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"U-Cig" Ultrasonic E-juice vaporizer - Usonic Rhythm

Migrated topic.

Melon Lord

I'm sure we've all read plenty about vaporizing DMT using an E-Cig.
But the first ultrasonic E-liquid vaporizer: Usonic Rhythm came out recently.

The idea of using an ultrasonic vaporizer/nebulizer is not new but it seems nobody has had any success with it yet as far as I know.
Though people have had plenty success vaporizing dmt infused E-liquid, which this device is specifically made for.
This may be a incredibly simple, safe, and relatively cheap solution for portable electronic vaporizing that will likely be improved upon in the future.


Found here for $50

The surface of E-liquid is hit by ceramic plate producing Ultra-high frequency vibration at 2,400,000 times per second or 2.4MHz, to strike the surface of E-liquid to generate cavitation which cause molecular bonds between the liquid molecules to be scattered, producing vapor.

No coils!
It uses a cotton wick and produces a cool vapor at a temp of 302-320°F
Judging by reviews and videos it still produces a large cloud of vapor.

The drawback is that there are no adjustable settings whatsoever so hopefully it works well for our purposes already.

The kit comes with 2 tanks/pods of a 2ml capacity so you could potentially have 2 different ratios of DMT-juice ready to go.
It has a built in 1500mAh battery which apparently can go through a full tank on a single charge.

I might be ordering one soon and will report back with results in a few weeks in that case.

Long time lurker here and this is my first post. I have learned SO much from this community so I'm glad to finally have something to share.
Much love 😁
I ended up buying it already. I plan on testing it with and without sublingual harmala.
After an extraction and some experimentation I'll be sure to tell all about it.
Ill be waiting for it
I get a yocan evolve it works for 5 times now it burns way too much i change the coil and get it still burns so i stick back to the good old machine
Thanks for sharing this!!

When I was researching e-sig info to post here i stumbled upon some interesting trivia: the first e-sig design was actually ultrasonic. But this was patented by some dude with strong ties to big tobacco. No one was allowed to make it, forcing e-sig tech to take the hot coil route. I search the internet and found some vague ultrasound esig devices on alibaba, but didn't really trust them because the specs stated the temp gets hot. But this one does too. Heating up to 300-320 deg F is still quite hot. Not sure why ultrasound isn't cooler. But anyway, at least this design gets rid of the coil and cotton wick issue which is the cause of many dmt smoke failures. So I have hopes for this device.

I am looking forward to you guys testing this on DMT!

I'd start by testing 1:1 DMT with 100% pure flavorless 0% nicotine PG. From there optimize parameters. Eg, if too strong, decrease ratio to 1:2 DMT/ejuice. If to harsh, add some VG.

Only thing I'm worried about is not enough vapor forming per second. So might take >4-5 hits for a breakthrough. That's why, start with 1:1 DMT/PG.

God speed :thumb_up:
some one said:
I'd start by testing 1:1 DMT with 100% pure flavorless 0% nicotine PG.

i find pg to be rather harsh on the throat. anything over 50% gives me the coughts, and anything over 30% is unpleasant to me.
the reason why pg is needed tho is boiling themperature. pure vg gets realy hot, so you need water, so it spouts and pops like mad.

anyway, i have never tried this kind of vaporizer, but as i understand it it does not vaporize by boiling. so less pg could work well with this tek.
some one said:
Thanks for sharing this!!

When I was researching e-sig info to post here i stumbled upon some interesting trivia: the first e-sig design was actually ultrasonic. But this was patented by some dude with strong ties to big tobacco. No one was allowed to make it, forcing e-sig tech to take the hot coil route. I search the internet and found some vague ultrasound esig devices on alibaba, but didn't really trust them because the specs stated the temp gets hot. But this one does too. Heating up to 300-320 deg F is still quite hot. Not sure why ultrasound isn't cooler. But anyway, at least this design gets rid of the coil and cotton wick issue which is the cause of many dmt smoke failures. So I have hopes for this device.

