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Pretty sure once you have done it you wont go back to just freebase, at least not very often. It would be interesting to hear your comparisons once you have done it a few times.
Even if making changa, drinking the Rue tea first is what really extends it in duration and potentiates it. I usually take it with a soft drink.
It also makes the entire experience seem much more 'serious' which may not always be what you want but seems right, this is not something to be played with.
Cool, that makes it even more exciting! Increasing the duration and making it more potent definitely sounds like It will be something for my expierence journal! I also understand that its not something to be played with, I never go about using DMT or any psychedelics without having good intentions, and the utmost respect, I also always ask if its ok to come back, and say thank you.. It may sound a like a little much for some, but I never use psychedelics for recreation, and I haven't ever since I was warned by the voice In my head or from an entity in hyper space when I first was experimenting with DMT about 12 years ago. So trust me when I say, I totally understand, that this is not something to be played with! Looking forward to sharing with you! Enjoy your weekend!
I too am curious how you'll like it, please report back, RUN.

I also ask to please be welcomed before taking a hit of changa. The "Thank you" afterwards comes basically automatically.

You'll see the combination with rue tea is also much more economically when it comes to the amount of spice needed. So in case you usually use 30mg to get where you like to go, it might only take half as much so achieve a similar intensity.
One thing people might also try, is making some DMT-enhanced leaf or Changa, and smoke it an hour or two into the Rue, but "sip" on the DMT, so basically smoke a little bit, once the come up starts put the pipe down for a couple minutes to let the DMT fully come up, and then continue to smoke on the DMT, from there it's as smooth and gentle as can be yet still just as powerful and immersive and you can work your way into things very easily, it's extremely user-friendly ime.
Rue is a vasodilator, so yet another sign that harmalas and DMT are supposed to be done together.

I too partake of the drinking the Rue tea and then smoking Changa as my preferred ROA.

This is a sacred and holy combo with a long history.

I was amazed that it seems to not be so common, probably because many people think that DMT is 'the drug' and harmalas are just for facilitating ingestion but it's the combination that really allows for much more that you can get from it.
WOuld please refer me to a method how to make change and how to take it with rue tea ? how to make the rue tea ?

thank you
WOuld please refer me to a method how to make change and how to take it with rue tea ? how to make the rue tea ?

thank you
Rue tea is easy to make.
Get some rue seeds, about 3g = 1 dose, and what you can pinch between your thumb and two fingers is roughly a gram. Then grind up say 30 grams (10 doses) with a pestle and mortar (or coffee grinder) until some of it is powdered, though much of the seeds will still be intact which is fine.

Boil the seeds in water, and you will get a yellow/brown liquid. Strain the seeds and remove the liquid then repeat two more boils, each about 15-20 mins. Then discard the seed sediments.

You then have enough rue tea for 10 doses and can let it cool and keep in the fridge.

Drink it about an hour before smoking or vaping your DMT/Changa. I recommend getting a special goblet or chalice for drinking your rue tea to recognize the significance of it.

For making the Changa itself theres plenty of techs on the Changa forum. However bear in mind that Changa is putting the DMT into a leaf, so this is smoked not vaped. I usually smoke changa with a bong.

If you want to vape changa you have to make 'Changa hash' which is made by making some rue tea but then boiling it down until it becomes a sticky resin, which you can then mix freebase in with it. This DMT-Rue Hash can be vaped rather than smoked. There is a thread on it here although its a relatively new method so reports are gathering still but the resin vapes whereas leaf generally doesn't.

Alternatively just vape freebase after drinking the tea.
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One thing people might also try, is making some DMT-enhanced leaf or Changa, and smoke it an hour or two into the Rue, but "sip" on the DMT, so basically smoke a little bit, once the come up starts put the pipe down for a couple minutes to let the DMT fully come up, and then continue to smoke on the DMT, from there it's as smooth and gentle as can be yet still just as powerful and immersive and you can work your way into things very easily, it's extremely user-friendly ime.
I have access
Rue tea is easy to make.
Get some rue seeds, about 3g = 1 dose, and what you can pinch between your thumb and two fingers is roughly a gram. Then grind up say 30 grams (10 doses) with a pestle and mortar (or coffee grinder) until some of it is powdered, though much of the seeds will still be intact which is fine.

Boil the seeds in water, and you will get a yellow/brown liquid. Strain the seeds and remove the liquid then repeat two more boils, each about 15-20 mins. Then discard the seed sediments.

You then have enough rue tea for 10 doses and can let it cool and keep in the fridge.

Drink it about an hour before smoking or vaping your DMT/Changa. I recommend getting a special goblet or chalice for drinking your rue tea to recognize the significance of it.

For making the Changa itself theres plenty of techs on the Changa forum. However bear in mind that Changa is putting the DMT into a leaf, so this is smoked not vaped. I usually smoke changa with a bong.

If you want to vape changa you have to make 'Changa hash' which is made by making some rue tea but then boiling it down until it becomes a sticky resin, which you can then mix freebase in with it. This DMT-Rue Hash can be vaped rather than smoked. There is a thread on it here although its a relatively new method so reports are gathering still but the resin vapes whereas leaf generally doesn't.

