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I too am not too worried about my diet when it's a rue tea day. Others might react differently though. I try not to eat anything from about two hours before I drink the tea.

Today I brewed another tea which I just took the last sip of. I decided to go for 4 gram instead of my usual 3,5 just to see if there's a big difference.
what are the effects of rue tea alone ???
The rue tea alone is calming, good for meditation, at least for me and in the dose range I brew it. It's subtle though and today using a little more, I questioned myself whether I should go back to 3,5 gram next time, as I felt a bit nauseous at some point.

I think the effects of rue really come out once united with DMT, it's kind of difficult to explain. It's a bit like DMT wakes up the rue and together the create quite something.

Of course I didn't just drink rue tea, I smoked changa as well.
I had a surprisingly strong experience. Emerald green and yellow were the dominant colors. At one point I looked at something that resembled a maze from the bird perspective. The maze wasn't static but constantly moving and morphing, I got a sense of total chaos and at the same time everything was in perfect order.

I used to try and draw what I see over there, but this one was so complex, I would sit weeks to finish drawing it!
The rue tea alone is calming, good for meditation, at least for me and in the dose range I brew it. It's subtle though and today using a little more, I questioned myself whether I should go back to 3,5 gram next time, as I felt a bit nauseous at some point.

I think the effects of rue really come out once united with DMT, it's kind of difficult to explain. It's a bit like DMT wakes up the rue and together the create quite something.

Of course I didn't just drink rue tea, I smoked changa as well.
I had a surprisingly strong experience. Emerald green and yellow were the dominant colors. At one point I looked at something that resembled a maze from the bird perspective. The maze wasn't static but constantly moving and morphing, I got a sense of total chaos and at the same time everything was in perfect order.

I used to try and draw what I see over there, but this one was so complex, I would sit weeks to finish drawing it!
thank you for sharing this ..... I had my first dmt extraction today so i am trying to see the best way to take it .... :) so i might start with only changa infused with harmala
I too am not too worried about my diet when it's a rue tea day. Others might react differently though. I try not to eat anything from about two hours before I drink the tea.

Today I brewed another tea which I just took the last sip of. I decided to go for 4 gram instead of my usual 3,5 just to see if there's a big difference.
That's a 14% increase so it may well be noticeable. How's it going now? Enjoying the auditory 'twang' yet?

Back on the subject of diet, I found the mental side of things got a bit hairy on a day where I'd drunk Earl Grey tea and eaten a meal spiced with ras-al-hanout. I get noticeable psychoactive effects from culinary amounts of ras-al-hanout alone, so this combination with a known metabolic inhibitor (bergamot) was predictably wild.

My reason for hesitating in calling it ill-advised is that it was it proved to be quite instructive, but I would neither recommend this combination nor would I choose to repeat it!
Hi Transform,

yes, I noticed quite a difference! Mainly physically though. A bit of nausea, which quickly faded and I have been rewarded with a beautiful experience when adding the change.

You've mentioned the auditory side. I assume you refer to the high pitched, singing noise? During the peak of the experience was much louder than usual.

All in all I can say I might stick to the 4 gram, but I don't think I am going to increase the harmalas any further.
Just be sure you have checked the harmala interactions warning, especially if you are using any kind of medication. It's not just the RIMA (reversible MAOI) effect, but also some metabolic interactions that can cause certain drugs to become more or less effective. [mental note here to draft a proper summary of that for inclusion in the forum]
Yes, I will take a look at that, I do know that if you are using any anti depressants or similar, that you will have issues with using harmala. Luckily for me I am not taking any pharma, but I am still going to look into it prior to ever taking anything like this just to be safe!
I too am curious how you'll like it, please report back, RUN.

I also ask to please be welcomed before taking a hit of changa. The "Thank you" afterwards comes basically automatically.

You'll see the combination with rue tea is also much more economically when it comes to the amount of spice needed. So in case you usually use 30mg to get where you like to go, it might only take half as much so achieve a similar intensity.
Impossible Kid,
Thats great! I didn't even think of the asking to be welcomed part, wow, learning more everyday. Its so nice to have people with similar intentions sharing their helpful tips and experiences prior to engaging in a different journey with psychedelics, I really appreciate you sharing that with me, because now I will be using the welcoming acceptance ask prior to ingesting anything from now on! The economics of this method sound great as well, using less to achieve more! You cant be nothing but happy about that one! Looking forward to having more interactions with you and other Nexians, and don't worry as soon as I get to it, I will be sharing here and will let you and everyone else know how my expierence was!
Take it easy!
Yes that is correct. Drinking the harmala tea is the way to go and there is no need to smoke additional harmalas after that although you can if you want but it will be plenty powerful enough just from drinking it first.

