endlessness said:
I think the topic is an interesting one, apoc, im just giving an alternative perspective here for generating some reflection, definitely not meant to sound judgemental or to say that it absolutely should never be done.
Yeah, I get it. As I said, I intend this option to be for people who are at their wits end and considering taking drastic measures to end the trip because they feel there is nothing else they can do. A trip abortion is less than a drastic measure, and therefore, a more desirable option.
Trip abortion is not for people who are merely having a rough ride or dealing with the usual difficult emotions that arise during normal trips. I just don't believe that any normal tripper would make a habit of aborting their trips. If they really want to face their demons, they'll stick with the trip, or return after aborting a trip they might choose to go back. But if they'd rather die or go to jail than ride out the trip, it would be great if they had an abortion option available. And I really don't see it becoming a habit for anyone to stop their own trip. I just don't think people would do that, and continue returning. If they don't like tripping, they won't keep doing it to themselves, only to stop it once it starts. I hope I don't start a great divide between pro choice and pro trip people.
But at this point I still don't think this thread is complete. We know that people have used various benzos, like lorazepam and clonazepam, and valium, but only determined that these can be obtained by prescription. It's probably less likely people will look in to these options if they have to get a prescription, but these are probably the best choices. Also, we have not yet determined for certain if benzos are contraindicated for RIMA's. I have not read anywhere they are contraindicated, but another user suggested that MAOI's are contraindicated with benzos.
There is the option of valerian root, which I think is the root that valium comes from. However, I have not heard a real life story of a successful abortion using valerian root, or the dose it would take. I'm probably not going to try to abort my own trips to see if valerian works. Anyone ever tried valerian for trip abortion purposes?
Also I don't think we've discussed anti psychotics yet, which are also only available by prescription, as far as I know.