Thank you for the detailed info ..... I have access to the following:

1. Whole seeds | Syrian rue | Esfand
2. Freebase | Esfand | Harmine | Harmaline | Pure Alkaloids (Full Spectrum 96% contains 50.5% harmine and 45.2% harmaline).
3. 10x/10:1 Peganum harmala extract contains 0.68 % alkaloids.

Would you say that the whole seeds are the best option ?
If its the tea you are looking to make then yes, whole seeds are the best option.
Same for the hash.

Extract is good if you want to make leaf changa.

I dont see why you couldn't make a tea with alkaloids also, although I've not done it. An advantage of seeds though is they keep pretty much indefinitely whereas I dont know about the harmala freebase alkaloids.
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If its the tea you are looking to make then yes, whole seeds are the best option.
Same for the hash.

Extract is good if you want to make leaf changa.

I dont see why you couldn't make a tea with alkaloids also, although I've not done it. An advantage of seeds though is they keep pretty much indefinitely whereas I dont know about the harmala freebase alkaloids.
SO basically if I am going to use tea from syrian rue seeds there is no need to add extract to the smoked change right ?
SO basically if I am going to use tea from syrian rue seeds there is no need to add extract to the smoked change right ?
If you drink the rue tea it will be fine if you just smoke DMT infused herbs (enhanced leaf). You wouldn't necessarily need to add harmalas to the mix you intend to smoke.

If you have access to seeds and freebase harmalas you could get both and experiment. You could also just get the seeds and perform your own extraction as that's a very rewarding and fun thing to do.
If you drink the rue tea it will be fine if you just smoke DMT infused herbs (enhanced leaf). You wouldn't necessarily need to add harmalas to the mix you intend to smoke.

If you have access to seeds and freebase harmalas you could get both and experiment. You could also just get the seeds and perform your own extraction as that's a very rewarding and fun thing to do.
please can you refer me to a simple method to do the (enhanced leaf) ???? how does the syrian rue seeds tea taste like ??? is it bearable ??
SO basically if I am going to use tea from syrian rue seeds there is no need to add extract to the smoked change right ?
Yes that is correct. Drinking the harmala tea is the way to go and there is no need to smoke additional harmalas after that although you can if you want but it will be plenty powerful enough just from drinking it first.

how does the syrian rue seeds tea taste like ??? is it bearable ??
The tea tastes unpleasant, but if you reduce it down then mix with a soft drink its not particularly bad at all. You can also try it with a hot chocolate and honey.
Yes that is correct. Drinking the harmala tea is the way to go and there is no need to smoke additional harmalas after that although you can if you want but it will be plenty powerful enough just from drinking it first.

The tea tastes unpleasant, but if you reduce it down then mix with a soft drink its not particularly bad at all. You can also try it with a hot chocolate and honey.
would you say there is any difference in effect and experience smoking changa infused with harmala vs drinking hamra tea then smoking dmt infused herbs
would you say there is any difference in effect and experience smoking changa infused with harmala vs drinking hamra tea then smoking dmt infused herbs
Yes, a very big difference.

Drinking the harmala tea then smoking DMT infused leaf is generally way more intense and powerful an experience than just trying to smoke harmalas and DMT together (ie Changa) in my experience.

As well as going deeper, the duration is also longer. Changa is typically a 15-20 minute experience (although it can occasionally be longer) whereas drinking harmalas + smoking usually lasts in the region of 30-40 mins and sometimes even longer. Use a bong for smoking the leaf for best effects, as the water smoothes the smoke out enabling you to hold it in longer than using a pipe.

You will also be suprised, as has been mentioned, how little DMT is needed when you drink harmalas first.
Yes, a big difference.

Drinking the harmala tea then smoking DMT infused leaf is generally way more intense and powerful an experience than just trying to smoke harmalas and DMT together (ie Changa) in my experience.

As well as going deeper, the duration is also longer. Changa is typically a 15-20 minute experience (although it can occasionally be longer) whereas drinking harmalas + smoking usually last in the region of 30-40 mins and sometimes even longer. Use a bong for smoking the leaf for best effects, as the water smoothes the smoke out enabling you to hold it in longer than using a pipe.
Great ..... thank you tons. This puts things in perspective for me... i guess will start with changa then try the tea. Last time i did dmt was 12 years ago and ayahuasca 10 years ago
I have expierence with a lot of DMT freebase experiences, but within the next couple weeks I will be trying the Rue tea, and I am excited to see what the difference in what I gain from these methods.
I also will be making changa after I get the proper herbs that I need for the creation and I will be experimenting with that to see what method of consumption I prefer. Heres to safe travels!
Just be sure you have checked the harmala interactions warning, especially if you are using any kind of medication. It's not just the RIMA (reversible MAOI) effect, but also some metabolic interactions that can cause certain drugs to become more or less effective. [mental note here to draft a proper summary of that for inclusion in the forum]
Just be sure you have checked the harmala interactions warning, especially if you are using any kind of medication. It's not just the RIMA (reversible MAOI) effect, but also some metabolic interactions that can cause certain drugs to become more or less effective. [mental note here to draft a proper summary of that for inclusion in the forum]
yes .... I do not take any medications .... and i wont be eating cheese that day hehehe
Is that really necessary? Rue is not toxic. I really am not sure where some people keep getting this idea from, the only thing i've ever heard about Rue being "toxic" is that it contains Vasicine and Vasicinone which simply shouldn't be consumed by pregnant women because of their potential to induce abortion, though i'd argue that, even if safe, pregnant women likely probably shouldn't be consuming Harmalas in any form, whether Rue, Caapi, or extracts, even though some reportedly have with Caapi.

