I've been working with psychedelics as an adjunct to my recovery for several years, with varying degrees of success. Being a self-created path that began entirely as an auto didactic exercise,I have begun to incorporate other people, services and things to it in order to create a more holistic and well rounded space in which to recover. For be this has included taking care of long neglected medical and physical needs, addressing past trauma with individual talk therapy, a multitude of recovery and self help meetings, and being in service .
Recently I started micro dosing psilocybin again after a long period without doing so to great benefit. It has opened me up to a few realizations and questions regarding this practice. I notice a mood lift almost immediately that lasts for days after I take about .25 gram dried cubes. This can be accompanied by a light buzzing of energy that is definitely pleasurable. Now I know that psilocybin does not have addictive potential in the way my drugs of choice- opiates- do, but regardless, I can still feel the trigger switches in my brain being toyed with.
I've never noticed this before,and it's,well, interesting to be cognizant of. I was at a meeting last night where this topic was discussed, and one of the participants talked about how his experience with free based dmt at first freed him, but later he found himself basically addicted to checking out with it and it became an extreme liability.
Another thing that was brought up was a rebound effect from using it like this. I have witnessed in a friend and this person spoke to his depression returning with a vengeance after "abusing" dmt for some time.
Community and accountability were identified as the two biggest ingredients to making psychedelics successful in recovery. Just as I have found my greatest success with it after engaging the outside help of others, I think most would find that to be true.
What id's the experience with this if you are using "drugs to get off drugs"?
Recently I started micro dosing psilocybin again after a long period without doing so to great benefit. It has opened me up to a few realizations and questions regarding this practice. I notice a mood lift almost immediately that lasts for days after I take about .25 gram dried cubes. This can be accompanied by a light buzzing of energy that is definitely pleasurable. Now I know that psilocybin does not have addictive potential in the way my drugs of choice- opiates- do, but regardless, I can still feel the trigger switches in my brain being toyed with.
I've never noticed this before,and it's,well, interesting to be cognizant of. I was at a meeting last night where this topic was discussed, and one of the participants talked about how his experience with free based dmt at first freed him, but later he found himself basically addicted to checking out with it and it became an extreme liability.
Another thing that was brought up was a rebound effect from using it like this. I have witnessed in a friend and this person spoke to his depression returning with a vengeance after "abusing" dmt for some time.
Community and accountability were identified as the two biggest ingredients to making psychedelics successful in recovery. Just as I have found my greatest success with it after engaging the outside help of others, I think most would find that to be true.
What id's the experience with this if you are using "drugs to get off drugs"?