The tea tastes unpleasant, but if you reduce it down then mix with a soft drink its not particularly bad at all. You can also try it with a hot chocolate and honey.
Hey I was just wondering if you can share a bit with how different the ingestion of harmala tea and then smoking is compared to just smoking. effect wise. I have saw other replies and I understand it extends the period of the journey and also the intensity, but was just curious if you would like to share a little more, I would appreciate it.
Hey I was just wondering if you can share a bit with how different the ingestion of harmala tea and then smoking is compared to just smoking. effect wise. I have saw other replies and I understand it extends the period of the journey and also the intensity, but was just curious if you would like to share a little more, I would appreciate it.
You know, I'm actually rather amazed that this isn't a common practice in the community at this point of time...shocked even. It just goes to show how often people are given certain assumptions and run with them. McKenna popularized smoking straight DMT so that became 'the thing' to do, and the harmalas were just seen as a way of making them orally active in Aya.

Tbh I'm not even that experienced with smoking/vaping the straight DMT freebase, because to me its simply a waste. From the beginning I found out about this combo I realized it was the way to do it, and not even smoking Changa compares - its the drinking harmalas first to really activate them and then smoking. I would ideally never smoke DMT without drinking harmalas first.

I can say that firstly, and this has also been reported by early explorers like Gracie and Zarkov, it feels much more serious. Like sometimes on DMT people describe it like a rollercoaster and seeing clowns and elves etc....add the Rue tea and it suddenly feels like an existential gravity is there,which is your life and your decision to commune with this.

Serious can be very beneficial, but its not particularly 'fun'. If you just want the fun ride this is not it.

For example to give you an idea...recently I was shown some very very deep empathic resonaces from the universal mind/Depth and seeing the suffering in humanity...I felt the visceral pain of people who wake up every day having lost a child. Every sinnew and bone had an ache as I reallzed there are really people like that, millions even right now waking to that reality every morning, and it represents an immense pain of the collective psyche thats almost incomprehensible.

This was some kind of lesson but thats what I mean by serious. This combo is here to teach. Its not 'you did this drug to see what would happen' its 'you decided to commune so now you are going to sit through the lessons that it decides to give'.

Along with the seriousness comes a purity. It feels holy, again like its been given for a purpose. Time, life, death, they are all ephemeral and passing. Partaking of it like this demands some personal responsibility to develop your self to be worthy. From this vantage, these tools are not helping cleanse your addictions, negative traits and habits just to help you, they are cleansing you so your system is fit and worthy and capable of realizing deeper states of the purity and holiness of this presence thats unfolding when you partake of the sacrament.
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You know, I'm actually rather amazed that this isn't a common practice in the community at this point of time...shocked even. It just goes to show how often people are given certain assumptions and run with them. McKenna popularized smoking straight DMT so that became 'the thing' to do, and the harmalas were just seen as a way of making them orally active in Aya.

Tbh I'm not even that experienced with smoking/vaping the straight DMT freebase, because to me its simply a waste. From the beginning I found out about this combo I realized it was the way to do it, and not even smoking Changa compares - its the drinking harmalas first to really activate them and then smoking. I would ideally never smoke DMT without drinking harmalas first.

I can say that firstly, and this has also been reported by early explorers like Gracie and Zarkov, it feels much more serious. Like sometimes on DMT people describe it like a rollercoaster and seeing clowns and elves etc....add the Rue tea and it suddenly feels like an existential gravity is there,which is your life and your decision to commune with this.

Serious can be very beneficial, but its not particularly 'fun'. If you just want the fun ride this is not it.

For example to give you an idea...recently I was shown some very very deep empathic resonaces from the universal mind/Depth and seeing the suffering in humanity...I felt the visceral pain of people who wake up every day having lost a child. Every sinnew and bone had an ache as I reallzed there are really people like that, millions even right now waking to that reality every morning, and it represents an immense pain of the collective psyche thats almost incomprehensible.

This was some kind of lesson but thats what I mean by serious. This combo is here to teach. Its not 'you did this drug to see what would happen' its 'you decided to commune so now you are going to sit through the lessons that it decides to give'.

