As stated in my previous post I was wondering whether or not a mechanical mod would be a suitable device for vaping enhanced e-juice.
I had mixed pure PG with some fluffy white spice and deep red full spectrum goo in a vial in a rough 1:1 proportion (my scale is not very accurate) and had placed it on top of my wireless router to apply mild heat to speed up the dissolving of the spice. When the spice seemed to have dissolved completely I built a 6 wrap dual coil setup with 0.40mm kanthal in my RDA and mounted it on my copper mechanical mod with a freshly charged battery.
The next step was to get comfortable, turn down the lights and try out this new method. I took one deep lung hit from the e-cig (which was surprisingly smooth by the way) and waited for the effects. Almost immediately my ears started to hum in a familiar way and the wall in front of me started to form complex geometrical patterns. All I could think is "hold it in" as I laid down ready to enjoy the show.
Long story short: the e-cig method got me as deep as I ever had been with enhanced leaf from a bong. It definetly works and I'm proud to show all of y'all my new spiceship.
Oh what adventures we're going to have together.