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The Impossible Kid

Esteemed member
Hello everyone out there,

I have tried a few different ways to consume DMT during the last few years and I believe Vaporhuasca (I think that's the correct term) has turned out to be my favorite ROA.

I have realized that harmalas, though they are relatively subtle, play a big role in the overall experience. Maybe even more so than the DMT. DMT and harmalas go hand in hand for me and I wouldn't want to separate them.

I started out with freebase, which was exciting, beautiful and beneficial. But I slowly transitioned from using NN DMT only to mix it with harmalas, after reading about it on the Nexus. So, after freebase, I tried changa, which in turn made me curious about going the oral route, using rue tea followed by mimosa tea. However that unfortunately never worked for me for some reason, I never really got it right.

So one day after I had rue tea (which reliably worked each time) followed by mimosa tea (which as already mentioned never caused the desired effects) I smoked a little changa instead and had such a beautiful experience. I have been in love with this combo ever since.

One of the many reasons I like about doing it this way, is the fact that I have grown a little too much respect for the breakthrough experience these days. I just can't get myself to just "go for it", probably because I know how intense it can be.
Vaporhuasca allows me to slowly build up the intensity by taking smaller hits in a row, till I am where I'd like to go.

I like it so much that I do it once or twice a week. I wonder if doing it that frequently would spoil the experience eventually?
Hello Impossible Kid,

I don't have an answer for you but I am glad that you have asked this question. I am slightly behind you in my experience with the molecule. I have been vaping freebase approx 2x per month and would like to add harmalas via rue or changa as well. However I too am a bit intimidated to proceed deeper or more often.

I get body tremors after a freebase vape experience. They last about 3-4 minutes. It's like I'm shivering all over. I'm not sure if anyone else has experienced this but I would like to know if it's OK before I try to go deeper, longer or add harmalas. Can the tremors become a seizure? Or are they two different things? I currently don't take any medications. I was taking 5 mg Lexapro but stopped 2 months ago to see if it was the cause and it appears not to be. Besides i find that the antidepressant properties of psychedelics work better for me.

I have been running into alot of "jesters" lately. I was wondering if this may be due to the more frequent visits to hyperspace. Do you experience more or fewer jesters when you use harmalas?

I'm looking forward to reading responses to your questions.

BTW, Any suggestions for a changa recipe?

I wish you the best on your travels to the spirit world.

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The Impossible Kid,

I really enjoyed reading your post.

I cannot be sure about frequency of vaporhuasca ruining the experience. I do know that some folks who do a LOT of freebase and/or don't have their mental houses in order sometimes get "blocked" from hyperspace. Not sure if this happens with vaporhuasca at 2x/week. Usually it's for folks who are closer to vaping 2x/day.

I also wanted to say I really support what you are saying about harmalas. They are very important and in fact somewhat visionary on their own. Personally, I really like the way an oral dose of harmalas slows down and lengthens the smoked experience but more importantly to me, it's either the presence of the MAOI or the slow down or both, but my memories for my vaporhuasca experiences are MUCH BETTER than the ones for just vaping freebase. I really value bringing memories back so I have been singularly impressed by the way this works in my experience.

I found it interesting that you could not get oral brews to work. There is a lot of advice around here on timing issues, on what to eat before (or not eat) and even during (like a piece of bread or chocolate to kick things into gear).

I wonder if you might be willing to attempt a harmala extraction from syrian rue.? That way you could work directly with freebase harmalas and control dosing a lot more accurately than with a tea.

Regardless, I really enjoyed this post and wanted to thank you for it.
Pandora, thanks so much for reading and taking your time to reply.

I see what you mean with being blocked and it's something that kind of happened to me during my honeymoon phase with DMT freebase. I did it for hedonistic reasons one day and it has been made very clear to me that DMT is something not to be taken lightly, but it's serious in nature and needs to be respected. I find it's one characteristic about it that makes it unique amongst the other classic psychedelics.

Since back then I made sure to respect it and so far I've been welcome in hyperspace.

I also love that one got some extra time to watch everything unfold slowly after drinking the rue tea. DMT on it's own is kind of like a firework that blows up in my face. In a good way though. But still, I can't bring as much back, compared to what I can bring back from a vaporhuasca session.
Often there's also a healing aspect that is much more pronounced when harmalas are in the mix.

Lastly, I feel very centered or balanced for quite a while after the actual experience... for me that's the perfect time to meditate.
This is one of the aspects that are really beneficial and important in my life right now, as I go through some difficult times.