I am looking forward to you guys testing this on DMT!

I'd start by testing 1:1 DMT with 100% pure flavorless 0% nicotine PG. From there optimize parameters. Eg, if too strong, decrease ratio to 1:2 DMT/ejuice. If to harsh, add some VG.

Only thing I'm worried about is not enough vapor forming per second. So might take >4-5 hits for a breakthrough. That's why, start with 1:1 DMT/PG.

God speed :thumb_up:
Very interesting some one! The device does use a cotton wick though.
I'm taking your advice and going to start with 1:1 DMT/PG.

The device arrived today and I did a test with pure PG.
I filled the 2ml tank a bit less than half way, waited a minute or two, then sucked up a bunch of juice. :shock:
The manual recommends waiting at least 5 minutes after the first fill before use so the cotton can soak the juice up (this part I unfortunately read after). Another site said to wait 10. I was expecting maybe just a dry hit if the cotton wasn't saturated, not juice all up in my mouth.

After a while of trying to get the juice out of the airways by blowing into it and sucking it through a cloth to catch the juice, it finally gave me some normal hits. The tank was almost empty at this point. Most of the juice probably got pushed out when I was clearing it and absorbed by the cotton. I got around 10-15 hits until It gave me the flashes that indicate a short circuit. Not surprising given how much juice was in the airway. I've contacted Usonicig to see if the pod is permanently screwed or not. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say that was my fault for not waiting for the juice to be absorbed. I'll be testing again with more patience on the other pod tomorrow. Supposedly it shouldn't leak at all if you wait before using after filling.

I know 300-320 deg F seems like it would be hot but the hits I got were cool and didn't irritate me at all except for the slightly weird taste of pure PG. I plan on adding a couple drops of menthol to the juice when I get some for extra cooling and subtle flavor.

It seems like it produces near as much vapor as a standard coil tank would. On one of the hits I fired for the 12 second device limit, then very briefly inhaled air to get it deeper into my lungs as I'd do if there was DMT in the juice. I held it for a second or two and no visible vapor came out. This leads me to believe that it would practically eliminate the need to hold in hits, Thus allowing more hits within a small window of time.

I so want this to work. It's so portable and simple. It would be a dream for deems.
I contacted The manufacturer about the short and they're sending a whole new box. 😁
Extraction underway. I'll soon be able to test it with stuff.
i find pg to be rather harsh on the throat. anything over 50% gives me the coughts, and anything over 30% is unpleasant to me.
the reason why pg is needed tho is boiling themperature. pure vg gets realy hot, so you need water, so it spouts and pops like mad.

anyway, i have never tried this kind of vaporizer, but as i understand it it does not vaporize by boiling. so less pg could work well with this tek.
Not sure I follow your line of though. But PG dissolves DMT, VG does not. PG gives more of a throat hit hence is harder to inhale. If that's the case, and the concentration is too strong, just add some VG to the device filled with DMT in PG and nothing is lost.

I'm taking your advice and going to start with 1:1 DMT/PG.

The device arrived today and I did a test with pure PG.
I filled the 2ml tank a bit less than half way, waited a minute or two, then sucked up a bunch of juice. Shocked
The manual recommends waiting at least 5 minutes after the first fill before use so the cotton can soak the juice up (this part I unfortunately read after). Another site said to wait 10. I was expecting maybe just a dry hit if the cotton wasn't saturated, not juice all up in my mouth.

After a while of trying to get the juice out of the airways by blowing into it and sucking it through a cloth to catch the juice, it finally gave me some normal hits. The tank was almost empty at this point. Most of the juice probably got pushed out when I was clearing it and absorbed by the cotton. I got around 10-15 hits until It gave me the flashes that indicate a short circuit. Not surprising given how much juice was in the airway. I've contacted Usonicig to see if the pod is permanently screwed or not. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say that was my fault for not waiting for the juice to be absorbed. I'll be testing again with more patience on the other pod tomorrow. Supposedly it shouldn't leak at all if you wait before using after filling.