But no, Rue is not toxic, i would know, i've been dosing it on the daily/near daily for 12 straight years now, usually taking 3 to 4 grams of Rue nightly and let the Harmala reverse tolerance build up and get stronger and stronger and then all the side-effects go away and it cleans up and feels pretty much as clean as any pharmaceutical anti-depressant. You can also counteract it's GABA-A inverse agonism by mixing in a GABAergic like Lemon Balm tea for example to clean up the bodyload until the side-effects go away. Aside from that, it is a more forceful purgative than Caapi due to the higher Harmaline content in Rue, however, the purgative effect too goes away with regular consumption.

Also, you can adjust the Harmine to Harmaline ratio in Rue, either by adding pure Harmine (or alternatively Caapi) to the Rue, or by doing a light roast Rue (not a medium or dark roast) which will break down the Harmaline content while maintaining the Harmine content and use that instead of the raw Rue, so that you can build up Harmine's reverse tolerance some, you can even take just pure Harmine itself for awhile, same thing, and then after Harmine's reverse tolerance is built up a good bit you can switch to using raw Rue and from then on Harmine is the dominant Harmala in the Rue while Harmaline is either secondary or off in the background, depending on Rue dosage. So like for example, what i did was take light roast Rue at 2.5 grams for a good while, and then switched over to using raw Rue, and ever since Harmine has been far ahead in the lead with Harmaline behind it, it feels a lot better that way, and also cleans it up nicely. I recommend it.

Also i personally have never found THH to be necessary. Can it contribute? most certainly. Is it a requirement/necessity for Ayahuasca? no, as Harmine and Harmaline work just fine.

Also you don't lose the magick with this stuff, at least orally, i took it daily/near daily for 4 years straight. And as far as smoked Changa/DMT goes, ime so long as Harmalas are involved, i've never developed any tolerance to DMT, smoked or orally, sure you get used to it to some degree, but the magick never goes away, not by a long shot lol.

Edit - Also, Rue definitely isn't garbage, it's just as capable of what Caapi is capable of, to me Caapi and Rue are both the same medicine, just different flavors. I've mainly used Rue for most of my experimentation, and it's been the best ally and teacher and guide and medicine that i could've ever asked for, and it's potent, and cheap, which certainly doesn't reflect in it's quality because it's of very fine quality, you just have to know how best to work with it. And just like with Caapi, you can also add an extremely wide variety of different admixture plants to the Rue, in order to alter it to various degrees, or to clean up how it feels, or to add other benefits, etc. I see absolutely no reason to use Caapi when i have Rue, and honestly people who act like Caapi is "all that" and that Rue is in any way inferior, they clearly don't understand this medicine at all and should go back to school, imo.
I have access to the following:
  • The 98% HCL harmine and Freebase harmine extracts contain harmine only.
  • The 98% harmaline Freebase extract contains harmaline only.
  • Full Spectrum 96% contains 50.5% harmine and 45.2% harmaline.
For making changa which is the best one to use please ??
I have access to the following:
  • The 98% HCL harmine and Freebase harmine extracts contain harmine only.
  • The 98% harmaline Freebase extract contains harmaline only.
  • Full Spectrum 96% contains 50.5% harmine and 45.2% harmaline.
For making changa which is the best one to use please ??
Personally i like/prefer full spectrum, but i use actual homemade full spectrum which includes both Harmine and Harmaline but also some background compounds, which i find feels best. With that said though, it'll all work, but i recommend full spectrum (Harmine and Harmaline). But some folks don't like Harmaline, i however love it and work with Rue the most, i think you'll get by just fine with the full spectrum.
yes .... I do not take any medications .... and i wont be eating cheese that day hehehe
I was responding to RUN860, who mentioned they were in recovery and this may come with associated regimes of medication.

I (like Sabnock, iirc) have eaten cheese on harmala days - well, I microdose harmalas on an ongoing basis - without noticing adverse effects. I'm still sensible enough to avoid eating ripe blue cheese too close to a dosing point, and will happily skip a dose on rare occasions of indulgence.
I too am not too worried about my diet when it's a rue tea day. Others might react differently though. I try not to eat anything from about two hours before I drink the tea.

Today I brewed another tea which I just took the last sip of. I decided to go for 4 gram instead of my usual 3,5 just to see if there's a big difference.
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