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Thanks - I can confirm that eating amounts of 0.5g or less appears to have had no noticeable adverse effect so far - but I might revert to spitting the seeds out just to be on the safe side! A caveat would be that I'd struggle to separate any adverse effect from a couple of other obviously suboptimal things I do, namely staying up way too late and overuse of a mobile device. This is the price I pay for helping to look after this place!

My sweet spot for strong effects with tea made from good seeds was 2.8g, found after a month of fine-tuning experiments. This corresponds to 40mg/kg.
If you have no adverse effects from eating less than 0.5 grams then I don’t see any reason to change your routine to eat them after chewing and quidding, since you will get some additional effects from ingestion and Rue in general has a host of beneficial health properties, it's just that the seeds themselves do contain some toxins I believe so its about the quantity you consume.

I was speaking in reference to the larger psychoactive doses for tripping, since I regularly chew and hold sublingually for a few mins then eat about 5 seeds nightly, based on @starway7 observation in an old thread about using it as a dream facilitator or oneirogen which is very effective. This miniscule amount of seeds is enough to provoke strong dreams and also cleans teeth and mouth hygiene due to the Rue's medical properties.
If you have no adverse effects from eating less than 0.5 grams then I don’t see any reason to change your routine to eat them after chewing and quidding, since you will get some additional effects from ingestion and Rue in general has a host of beneficial health properties, it's just that the seeds themselves do contain some toxins I believe so its about the quantity you consume.

I was speaking in reference to the larger psychoactive doses for tripping, since I regularly chew and hold sublingually for a few mins then eat about 5 seeds nightly, based on @starway7 observation in an old thread about using it as a dream facilitator or oneirogen which is very effective. This miniscule amount of seeds is enough to provoke strong dreams and also cleans teeth and mouth hygiene due to the Rue's medical properties.
That's the exact rationale I've been following, and in balance the benefit to my current spiritual practice (such as it may be) is the overwhelming factor influencing the continuation of my working with this intriguing plant ally.

As far as minuscule amounts go, and props to @dithyramb for pointing this one out, the β-carboline plant sea buckthorn has its best effects at the tiniest doses too.
Well, @psychonuaghty mentioned using 0.4g which I think is a good guideline for "a large pinch". That's about the amount that fits between my thumb and first two fingers, but many people have bigger fingers than me! This kind of natural measure in this instance appears to work quite well in establishing a sensible upper limit to the dose size.

When it comes to harmalas, many including myself have found it useful to accustom ourselves to them by starting with a tiny dose and slowly working up to an optimal level. I'm not alone in having tried this with daily harmala brews over the course of a month, along with having spent several preceding months of less frequent use as a more general familiarisation process.

My earliest forays were years before, with very occasional attempts at simply learning to stomach the rather unpalatable seeds. Brews of raw rue seed have a distinct odour of wet dog, if you ask me - but quidded seeds are almost chocolatey to me now, just as long as I don't chew them too much!
I tried the 0.4 grinding the seeds very well then putting them under my tongue for 25min, no swallowing of saliva at all then spitting the whole thing out, the effects were very mild relaxation and slept deeply .... the second day same thing but this time I vaped a very small amount of DMT just before sleeping I was in the waiting room for a much longer period I felt some nausea but there were some energies working on my heart space and the time was longer and I fell asleep ... I want to experiment doing this today during the day and NOT before going to sleep.

I was wondering can I also do the same thing with extracted Freebase harmalas ?? what would be the amount ?? maybe 0.1?? i think with freebase they will dissolve fully under my tongue
Eating seeds is a no no. Quidding or sublingual with seeds seems a good compromise although the bitterness will come out if you chew them which would be necessary to release more of the harmalas and they still then need to be held in cheek for 20 mins after that.