I know 300-320 deg F seems like it would be hot but the hits I got were cool and didn't irritate me at all except for the slightly weird taste of pure PG. I plan on adding a couple drops of menthol to the juice when I get some for extra cooling and subtle flavor.

It seems like it produces near as much vapor as a standard coil tank would.
Cotton yes, but no coil. The hot coil is the problem in conventional devices, giving dry hits. Too bad you had a bad start. So those 10-15 PG hits were do-able on the lungs? Were you able to hold them in for 10 seconds?

I contacted The manufacturer about the short and they're sending a whole new box.
Could you maybe ask them if the device works with 100% PG, just to be sure?

I so want this to work. It's so portable and simple. It would be a dream for deems.
I'm with you!
I like the fact that it enables 100% PG not to burn too hot to handle! Makes sense as the vibration causes a steady temp vs hot coils. Just wandering if the 100% PG didn't cause a leakage which caused the short. We can always try again with 70-30 - 50/50 PG/VG.

I have my hopes up for this device. But reading the reviews from the site mentioned in the OP, more people are having issues:

Short circuited after an hour of use and now I have to return it I enjoyed the device while it did work. But not to happy with what has happened so far
And in concept, it sounds great! I was excited to give it a try. Unfortunately this product falls into the category of, 'great concept, poor execution'.

Quickly the device started flooding. Pouring liquid into my mouth and out the air holes. To top it off, there is no way to clear the tank without spraying liquid out the air holes. And unlike a traditional coil system, you can't just power through and clear the tank by firing. I've drank more liquid from this device than actually vaped.

The battery life of this device is horrendous.

I really wanted to like this product. But poor engineering really kills this product. It is basically unusable.

Save your money on this one. Don't make my mistake. That or wait until (if) they release a updated version. At the moment, this device is nothing more than a promising gimmick that they are trying to pass off as a working product.
Again, I wonder if this due to wrong PG/VG ratio's. Or maybe we need to wait for the next version?
Sorry, if I'm the stupid one. But I still didn't really get a few points.

Does it operate completely cold, or does it heat to a specific temp (if yes, which one, and how does it heat)?

And what exact tech is then used for vaporization? As I understood from this post (Link), not ultrasound? But that doesn't match the description. I'm really puzzled, and would be grateful if anyone can shortly explain these points to me. As it sounds very interesting.

BTW: I really don't like these product websites, which just have some whole screen animated pics on it, but hardly any information. I would rather prefer a text wall with detailed info. Guess I'm too oldschool.
Vg dissolves dmt so I don't know where you heard that from, 100% pg will be to thin and leak, your best ratio is 50/50 or more vg than pg
Aum_Shanti said:
Sorry, if I'm the stupid one. But I still didn't really get a few points.

Does it operate completely cold, or does it heat to a specific temp (if yes, which one, and how does it heat)?

And what exact tech is then used for vaporization? As I understood from this post (Link), not ultrasound? But that doesn't match the description. I'm really puzzled, and would be grateful if anyone can shortly explain these points to me. As it sounds very interesting.

BTW: I really don't like these product websites, which just have some whole screen animated pics on it, but hardly any information. I would rather prefer a text wall with detailed info. Guess I'm too oldschool.
I saw a youtube vib of a guy taking the device apart. It is ultrasound. Works by vibrating a pin at high frequency, which vibrates the ceramic plate above, which vibrates the soaked cotton wick, which vibrates the e-juice, separating the molecules. The vibration causes heat. Not as much as a regular coil does. That's why the devices gets some bad reviews about "cold vape", e-cig vape people like their smoke hotter apparently, but for DMT this shouldn't matter. If the temp is around 320 F as stated in the OP, it's actually perfect.

Vg dissolves dmt so I don't know where you heard that from, 100% pg will be to thin and leak, your best ratio is 50/50 or more vg than pg
I tried dissolving DMT in VG, it didn't work. It did dissolve 1:1 in PG though. I'm guessing you dissolved DMT in a mix of PG/VG instead of pure VG?