I'm not sure why I struggled with the mimosa brew so far. I only tried it a hand full of times.I might pick it up sometime again, maybe the time wasn't just right yet? Or maybe I just did something wrong.
I also feel trying an Aya analog is quite a commitment... For now I am quite happy with what vaporhuasca offers.

With regards to extractions, I have done that in the past. Mainly to get the ingredients for my changa. It's quite a process, but I still enjoyed doing it. I never tried it sublingually or orally though, because I read it's effective in very small doses and I feel my scale isn't accurate enough. It only shows .00 and where I stay it's difficult to get one with triple digits after the point.
But by now the rue tea has become part of my ritual. Call me strange, but I have come to like the bitterness. I never really get nauseous from it either.

One day I will probably invest in a better scale. I'd also be interested in pharmahuasca and a better scale would open the doors to that ROA.

Right now I got a rue tea brewing on my stove :).
I just saw your response Psychonuagty, I'll respond now!

Edit: I think the last two posts by Pandora and I have given you some good idea of the benefits, but again, I really really recommend adding the rue.

I too experienced the shivering after doing freebase. I believe DMT is a vasoconstrictor, so that could be one reason. In my case it hasn't turned into a seizure. Does it happen right after the experience or during the experience?

In terms of entities, yes I still see them, but it's a long time since I saw jesters and that was when I vaped freebase. When doing vaporhuasca I often get the sensation that some beings are doing things behind the actual scenery I get to see. A bit like they are pulling the strings and run the show. It's almost as if they don't want to be seen, but I still get a glimpse of them from time to time. Like the people that change the scenery in a playhouse.
But it's always different every time I do it, so it's possible I'll get surprised by jesters next time.

My change recipe is quite easy. I use mugwort as a carrier herb. I mix it in the following ratio 1/1/0.3 - DMT/Mugwort/Harmalas (I hope that makes sense otherwise let me know).

There's also a great write up about changa here.
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Hi Impossible Kid,

I appreciate your reply. Your explanation regarding the shivers is comforting to learn. Luckily they occur after the experience and not during. Your explanation makes sense because I have felt as if I were cold.

I think you and Pandora did a great job explaining the benefits of rue and im looking forward to working with it. The added benefit of a better recollection of a more workable experience sounds great. It would be nice if these jesters would cut me a break as well. Haha.

Thanks also for the Changa recipe. I use emesh for freebase but also have a gvg I haven't yet tried. Maybe it's good for changa? Or should I use something else? What tool do you use?

Thanks again for sharing.
I'm back and had a good, life reaffirming experience, for which I am very grateful for :).

I'm glad you want to give it a try as I am fairly confident you'll enjoy it.
Sometimes this combination still causes me to get a feeling like I used to get in a circus as a kid. Even though I don't see the jesters, it sometimes feels like they are around. I always consciously bring myself to smile, which really helps whenever it feels like it gets a bit too wild.

I'm not sure about the emesh or the gvg as I haven't got any experience with these. I don't know if changa would work with the emesh, but I think gvg should work. Maybe someone who uses these gadgets could chime in.

I use a good old water pipe and got my technic down pretty well by now.
using rue tea followed by mimosa tea. However that unfortunately never worked for me for some reason, I never really got it right.
I struggled for a year trying to make a mimosa tea and only failed or semi-succeeded. However, recently I tried an alcohol extraction of MHRB, took it in combination with a MAOI and it worked very well :) If you are still interested in oral DMT, this route IME is worth trying out. It is effective, foolproof and low effort. You can read it about it here. Please let us know what your results were if you were to try this out! There's not a lot of data on it at the moment.

Nice to hear about your experiences with MAOI + vaping, I have never done it but this route appeals to me a lot as well. In about 1,5 years (when my PhD is over and I have some mental space for it) I intend to learn DMT extraction and then vape after consuming a MAOI. Your post makes me look forward to it even more!
Thanks so much for your input, Sicho Naut!

I followed your thread with great interest as I saw you're struggling with the same problem. I will revisit it, to freshen up my memory.
I got 99,9% IPA here and wonder if I can use it as well for an extraction attempt?

The DMT extraction is fairly easy, you just need to choose a good Tek and follow it to the T.

I wish you all the best with your PhD!
I got 99,9% IPA here and wonder if I can use it as well for an extraction attempt?
The originator of the thread I linked in my previous post used IPA, so it should work. So far, I have been using 96,2% grain alcohol.
I have an IPA soak going, but I have yet to try it so cannot at the moment speak to differences in effectiveness etc. I go into a bit more detail in Dorge's thread linked in my previous post.