Along with the seriousness comes a purity. It feels holy, again like its been given for a purpose. Time, life, death, they are all ephemeral and passing. Partaking of it like this demands some personal responsibility to develop your self to be worthy. From this vantage, these tools are not helping cleanse your addictions, negative traits and habits just to help you, they are cleansing you so your system is fit and worthy and capable of realizing deeper states of the purity and holiness of this presence thats unfolding when you partake of the sacrament.
This is so beautifully put ...... This reminds me of my ayahuasca ceremonies in Ecuador ..... Yes this is a medicine and not a recreational drug and that is the reason I decided after almost 10 years to extract DMT and find the best route to intake it as I have a deep respect to it and I know it is a great teacher/healer/guide. So I am taking my time to find out the the ins and outs of how to best ingest and connect to this master combo and i am learning a lot about the harmalas importance and role in all of this. I will still do traditional shamanic ceremonies with master plants guided by well trained shamans but i still want to be able to do it on my own behind closed doors all by myself.

In fact I am attending mushroom and san pedro ceremonies in may and it will be my first mushrooms ceremony by a well trained shaman trained in the fire red path.

I also find that practicing in my day to day life is of most importance, being aware, bringing my attention to my heart, breaking ego habits, reflecting and most importantly i am in the phase of learning how to give and serve instead of just being trapped in the loop of wanting to get endlessly.

Thank you
Hi The Impossible Kid,

I am excited to report back that I followed your suggestion by adding Rue to my spice vapor session yesterday for the first time.

I ground 0.4 gm Syrian Rue seeds (I only weigh 70 kilos) and placed them under my tongue for 20 minutes then spit them out. I waited 20 more minutes before vaping only 12-14 mg spice via emesh.

What happened next was a beautiful, warm and welcoming spiritual breakthrough experience! Exactly as you and Pandora had described.

It came on more slowly and gently than freebase. I also had little to no issues with the jesters which were confounding me lately. It felt like a visit with mother Ayahuasca who showed me her love.

It lasted far longer than freebase, yet after 13 minutes I was able to get up, reload 10 more mg spice in the emesh and go back in again, deeper. My eyes have been opened. These two medicines are meant to work together synergistically. I likely will not vape without harmalas ever again. This is my new fave ROA.

I am impressed with the added effect of the sublingual rue and the little amount needed to accomplish its purpose. It was a bit difficult to keep the seeds under my tongue for 20 minutes though. I wonder if placing the crushed rue seeds between the cheek and gum would work as well. This seems like it would be easier to hold the seeds. I wonder if anyone has tried this?

Thanks again Impossible Kid. I really enjoy this thread you started.
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Hey Psychonuagty,

I am so happy that it worked out so well for you!
I too felt the presence of a caring mother often. I never did actual Aya, but I am sure it's getting a glimpse of the same spirit.

It's interesting that you took the sublingual route. You inspired me to try it too one of these days :).

I'll report back to let you know if there's a difference between sublingual and the tea.
Great OP.

Harmalas are as important to me as DMT at this point and I am thankful for DMT in helping me to find harmalas. Both are my sacraments.

Your comment about it being harder to go the distance made me think "now you know how I feel." :LOL:

I smoke harmalas with cannabis for meditation on quite a regular basis. I find that higher smoked doses (40-50mg) is mighty powerful, and can elicit some very interesting states of mind and being, from heavy trance states to hynogogic, to other-worldly. I've seen entities on just harmalas alone. Always subtle, but still obviously there. I've also been exploring high dose harmalas and low dose DMT experiences which are very interesting as well. I sometimes feel that in some moments, harmalas are more therapeutic than DMT, which aligns with certain views of some Ayahuasceros who believe that the real medicine is found in the caapi vine with regard to an ayahuasca brew.

I will sometimes smoalk harmalas and then changa, which can be a bit much to handle because it tends to be a lot of harmalas in my system at once. There is a certain removal from our reactionary processes that can allow one to step back and analyze and observe how one is feeling without it being jarring in anyway, if say, hard emotions or thoughts are being experienced or engaged.

As I scanned the other posts, I noticed a request for a changa recipe. There is a thread around here that has many. But my favorite blend is 500mg mullein, 250mg, blue lotus, and 250mg passionflower, with 1g of DMT and 300mg of harmalas.

One love
Hi The Impossible Kid,

I am excited to report back that I followed your suggestion by adding Rue to my spice vapor session yesterday for the first time.

I ground 0.4 gm Syrian Rue seeds (I only weigh 70 kilos) and placed them under my tongue for 20 minutes then spit them out. I waited 20 more minutes before vaping only 12-14 mg spice via emesh.

What happened next was a beautiful, warm and welcoming spiritual breakthrough experience! Exactly as you and Pandora had described.

It came on more slowly and gently than freebase. I also had little to no issues with the jesters which were confounding me lately. It felt like a visit with mother Ayahuasca who showed me her love.