100% PG can cause leaks, yes. 100% PG also makes the smoke harsher. There are reports that for some devices 100% PG with DMT is too hot to inhale. But what people forget is that adding DMT makes the PG thicker, just like VG does, especially at 1:1 DMT ratio. Adding to PG both VG and DMT can make the juice too thick for some atomizers. Hence the dry hit and burned coil reports. For other atomizers 50/50 + DMT does work though. I also wonder to what extent the e-juice flavors influence viscosity. Conclusion: the perfect PG/VG/DMT ratio is device specific. Personally I'd aim for a ratio of 70/30 to 50/50 PG/VG with 1:2 DMT/e-juice. I wouldn't go higher than 50% VG.

Didn't think this device would leak and short. Next step is using 50/50 PG/VG
I tried it a few days ago using a mixed liquid with 2g DMT and about 4ml 55/45 PG/VG (1:2, DMT:liquid) to avoid it being too fluid and leaking and shorting again. I'm not sure about the exact mls because I used a 10ml dropper to measure the liquid and the markings could be off. When I put it in a measured shot glass (the markings might be off on it too) it read about 5-6ml and when I added the DMT it measured about 7ml. I only used a 1:2 ratio DMT to liquid because it was already quite thick and there were already some little tan floaters in the liquid with 2G. And yes I heated the liquid. The DMT was already white but I hadn't recrystallized. It would probably be best to recrystallize and crush it into a fine powder and to avoid floaters. I'm not sure what the floaters are is but it's not dust. They might affect the vibrating ceramic plate if they get through the cotton but more likely they get trapped around the outside of it.

I forgot about the fact that the juice gets thicker with DMT added and I believe the liquid is a bit too thick for the device because the draw from it was not consistent. It seemed to produce vapor for a couple seconds then stop. I took 3 or 4 hits drawing for about 10 seconds each and holding it for at least 10 seconds. I'm not sure that it was producing quite as much vapor on the last hit as it was on the first but the effects seemed to still build from the last hit.

I was sitting down on grass and looking at the trees lining my backyard. By the second hit I was feeling a pressure build up in my body and rise to my head. I took another hit and I felt a distinct presence from the grass and surrounding trees and they began to sway and breath. So it works and I definitely felt it, but it was just a bit over threshold effects and I don't really enjoy that feeling very much without harmalas like in changa.

It would probably work much better with 100% PG and 1g DMT per ml PG.

I did put the rest of the mixed liquid into a different E-cig with a Fireluke Mesh Sub-Ohm tank using a stainless steel mesh coil running at 390 deg F. With 2 large hits I had a much bigger effect than with the Rhythm. With some strange OEVs and feelings but not much closed eye visuals. Though I'm sure there would be more to see if I kept hitting it I just wasn't quite ready.

More experimentation to come. I'll try the Rhythm again with the juice mix I used last time and harmalas. I'll mix a 1:1 PG to DMT liquid when I have extra material to work with.
Sorry to hear it didn't work the second time. At least you didn't waste the spice if you can use it in other atomizers.

Yes, 50/50 PG/VG + DMT can make the liquid too thick for some atomizers to handle. This is the reason for the burned wick reports. However people report 100% PG + DMT in normal atomizers to be too hot and harsh to smoke. This device might be different as the temp is limited due to vibration instead of coils.

Who knows, maybe 70/30 PG/VG with a 1:4 DMT/ejuice ratio works better than 50/50 1:2. But then you might need too many inhalations for a breakthrough.

Your line of thinking is correct. If 100% PG only is too thin and leaked, and PG/VG + DMT is too thick, then the next step is to try 100% PG + DMT. I'd go for a 1:1 ratio. Be super careful and start with small inhalations so you don't get too much.

Appreciate your work, thanks for testing! If it works I'm buying one... Fingers crossed!
Yeah, really curious to find out if we have found a solution to the whole Harmala vaping problem with e-cig devices (harmala's vape temp is far too high for what coiled e-cig devices heat up to).
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