Happy tripping :)
The Impossible Kid,

Thanks for the answers and for sharing your experience. It sounds nice and I'm really glad it went well.
Thanks for the "tips"
So, after freebase, I tried changa, which in turn made me curious about going the oral route, using rue tea followed by mimosa tea. However that unfortunately never worked for me for some reason, I never really got it right.
hey Kid. use paste made from fresh caapi vine instead. Rue is f*ing garbage. Rue tea is toxic- you must vape the seeds or extract the b - carbolines and use those but it is better to throw the stuff out.

Caapi contains THH and other (non alkaloid) compounds as well as a totally different "spirit".

It is worth persevering- if you are serious about working with plant teachers the tea is the way, the smoke is just a preview.
MHRB shredded and soaked in cold water with white vinegar for a week, then the liquid filtered and cooked down produced the best resullts but is generally the worse plant to attempt to drink because of the extreme astringency.

You can get vaporhuasca with rue by crushing 1.5g of seeds, then vaporising them without burning. Then hit the spice 10 minutes later and prepare to be astonished- doubles duration and potency- use half the amount of spice.
but it is better to throw the stuff out.

Doing it twice a week is probably too often and likely to lose its magic.

After 20 years of smoking changa due to how easy it is, I am drawn back to vaporising the pure crystal as i suspect that burning the spice results in unwanted compounds and effects.
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Hi Anarchos,

I've done lots of reading on the subject Syrian rue and rue tea in general, before I first tried it and didn't come across that it's harmful in the amounts we use for MAOI inhibiton.
Especially here on the Nexus I haven't seen anyone claiming that rue is toxic.

I kindly ask you to back up your input by providing studies or something alike, because if it's the case that it's toxic, I'll have to delete my post.
I surely don't want anyone to read this, try it and hurt themselves during the process.

I don't have access to fresh caapi vine, so as much as I would like to try it, it's just not an option.

I also don't know what to do with your claim that rue is "fu**ing garbage". I have had very nice experiences using rue am grateful about that. Let's not make it a "my plant teacher is better than yours" thread.
Rue is f*ing garbage. Rue tea is toxic- you must vape the seeds or extract the b - carbolines and use those but it is better to throw the stuff out.

Is that really necessary? Rue is not toxic. I really am not sure where some people keep getting this idea from, the only thing i've ever heard about Rue being "toxic" is that it contains Vasicine and Vasicinone which simply shouldn't be consumed by pregnant women because of their potential to induce abortion, though i'd argue that, even if safe, pregnant women likely probably shouldn't be consuming Harmalas in any form, whether Rue, Caapi, or extracts, even though some reportedly have with Caapi.

But no, Rue is not toxic, i would know, i've been dosing it on the daily/near daily for 12 straight years now, usually taking 3 to 4 grams of Rue nightly and let the Harmala reverse tolerance build up and get stronger and stronger and then all the side-effects go away and it cleans up and feels pretty much as clean as any pharmaceutical anti-depressant. You can also counteract it's GABA-A inverse agonism by mixing in a GABAergic like Lemon Balm tea for example to clean up the bodyload until the side-effects go away. Aside from that, it is a more forceful purgative than Caapi due to the higher Harmaline content in Rue, however, the purgative effect too goes away with regular consumption.

Also, you can adjust the Harmine to Harmaline ratio in Rue, either by adding pure Harmine (or alternatively Caapi) to the Rue, or by doing a light roast Rue (not a medium or dark roast) which will break down the Harmaline content while maintaining the Harmine content and use that instead of the raw Rue, so that you can build up Harmine's reverse tolerance some, you can even take just pure Harmine itself for awhile, same thing, and then after Harmine's reverse tolerance is built up a good bit you can switch to using raw Rue and from then on Harmine is the dominant Harmala in the Rue while Harmaline is either secondary or off in the background, depending on Rue dosage. So like for example, what i did was take light roast Rue at 2.5 grams for a good while, and then switched over to using raw Rue, and ever since Harmine has been far ahead in the lead with Harmaline behind it, it feels a lot better that way, and also cleans it up nicely. I recommend it.

Also i personally have never found THH to be necessary. Can it contribute? most certainly. Is it a requirement/necessity for Ayahuasca? no, as Harmine and Harmaline work just fine.