It lasted far longer than freebase, yet after 13 minutes I was able to get up, reload 10 more mg spice in the emesh and go back in again, deeper. My eyes have been opened. These two medicines are meant to work together synergistically. I likely will not vape without harmalas ever again. This is my new fave ROA.

I am impressed with the added effect of the sublingual rue and the little amount needed to accomplish its purpose. It was a bit difficult to keep the seeds under my tongue for 20 minutes though. I wonder if placing the crushed rue seeds between the cheek and gum would work as well. This seems like it would be easier to hold the seeds. I wonder if anyone has tried this?

Thanks again Impossible Kid. I really enjoy this thread you started.
Lovely to hear this, and I'm very glad that you've had such a positive experience.
I wonder if placing the crushed rue seeds between the cheek and gum would work as well. This seems like it would be easier to hold the seeds. I wonder if anyone has tried this?
This is something I do every single day, so yes. I soften a large pinch of whole seeds under my tongue for a bit, then give them a light chew before transferring to quidding in my cheek. Method developed out of sheer laziness, only if I chew too much does the flavour get a bit intense.

Best to check for grit before chewing seeds!
Lovely to hear this, and I'm very glad that you've had such a positive experience.

This is something I do every single day, so yes. I soften a large pinch of whole seeds under my tongue for a bit, then give them a light chew before transferring to quidding in my cheek. Method developed out of sheer laziness, only if I chew too much does the flavour get a bit intense.

Best to check for grit before chewing seeds!
How many should I chew as a first timer before vaping dmt ?? 1g ?? less or more ?
How many should I chew as a first timer before vaping dmt ?? 1g ?? less or more ?
Well, @psychonuaghty mentioned using 0.4g which I think is a good guideline for "a large pinch". That's about the amount that fits between my thumb and first two fingers, but many people have bigger fingers than me! This kind of natural measure in this instance appears to work quite well in establishing a sensible upper limit to the dose size.

When it comes to harmalas, many including myself have found it useful to accustom ourselves to them by starting with a tiny dose and slowly working up to an optimal level. I'm not alone in having tried this with daily harmala brews over the course of a month, along with having spent several preceding months of less frequent use as a more general familiarisation process.

My earliest forays were years before, with very occasional attempts at simply learning to stomach the rather unpalatable seeds. Brews of raw rue seed have a distinct odour of wet dog, if you ask me - but quidded seeds are almost chocolatey to me now, just as long as I don't chew them too much!
My earliest forays were years before, with very occasional attempts at simply learning to stomach the rather unpalatable seeds. Brews of raw rue seed have a distinct odour of wet dog, if you ask me - but quidded seeds are almost chocolatey to me now, just as long as I don't chew them too much!
Eating seeds is a no no. Quidding or sublingual with seeds seems a good compromise although the bitterness will come out if you chew them which would be necessary to release more of the harmalas and they still then need to be held in cheek for 20 mins after that.

Drinking the tea with actual hot chocolate, oatmilk or with any flavoured soft drink is not too much noticeable, as well as still being the means of ingesting harmalas with strongest effect.
Just wondering, what specifically makes you say this?
Lots of reports of people having adverse reactions and severe nausea from consuming large amounts of the seeds which is unnecessary and doesnt happen if you just boil into a tea. This should be qualified though that obviously it depends on how much you consume. My perspective is that you need to consume about 2-3g of the seeds made into a tea for strong psychoactive effects which is not advisable to eat that amount I dont think.

However if significant psychoactuve effects are being achieved through chewing and sublingual/quidding smaller amounts like 0.4 grams then perhaps eating this amount wouldnt be too bad as an addition.
Do you usually eat the seeds after quidding?
Lots of reports of people having adverse reactions and severe nausea from consuming large amounts of the seeds which is unnecessary and doesnt happen if you just boil into a tea. This should be qualified though that obviously it depends on how much you consume. My perspective is that you need to consume about 2-3g of the seeds made into a tea for strong psychoactive effects which is not advisable to eat that amount I dont think.

However if significant psychoactuve effects are being achieved through chewing and sublingual/quidding smaller amounts like 0.4 grams then perhaps eating this amount wouldnt be too bad as an addition.
Do you usually eat the seeds after quidding?
Thanks - I can confirm that eating amounts of 0.5g or less appears to have had no noticeable adverse effect so far - but I might revert to spitting the seeds out just to be on the safe side! A caveat would be that I'd struggle to separate any adverse effect from a couple of other obviously suboptimal things I do, namely staying up way too late and overuse of a mobile device. This is the price I pay for helping to look after this place!

My sweet spot for strong effects with tea made from good seeds was 2.8g, found after a month of fine-tuning experiments. This corresponds to 40mg/kg.
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