, another therapist should be called to take over the session; provisions for such situations should always be made in advance.

If all psychological approaches fail and tranquillizers have to be used, it is much better to start with Librium (30-60 milligrams) or Valium (10-30 milligrams), which seem to alleviate painful emotions without interfering with the course of the session. As soon as possible, the patient should resume a reclining position with eyeshades and headphones, to continue the introspective approach to the experience.
due to my high abuse of this one psychadelic (lsd) in the past i can safely offer a method to steer the trip , i have never tried to end an lsd trip or even take valium ,

however i have sometimes needed to balance the trip , drink alcohol , yes beer will do fine , on an lsd trip it will help people who are panicked out smooth into the trip , also smoke cannabis , keep doing that drinking beers and smoking cannabis throughout the whole trip , certainly helps , dont drink hard alcohol like whiskey ,rum or vodka , otherwise you could end up being just too drunk and not realising it because lsd helps to consume copious amounts of other substances (alcohol and marijuana specially )and feel lesser of their effects

this has always helped me , don't know if this will help but i hope it works for those having a hard time
Hello. For those of you who have said you have in fact taken trip abortion pills like valium, or clonazepam, etc, could you please also add how you went about obtaining those medications? Can any abortion pills be bought online? Thanks.
Apoc said:
Hello. For those of you who have said you have in fact taken trip abortion pills like valium, or clonazepam, etc, could you please also add how you went about obtaining those medications? Can any abortion pills be bought online? Thanks.
My neurologist.

There are a number of good plant sources for Benzos or naturally occurring substances. A decent trip calmer, and anti-serotonin-syndrome tip is to make a tea with Valerian Root. There are probably dozens of plants that might work, but Valerian is the plant that they got Valium from. It is quite effective at relatively small doses... so much so, that you should be carefull not to overdo it lest you get put to sleep.

It might be good to play with the sedative plants a bit before hand, and find your tolerance range... potential alergic reactions and whatnot BEFORE using it during a trip gone awry.
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