Also you don't lose the magick with this stuff, at least orally, i took it daily/near daily for 4 years straight. And as far as smoked Changa/DMT goes, ime so long as Harmalas are involved, i've never developed any tolerance to DMT, smoked or orally, sure you get used to it to some degree, but the magick never goes away, not by a long shot lol.

Edit - Also, Rue definitely isn't garbage, it's just as capable of what Caapi is capable of, to me Caapi and Rue are both the same medicine, just different flavors. I've mainly used Rue for most of my experimentation, and it's been the best ally and teacher and guide and medicine that i could've ever asked for, and it's potent, and cheap, which certainly doesn't reflect in it's quality because it's of very fine quality, you just have to know how best to work with it. And just like with Caapi, you can also add an extremely wide variety of different admixture plants to the Rue, in order to alter it to various degrees, or to clean up how it feels, or to add other benefits, etc. I see absolutely no reason to use Caapi when i have Rue, and honestly people who act like Caapi is "all that" and that Rue is in any way inferior, they clearly don't understand this medicine at all and should go back to school, imo.
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Thanks so much for your input Sabnock,

I kind of questioned myself already, whether it's a good idea to continue drinking rue tea or if I maybe overlooked something during my "harm prevention research".

Yesterday I spent some time on the Nexus trying to find warnings about rue usage, but an overwhelming majority of threads, if not all, paint a pretty positive picture of consuming a cup of rue tea.

So far I feel pretty healthy doing my routine, in fact I feel better than I did before I discovered Syrian Rue. I'm keeping up my routine for more than 6 months now.

Luckily I don't experience nausea using 3,5 gram, so for me there's no need to alter the seeds in anyway, which is convenient.

I also looked a little further into pharmahuasca. I was thinking of taking about 40mg of freebase DMT in a shot of orange juice, sometime after I had my rue tea. First I need to save up for a better scale though.
I too experienced the shivering after doing freebase. I believe DMT is a vasoconstrictor, so that could be one reason. In my case it hasn't turned into a seizure. Does it happen right after the experience or during the experience?

In terms of entities, yes I still see them, but it's a long time since I saw jesters and that was when I vaped freebase. When doing vaporhuasca I often get the sensation that some beings are doing things behind the actual scenery I get to see. A bit like they are pulling the strings and run the show. It's almost as if they don't want to be seen, but I still get a glimpse of them from time to time. Like the people that change the scenery in a playhouse.
But it's always different every time I do it, so it's possible I'll get surprised by jesters next time.

My change recipe is quite easy. I use mugwort as a carrier herb. I mix it in the following ratio 1/1/0.3 - DMT/Mugwort/Harmalas (I hope that makes sense otherwise let me know).

Rue is a vasodilator, so yet another sign that harmalas and DMT are supposed to be done together.

I too partake of the drinking the Rue tea and then smoking Changa as my preferred ROA.

This is a sacred and holy combo with a long history.

I was amazed that it seems to not be so common, probably because many people think that DMT is 'the drug' and harmalas are just for facilitating ingestion but it's the combination that really allows for much more that you can get from it.
Hi Panpsychic,

rue being a vasodilator explains my personal observation that I haven't dealt with feeling cold just after the experience anymore, since adding harmalas.

"Sacred and holy" pretty much sums it up for me. I have never been a very religious person, but rue and DMT kind of changed that.
For me these substances facilitate getting into contact with something of which I don't know what it is, but that doesn't play a role. What's important is that it's something that guides me, that lets me know that everything is going to be alright, whenever I go through dark times... it's something that reminds me to be grateful for being part of what we call life. It allows me to see the beauty around me, whenever I forgot about it.
I have expierence with a lot of DMT freebase experiences, but within the next couple weeks I will be trying the Rue tea, and I am excited to see what the difference in what I gain from these methods.
I also will be making changa after I get the proper herbs that I need for the creation and I will be experimenting with that to see what method of consumption I prefer. Heres to safe travels!
I have expierence with a lot of DMT freebase experiences, but within the next couple weeks I will be trying the Rue tea, and I am excited to see what the difference in what I gain from these methods.
I also will be making changa after I get the proper herbs that I need for the creation and I will be experimenting with that to see what method of consumption I prefer. Heres to safe travels!
Pretty sure once you have done it you wont go back to just freebase, at least not very often. It would be interesting to hear your comparisons once you have done it a few times.
Even if making changa, drinking the Rue tea first is what really extends it in duration and potentiates it. I usually take it with a soft drink.
It also makes the entire experience seem much more 'serious' which may not always be what you want but seems right, this is not something to be played with.
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