Drinking the tea with actual hot chocolate, oatmilk or with any flavoured soft drink is not too much noticeable, as well as still being the means of ingesting harmalas with strongest effect.
for the tea I just want to double check please ... lets say I am going to prepare only 2.5 grams so I grind the seeds then boil them for 15 min on low heat then drain the water and put aside and repeat the boiling for 2 times more each 15 min with fresh water and add all the water together and drink ?
for the tea I just want to double check please ... lets say I am going to prepare only 2.5 grams so I grind the seeds then boil them for 15 min on low heat then drain the water and put aside and repeat the boiling for 2 times more each 15 min with fresh water and add all the water together and drink ?
It depends on your way of looking at it, but your outlined method is a good enough place to start. In the long run it may pan out that you value minimising preparation time - and the associated cost of heating water - over what has been, up to this point, the low price of the seeds. Having worked on fine-tuning dosage for weeks on end, I got somewhat tired of waiting for the brews (and also the cloudiness of ground seed brews in particular) and resorted to one short boil on a larger amount of seeds (~3.5g or more). The half-spent seeds from three single boils can be saved up and boiled again - but they must be either dried out rapidly or chilled (preferably frozen) in order to prevent mould. This especially applies during warm weather!

As another variant, between whole seeds and more or less finely ground, we have crushed or rolled seeds, of which several Nexians report
successful results.

Above all, play with the process - it helps to develop your powers of thought and reasoning.

I tried the 0.4 grinding the seeds very well then putting them under my tongue for 25min, no swallowing of saliva at all then spitting the whole thing out, the effects were very mild relaxation and slept deeply .... the second day same thing but this time I vaped a very small amount of DMT just before sleeping I was in the waiting room for a much longer period I felt some nausea but there were some energies working on my heart space and the time was longer and I fell asleep ... I want to experiment doing this today during the day and NOT before going to sleep.

I was wondering can I also do the same thing with extracted Freebase harmalas ?? what would be the amount ?? maybe 0.1?? i think with freebase they will dissolve fully under my tongue
For sublingual harmalas you can use a far smaller amount - 30mg is the usual ballpark figure. This is because harmalas have a much higher availability sublingually but the smaller amount also means the effects do not last as long as a larger, oral dose.

Looking at the arithmetic, 7% of 400mg equates to 28mg based on the optimum alkaloid content for the suggested amount of seeds, rounded for convenience.
for the tea I just want to double check please ... lets say I am going to prepare only 2.5 grams so I grind the seeds then boil them for 15 min on low heat then drain the water and put aside and repeat the boiling for 2 times more each 15 min with fresh water and add all the water together and drink ?
Yes this is the correct method but as has been mentioned you may as well ground down and boil a larger amount of seeds at once. Usually I do about 30g so enough for 10 doses of a 3g tea each time, then reduce it down and save the remaining for future doses by putting it in the fridge.

It doesnt keep indefinitely but I would say it will be fine in the fridge for a good 2-3 months or so, I have had no issues with it. This can perhaps be tested more precisly to see how long refrigerated rue tea keeps before the mould forms, but remember that is has natural anti-fungal and anti-viral effects which likely inhibits this for some time also.

Also there is no need to waste it, if you dont feel like using it all for smoked Somahuasca sessions, plenty of people drink rue tea for health reasons anyway and mental clarity.
I tried the 0.4 grinding the seeds very well then putting them under my tongue for 25min, no swallowing of saliva at all then spitting the whole thing out, the effects were very mild relaxation and slept deeply .... the second day same thing but this time I vaped a very small amount of DMT just before sleeping I was in the waiting room for a much longer period I felt some nausea but there were some energies working on my heart space and the time was longer and I fell asleep ... I want to experiment doing this today during the day and NOT before going to sleep.
I want to also emphasize, the effects are not the same as straight freebase DMT. They are qualitatively different in combination and as such, terms like 'breakthrough' etc may not always be appropriate. I think that it's worth treating this as something separate in its own right.

My peak experiences thus far with this, and I really dont like to use 'religious' type terminology but it was less about 'breakthroughs' and elves or jesters- and more about realizing our true destiny; which is that ultimately when all is said and done and our work here and in however many future lives is completed, We Will Be One with Forever, One with the Eternal Glory of God.

This combo has shown me this without any possibility of the shadow of doubt that it can be otherwise.

I fully resonate with why traditionally the DMT is considered The Light and the Harmalas are The Force.
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